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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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The outer building for the Kong ride is basically finished. I wouldn't put hopes up for it opening before Christmas 2015 but that's a possibility, I'd say no later than April 2016 on it.


And for anyone wondering, there are giant Volcanos of dirt being pushed around at both the Sapphire falls location and for Volcano Bay, the Volcano Bay one is already about 50 feet high.

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This picture (found here) shows two trains, one on the final breaks, one on the mid-course. Article says guests were 20-25 feet in the air.



My guess is the breaks didn't release on the final break run for station advance, and the train behind it was stopped on the mid-course? Whatever the case, SENSATIONALISM.

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Looking at that picture is it in the final brake run? It kind of looks like it's stuck between 2 blocks at the very end of the ride.


Yes, it seems like the train is stuck right after the final brake run. Even though the firefighters were brought in, I think the news is making too big of a deal out of it (though that's not uncommon with things like this).

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It also really annoyes me how the media portrays these incidents. A GP friend of mine posted a link to a news article on this commeting "This is why I don't do rides, they're so dangerous!!" Ugh, well that'll just mean shorter lines for us.

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Cue Mass Hysteria in 3......2.......1


Riders "rescued" - hmm, not sure if I'd count getting out on the brake run as a rescue. Slow news day in Orlando, I guess.


The first two rows are past the brakes. Those guests had to be "rescued," though it's obvious there was no real danger.

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Unrelated to this, Universal has installed metal detectors at the entry of Hulk and Rip Ride Rockit. Apparently there may also be wands further up the queue line as a secondary check. It sure sounds like anything that isn't clothing is being no-no'ed, but I'm sure clarification is coming.

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