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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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It's gonna be interesting to see how this unfolds! I can see them reusing a lot of the slides if they are going with a more traditional style highly themed water park.


I can also see a scenario of them doing something really unique with the new park theming wise like Blizzard Beach, which requires all new custom made slides, and selling the wet'n'wild slides.


In the concept art you could see a part of what looked like a watercoaster coming from the volcano. So I think it would work out the best for them if they relocate and re-theme some of the most popular slides, incorporate them with all new slides (like a water coaster) and then give the rest of them away.

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I'm sure Schlitterbahn wouldn't mind picking up a few more slides like they've done from Wet-N-Wild in the past. That time frame would give them enough time to ramp down the operation, move what they need to, transfer and re-train the staff.


Which leaves the question, what do they do with a semi-prime piece of land. Resort, condos, tourist traps?


Is it just me, or could we possibly be looking at Universal's third gate? Maybe that Nintendo Theme Park since they bought rights? Guess we'll see.


I am certianly not the target market for Nintendo, don't get me wrong I've played plenty of their games and know most of the franchises, but is there enough demand in America for a stand alone Nintendo Park? I think it will work great as a section of an existing park but not sure how well it would go over as a stand alone property. In Japan it's different story, but in America not sure how that would work. (agian I may be way off here).


I agree--I think that Nintendo will work well as part of an existing park, and a major Nintendo-themed major attraction would do well. Not sure it would "sell" as a standalone park in the U.S.


Then again, I wouldn't be such a park's primary audience.

When does the Marvel license for IoA expire? There's not much of a chance of it being renewed, is there? They could turn that into a Nintendo themed area, though I don't know what you would do with Hulk.

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I don't know what you would do with Hulk.

Bowser or a star power theme. Plenty of options...

Yeah, but all of Universal's attractions are based around a complete story, save for like...Rip Ride Rocket and maybe Storm Force Accelatron - probably one or two more that I'm forgetting.


The Wizarding World has really set the bar high in terms of detail, storytelling and immersion. Simply slapping a new "theme" on the existing Marvel Super Hero Island attractions just won't cut it, at least in my opinion.

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When does the Marvel license for IoA expire? There's not much of a chance of it being renewed, is there? They could turn that into a Nintendo themed area, though I don't know what you would do with Hulk.


It expires never. Everything I've heard targets Nintendo for a massive overhaul of the current Kidzone and everything there disappearing into the cold, dark night.

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I've thought a bit about the Nintendo deal, and I think most are forgetting one great location: Toon Lagoon.

Most kids aren't familiar with the characters, unless Popeye makes a comeback, and moving Nintendo Land here would allow Universal to keep E.T. and Marvel.

Also, you could easily re-theme the rides:

•Bilge-Rat Barges --> Donkey Kong Rafts or Mario River.

•Ripsaw Falls --> Mario River (again)

There's also one thing that everybody's forgetting about: that big stadium behind the land that Universal's even forgot. Use that for Nintedo shows- The Legend of Zelda Stunt show! Smash Bros. LIVE! etc.

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I've thought a bit about the Nintendo deal, and I think most are forgetting one great location: Toon Lagoon.

Most kids aren't familiar with the characters, unless Popeye makes a comeback, and moving Nintendo Land here would allow Universal to keep E.T. and Marvel.

Also, you could easily re-theme the rides:

•Bilge-Rat Barges --> Donkey Kong Rafts or Mario River.

•Ripsaw Falls --> Mario River (again)

There's also one thing that everybody's forgetting about: that big stadium behind the land that Universal's even forgot. Use that for Nintedo shows- The Legend of Zelda Stunt show! Smash Bros. LIVE! etc.


I would also hope that they would make a new Pokemon themed ride then that area could be more than water rides, I just don't know how you make a pokemon ride?

Plus, I don't know about Donkey Kong being right across from King Kong...

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Seems like the Kidzone at the Studios might be the most logical place to expand the Nintendo brand. That's a fairly large area with some aging IP's, Fivel, Barney, Curious George, seems like Nintendo would be much more profitable than the current occupants.


Also, I wonder if ET's days might be numbered? That's a huge sound stage that could be re-purposed into whatever. They could probably somehow re-use the ride system and create a really cool dark ride or gut it for something new. Isn't ET in Orlando that last ET ride left out there?

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I've thought a bit about the Nintendo deal, and I think most are forgetting one great location: Toon Lagoon.

Most kids aren't familiar with the characters, unless Popeye makes a comeback, and moving Nintendo Land here would allow Universal to keep E.T. and Marvel.

Also, you could easily re-theme the rides:

•Bilge-Rat Barges --> Donkey Kong Rafts or Mario River.

•Ripsaw Falls --> Mario River (again)

There's also one thing that everybody's forgetting about: that big stadium behind the land that Universal's even forgot. Use that for Nintedo shows- The Legend of Zelda Stunt show! Smash Bros. LIVE! etc.


I would also hope that they would make a new Pokemon themed ride then that area could be more than water rides, I just don't know how you make a pokemon ride?

Plus, I don't know about Donkey Kong being right across from King Kong...

A Pokémon ride is easy. All manner of flat rides could have cars designed in the shape of a Pokémon, or even several different ones. Imagine a Dumbo ride with 16 different Pokémon. There are a lot of possibilities.

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I've thought a bit about the Nintendo deal, and I think most are forgetting one great location: Toon Lagoon.

Most kids aren't familiar with the characters, unless Popeye makes a comeback, and moving Nintendo Land here would allow Universal to keep E.T. and Marvel.

Also, you could easily re-theme the rides:

•Bilge-Rat Barges --> Donkey Kong Rafts or Mario River.

