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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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^It's not. The great nor easter at moreys scanned me with a hand held metal detector and had free lockers for your items last summer. This is the exact same thing.


People are going to HATE them though, i cannot see this going too smoothly with the amount of guests, the amount of guests who love their phones, and the extremely annoying queue videos and long lines of hrrr. I hope it works out though, will be safer and more efficient for everyone.

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Metal detectors just to get in line for a coaster? This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. I'm sure they'll be gone soon enough. People are going to be complaining to the park like crazy.


Maybe if parks had free secure lockers for guests right before boarding, this problem would go away. Guests want to have their phones while waiting for a ride and they don't want to leave them in an open loose article bin. I always wear cargo shorts to parks so I can just put my phone in a secure pocket.


Disclaimer: I'm not trying to defend those that hold them on rides, those people are giant idiots, but asking guests to hand over their stuff before they even get in line for a ride is dumb. If people stopped being such idiots, this issue would go away.

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I thought it was bad last year when there were ride attendants at 3 different points during the line telling people to empty their pockets. I understand that common sense is a rarity these days. but still this is just getting absolutely ridicilous! I guess people will have to remove their wristwatches before riding as well....

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Metal detectors just to get in line for a coaster? This is one of the dumbest things I've ever seen. I'm sure they'll be gone soon enough. People are going to be complaining to the park like crazy.


Maybe if parks had free secure fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo for guests right before boarding, this problem would go away. Guests want to have their phones while waiting for a ride and they don't want to leave them in an open loose article bin. I always wear cargo shorts to parks so I can just put my phone in a secure pocket.


Disclaimer: I'm not trying to defend those that hold them on rides, those people are giant idiots, but asking guests to hand over their stuff before they even get in line for a ride is dumb. If people stopped being such idiots, this issue would go away.


Universal provides free lockers in front of all attractions that require them however most people aren't going to put their phones, keys, loose change etc without being told so. Not saying I agree with this new policy however having been on HRRR myself many times I can see people losing loads of loose articles climbing that lift. But calling out the park for not having free lockers is a bit uncalled if you haven't been there.

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People are going to HATE them though, i cannot see this going too smoothly with the amount of guests, the amount of guests who love their phones, and the extremely annoying queue videos and long lines of hrrr. I hope it works out though, will be safer and more efficient for everyone.


I agree. Guests will not be happy.

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This is really annoying. Last time I was at Universal was in February and when I went to Hollywood Rip Ride Rockit, it wasn't just people telling you to put everything away in a locker...it was the consistent YELLING that drove me insane. The ride attendants were all extremely rude! My next day at Hulk had the same exact issue! This is extremely annoying. Ya they opened up Diagon Alley and lots of great additions lately...but I do miss those days when Dueling Dragons were DUELING and getting into the queue of a ride was EASY.

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^Hmm--logical . . .


Nah, probably just crazy talk.


Apparently the experiment is over already .


I've been told to expect them back tomorrow morning from the same individual who told me this was happening today.

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There must have been a serious incident regarding loose articles on those 2 rides (guest got struck by an object, someone got hit from a falling hat ect...). Either that or too many guests were complaining that they lost their cell phone on HRR, what did you expect! It has a 90 Degree lift and insane turns!! I was there last Saturday, they were forcing everyone to use lockers but no metal detectors, IMO thats a bit much.. but something serious must have happened if they are going through this length to prevent lose articles.

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The rage that filled within me last night after reading about this experiment. Where do I start?


As park employee I would want someone to pull me aside and kick me repeatedly if I ever proposed something like this. Almost all Ride Operators do the best they can to make sure that guests comply with loose article policies. If they see a guest with a prohibited loose article, they make sure the guest puts it in a bin/locker or secures it properly based on what the item is. Going great lengths to search guests for loose articles is simply invasive and creates the environment of what I call a "police state." Actually, I have disciplined Ride Operators for poor guest service because they have treated a guest with an assumption of guilt.


If you see prohibited loose articles as a Ride Operator, ask politely and ensure the item is taken care of appropriately. I get it the lockers are free at Universal, I get it that there are small chances that something could fall out of a pocket, but at some point you can't be literally searching people or basically expecting them to be having something they shouldn't. Most injuries that result from rides are related to pre-existing health conditions or dangerous actions such as standing, attempting to exit early, or extending hands/feet outside of the ride vehicle. Incredibly rare a loose article causes an injury, because parks have already done a great job enforcing policies as they have been for years (and yes I know there have been a couple isolated incidents).


If implemented, metal detectors at ride entrances are likely costing Universal excessively more than they are saving. Yes, Universal has the money to blow on stuff like this, but is this money going to the right project? In my opinion, heck no.

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Maybe they'll put metal detectors at dragon challenge and they'll actually duel again since people won't have any loose items, one could hope.


Well I remember them using the wands at the entrance of Universal Singapore's dueling coaster, but I don't remember seeing it for the mommy coaster. They made me use the lockers for both although they were free, I think you only had to pay for lockers where you wanted to store stuff for convenience or not getting wet, not necessity, like the jurassic park rapids. But then again it was the same at USJ for both roller-coasters although I didn't see any metal wands.

Edited by Garet
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Wait, fluffy bunnies are free at Universal Orlando? Why would anyone take their loose articles onto the ride in the first place then? Metal detectors at ride entrances just seem a bit ridiculous and counter productive to me.


