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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Oh man, may have to renew KT's pass as there are quite a few acts there that she really likes!


I renew mine every year, and I opt for the Premier Pass with free valet parking. It's worth the extra $100 or so to skip the mobs of people now doing the security checkpoint. Plus it includes a free HHN ticket. Totally worth it!

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^Yeah, that's what I figured.


Last concert I saw at a park was the B-52s at BGW, and that was a few years ago. Well, I did catch a wee bit of Big Bad Voodoo Daddy the last time I was at Epcot.

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Oh man, may have to renew KT's pass as there are quite a few acts there that she really likes!


Is she really into Kool & the Gang?





That is too funny!


And I admit that I am one of the people that doesn't know who most of these musicians are (but I DO know Kool & The Gang). I know five for sure and have heard of three...the rest, I have no clue who they are.

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So, does anyone want to take any bets on how many quick Microsoft Paint photo comparisons we'll see of old Hulk vs New Hulk throughout the coming months? Anyone? Place yer bets!

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So, does anyone want to take any bets on how many quick Microsoft Paint photo comparisons we'll see of old Hulk vs New Hulk throughout the coming months? Anyone? Place yer bets!

I'll take that action!

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Yep! This support confirms it!! This will officially be the worlds first RMC T-Rex coaster!! They are just hiding the RMC track inside the B&M track to try and confuse people!!


(Obviously I am kidding)


I am super excited to see this coaster develop, and see what (if any) changes get made to the layout. . . I still can't figure out why Universal is being so ... "Quiet" with this project.


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I'm really thinking they are staying quiet because it legitimately is exactly the same ride being out in, only adding some new special effects and a better launch system...

Same. I'm firmly in the "this is really no big deal" camp.

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I'm really thinking they are staying quiet because it legitimately is exactly the same ride being out in, only adding some new special effects and a better launch system...

Same. I'm firmly in the "this is really no big deal" camp.


I would also bet/hope on new restraints. Either Lap Bars (Probably not) or Soft Padding like on Banshee/Valravn/Wing Coasters

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I would also bet/hope on new restraints. Either Lap Bars (Probably not) or Soft Padding like on Banshee/Valravn/Wing Coasters

Unless they widen the clearances, I don't see that happening, considering that the new seating arrangement is slightly wider than the old one (Right?). They're still producing the old-style trains if I'm not mistaken, they just stuck new customized floorless ones on Rougarou.

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Out of curiosity, this would be the first modern steel coaster (post 2000, though Hulk was technically opened in 1999) that has had a full track refurbishment? Has that happened besides coasters that have been relocated (Apocalypse, Thunderhawk, etc.)?


I fall on the cautionary side that Universal make enough addition/enhancement to find some way to market it. This looks to be far more than a Disney's Space Mountain changes back in 2009 (costly but not enough of a ride experience change on a scale that Disney would market).

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Is Hulk confirmed to have an identical layout to the original? Or might it be reworked a bit? The first half is gold, but after the 2nd vertical loop, it really becomes bland, IMO.


The part I don't get about the Hulk-second half complaints is (1) the ride is 3/4 finished my the block brake and (2) what B&M sit-down/floorless has an inspired post-block break/second half anyway? Maybe a case could be made for Kumba/Kraken b/c of the tunnel, but Is there much you could actually expect done besides a standard 1-2 corkscrews and some helices?

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