•Ripsaw Falls --> Mario River (again)

There's also one thing that everybody's forgetting about: that big stadium behind the land that Universal's even forgot. Use that for Nintedo shows- The Legend of Zelda Stunt show! Smash Bros. LIVE! etc.


I would also hope that they would make a new Pokemon themed ride then that area could be more than water rides, I just don't know how you make a pokemon ride?

Plus, I don't know about Donkey Kong being right across from King Kong...

A Pokémon ride is easy. All manner of flat rides could have cars designed in the shape of a Pokémon, or even several different ones. Imagine a Dumbo ride with 16 different Pokémon. There are a lot of possibilities.


A pokemon dumbo ride..... where have I seen that before: http://kotaku.com/the-real-pokemon-theme-park-a-look-back-1703831133

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Ok I'm just going to throw this out there and I highly don't think it would be done...but what if a ride like Toy Story Mania is built and each different screen would be a different Nintendo game theme. I mean it would have to be different for the games because you would "shoot" at the screen but it is just an idea.

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Just for the heck of it, let's list attraction ideas for each franchise:

• Mario: MarioKart simulator or walk-through Mushroom Kingdom. Maybe add a Luigi's Mansion Dark Ride. "Suit" Characters

• Pokemon: Maybe a few flat rides, like the Pokemon-Dumbo idea. Headliner could be a Pokemon dark ride where you fire pokeballs to capture animatronic Pokemon. If they want to add carnival games (for some reason) have plushies of different species for prizes. The queue for the ride resembles a hospital from the games. At random times, trainers will have battles at random locations in the land.

• Donkey Kong: See River Raft idea, or roller coaster themed after the mine cart levels. DK is a fur character. A DK restaurant could be themed around fruit/jungle dishes.

• Metroid: Metroid themed walk through/dark ride. Again, riders shoot monsters with Samus, kinda like MIB. Samus could do meets like the Transformers-someone tall in the suit, with a woman offstage providing the voice.

• Star Fox: Simulator or "flying" coaster, with the obligatory barrel roll. Fur characters

• Zelda: Walk through "maze" or play area themed after the temples. Vistiors can embark on scavenger hunts to find items from the games. All characters are "face"

• Kid Icarus: Flying coaster mixed with dark ride portions. All face characters, with twins playing the two Pits

• F-Zero: Launch coaster. Capt. Falcon is a face character (since I can only imagine him doing meets)


If a theater (or the Toon Lagoon stadium) is used, stunt shows based around Zelda, Metroid, Mario, Kid Icarus, and Pokemon can be rotated year-round. Smash Bros. can be a yearly "event" in the land, with unique fights staged in the theater and visitors buying character-themed merchandise to support each player.

Of course, reality's gonna be way less impressive, but whaddya think?

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I'm hoping for a mario kart go kart attraction where you can pick up "items" and shoot them at players. Something like the mini mushroom that makes your car go at half speed, or along those lines.

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I'm hoping for a mario kart go kart attraction where you can pick up "items" and shoot them at players. Something like the mini mushroom that makes your car go at half speed, or along those lines.


IDeA Entertainment would be happy to deliver (check the link) - if this was actually a real company and not me making stuffs for a personnal Facebook page.


And Universal doesn't take suggestion/ideas, for legal reasons.

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Mario and his Mushroom Kingdom hopping into theme parks



LOS ANGELES (AP) — For his next trick, Shigeru Miyamoto is working in reality, not virtual reality.


While the famed Japanese creator of "Mario Bros." and "Donkey Kong" spent most of his trip to last week's Electronic Entertainment Expo touting such upcoming Nintendo games as "Super Mario Maker" and "Star Fox Zero," Miyamoto was also enthusiastic about a totally different undertaking. He's helping to bring his digital creations to life in Universal theme parks.


"We've come to the point where the kids who grew up playing Nintendo games are now parents who have their own kids," said the veteran game designer during an interview translated by Bill Trinen, product marketing director at Nintendo of America. "I think for them it will be a tremendous experience."



Nintendo Co. announced plans last month for immersive experiences featuring the Japanese gaming giant's characters at Universal theme parks, but it didn't provide any details. Universal Parks & Resorts is owned by cable company Comcast Corp. and has properties in Los Angeles; Orlando, Fla.; Osaka, Japan; and Sentosa, Singapore.


Miyamoto suggested that plucky plumber Mario and his colorful Mushroom Kingdom would be hopping into Universal's parks, though he didn't elaborate on specific attractions. He noted Nintendo has been working closely with the theme park behemoth on the project.


"We have all the knowledge of who the Mario character is, what the Mario world is and how it's represented," said Miyamoto. "We have been in constant communication with (Universal) communicating our vision to them, and they're turning it into something that could exist within that park. It's really about that partnership."


Despite the forthcoming release of the sci-fi space combat game "Star Fox Zero" and the do-it-yourself platformer "Super Mario Maker" for Nintendo's Wii U console, the 62-year-old game designer has no immediate plans to retire — and his colleagues don't want him to, either.


"For me, because it's Mr. Miyamoto, I want him to continue making things as long as he wants to continue making things," said Shinya Takahashi, general manager of the software planning and development division at Kyoto, Japan-based Nintendo. "I really think that Mr. Miyamoto will continue to be creative — and not just in the area of video games."


Nintendo is celebrating the 30th anniversary of its groundbreaking platformer "Super Mario Bros." throughout the year, culminating with the Sept. 11 release of "Super Mario Maker." The new game allows users to construct and upload their own "Super Mario" levels.


The designers at Universal, which has in recent years achieved success with Harry Potter-themed areas in its parks, likely won't have it as easy as "Mario Maker" players.


"That's the challenge put forth to Universal Studios," said Miyamoto. "How do you take something digital and bring it into the real world in a way that people can experience it in real life? That's where we're working together."


AP Entertainment

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