Call me addicted to technology but I like having my phone on me for queue entertainment. Yes I should talk to friends, and yes I do. But in today's world we have integrated both. Going on a limb here, but if people feel like they are waiting longer because they don't have some of their luxuries, they will have a worse time at the park which results in less spending, repeat visits, etc..


They aren't just being overprotective to safety, but they are dancing with possibly tainting a good experience while visiting the park.

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I would think having metal detectors outside of ride entrances helps feed a perception that either waiting in line for the ride, or the ride itself, is unsafe.


This seems like one of those ideas that sounded a lot better in a conference room compared to reality.

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Call me addicted to technology but I like having my phone on me for queue entertainment. Yes I should talk to friends, and yes I do. But in today's world we have integrated both. Going on a limb here, but if people feel like they are waiting longer because they don't have some of their luxuries, they will have a worse time at the park which results in less spending, repeat visits, etc..


They aren't just being overprotective to safety, but they are dancing with possibly tainting a good experience while visiting the park.


Didn't think about it that way. I guess I forget how much I use my phone. Even though I'm not texting or playing games while in line, I almost always take photos of my friends with the queue/ride in the background while in line. I still wouldn't mind using fluffy bunnies but I can see why a lot of people prefer holding onto their phones. That's why I prefer cupboards in the station as the best option, but I can see how it would hurt capacity at very crowded parks.


As for the metal detectors I agree with you all that it's ridiculous. Not only does it lessen the experience and could be a total turn off for some people, but it makes it look like the park is dangerous. I could totally see teenagers thinking "Did someone get shanked waiting in line for Rip Ride Rockit?!"


I would think having metal detectors outside of ride entrances helps feed a perception that either waiting in line for the ride, or the ride itself, is unsafe.


This seems like one of those ideas that sounded a lot better in a conference room compared to reality.


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Another issue I see is that Grad Bash starts at Universal soon or maybe it has started. But teenagers love to ride roller coasters and Rockit and Hulk are going to be the must-rides of the night besides checking out the new Diagon Alley and the Hogwarts Express. I feel like there will be lines for the lockers if it gets to that point as every teen will most likely ride one of these that night. Also, every teen has their phone on them 24/7 so if the wait is an hour...that will be very upsetting to teenagers. I always wear my shorts that either have cargo pockets or have zipper pockets.

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I always wear my shorts that either have cargo pockets or have zipper pockets.


a good zipper/buttoned pocket or tight skinny jeans will work 99% of the time to keep your phone from flying off a coaster. Wearing the right pants to secure loose articles is just like wearing a condom!

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I always wear my shorts that either have cargo pockets or have zipper pockets.


a good zipper/buttoned pocket or tight skinny jeans will work 99% of the time to keep your phone from flying off a coaster. Wearing the right pants to secure loose articles is just like wearing a condom!


Yes, but very much like a condom, if you don't put it in the right place, it has the tendency to make the whole experience less pleasurable.

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Just pointing out that when it comes to theme parks in the United States, Safety ALWAYS comes before fun.


There has to be a good reason to justify these test. I extremely doubt that Universal would implement or even test these procedures if they were not necessary. They know people are unhappy with the metal detectors, I'm positive people have complained to guest services. They have to know the GP's reaction to it, it seems impossible that they are oblivious to it. However, if they are still moving forward with testing more extreme ways to make sure no loose article get past and onto the ride, It's definitely an issue of safety.


Some of you are acting like Universal is deliberately doing this to piss off their guests. Also, for those of you who are hopeful this signify Dragons will duel again, remember that shoes may be considered a potential loose article on that ride. Especially dueling the loop.

Edited by Inukaza
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Just pointing out that when it comes to theme parks in the United States, Safety ALWAYS comes before fun.


There has to be a good reason to justify these test. I extremely doubt that Universal would implement or even test these procedures if they were not necessary. They know people are unhappy with the metal detectors, I'm positive people have complained to guest services. They have to know the GP's reaction to it, it seems impossible that they are oblivious to it. However, if they are still moving forward with testing more extreme ways to make sure no loose article get past and onto the ride, It's definitely an issue of safety.


No one is saying that there isn't likely a safety issue at play. The question is this - are metal detectors really the best possible solution to this in terms of both guest satisfaction and safety? Let us say for a moment that the core issue with RRR is that things fall out of people's pocket on the lift hill and into the queue area and station. Perhaps then a better fix would be to, just throwing this out there, build a roof or perhaps a tough nylon covering over the area to prevent those falling items from causing any harm to people below? Or you could do what Disney has done on multi-inversion coasters and put in zippered or velcro pockets in the seat back where people can place loose articles. The same is true for Hulk and the zero-g roll. A net already exists. If that is insufficent, perhaps construct something else in place of the netting and use the pockets there. Metal detectors have a negative connotation regarding personal safety, which is precisely why Universal is not putting them at the front gate instead.


Some of you are acting like Universal is deliberately doing this to piss off their guests. Also, for those of you who are hopeful this signify Dragons will duel again, remember that shoes may be considered a potential loose article on that ride. Especially dueling the loop.


You're right, shoes can come loose. A button down shirt might too. Basketball tearaways also. Ban clothes. On second thought, what if you have a pre op transexual on board with some unattached "equipment"? Perhaps we should at least mandate boxer briefs. Boxers, which have buttons, clearly pose some degree of risk....

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