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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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Great coverage of an awesome event! It was my first time attending this celebration and we had a blast. All of the special events and actor interactions were very fun. My favorite part was having both areas of the parks pretty dead that first night and of course all the butterbeer you could drink (loved the warm version). Finally got to get on Gringotts, and loved it! Especially not having to wait.


I do have a question though, we went and rode Rip Ride Rockit a few times that weekend and noticed they had changed out at least one song. We found Happy by Pharrell Williams in the pop genre. Although it's not every seat, I was sitting next to my wife and she found it and I could not, and vise versa the next time we rode. I wasn't aware they added songs to the regular list but very happy they did, were there more that we missed? Thanks!

Edited by BBparks57
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^^It is funny you mention that because we heard "Happy" on our last ride of the weekend playing in the background of the songs we chose... It was very strange for sure. I'd be curious to see if it appears as an option the next time I ride. I'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who noticed this!

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Haha it could have been us listening to it...although I think we passed you as we were getting off. Let me know if you hear of any others, I can't seem to find anything about it on any other sites. Also, I was very impressed with the size of (Kong?) I really wasn't expecting that large of a building!

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They next served us Warm Butterbeer, which one team member described as "angel tears from heaven."


That sounds amazing!


It looks like it's a well put together event! Thanks for all the pictures!


Is it as good as room-temperature Guinness?

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They next served us Warm Butterbeer, which one team member described as "angel tears from heaven."


No, that's Diet Coke. That's their code phrase to try and get someone to sneak some of the greatest liquid ever invented into a land where it is forbidden.


This looked like a great event for fans of this series. I understood absolutely none of this, but I understand this isn't my sort of thing. I still want a Game Of Thrones land.



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I wish Dueling Dragons would duel again. That was the best part of the ride when you have all of those really close calls. Maybe it will happen again sometime.


That's in my Wishes Folder too. If I ever get back down to Florida.

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Here's a fantastic website for you.




1. Tips: USE SINGLE RIDER LINES, Try not to bring a bag and wear zip up pockets if you can. Disaster and Twister are both slated to close in the near future, if you want to experience them now. The Horror Make-Up show is sneaky awesome and the only live show truly worth seeing over several attractions if you can squeeze it in.


2. Rides that get the longest lines: Despicable Me (by far the best thing to do at rope drop), HRRR, Transformers, Spiderman, Forbidden Journey (the latter three all have single rider lines, Forbidden has an AMAZING regular queue line though).


My personal two-park attack plan is ride Despicable and HRRR, then Transformers and Mummy, then the Hogwarts Express to Hogsmeade, Forbidden Journey, then a lap around IOA hitting everything and dragons, lunch, Hogwarts Express back to studios and Diagon Alley, then a lap around the rest of USF.


3. Best eating: Either Harry Potter World restaurant, or Mythos for table service.

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I'm getting the 2 park pass and going on Sunday! Any tips for the parks? What to hit first? Best places to eat?


Despicable Me and Shrek are not worth the wait, not sure why everyone on here praises a mediocre simulator just because it has minions on it. Sure they're both great for families but if you want to get all the good stuff in, you're not missing out on anything by not riding these.

HRRR, Mummy, Simpsons, MIB, ET, Transformers and Diagon Alley are the highlights of the park, make sure you hit those.

I really sugest getting the pink donut sunday IN Springfield, it's to die for.


Deuling Dragons Fire is the best coaster at IOA, Hulk is also spectacular. Over in Toon Lagoon, make sure you hit dudely do right's, it's the best water ride in the park. Popeye and Jurrasic Park are also worth your time.

SpiderMan is still my favorite dark ride, spectacular ride.

Dr. Dooms, you can live without. It's just a space shot, just like scream at sfne.

If you have time, check out seuss landing, pretty unique place.


For food, I would strongly suggest Mythos in the Lost Continent. It's got amazing food, beautiful decor and a great view of the whole park.

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Despicable Me and Shrek are not worth the wait, not sure why everyone on here praises a mediocre simulator just because it has minions on it. Sure they're both great for families but if you want to get all the good stuff in, you're not missing out on anything by not riding these.


I thought Despicable Me was enjoyable enough, but it's definitely a "one and done."

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My personal must avoid list at universal is Shrek (second place to stitch for worst themed Florida attraction), Flying hippogryph and Pteradon flyers unless credit whoring, Voyages of Sindbad, Beetlejuice revue, Fear Factor live (bad to mediocre live shows). Anything else you know what you're getting in advance or might find some fun in especially if you have multiple days.

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My personal must avoid list at universal is Shrek (second place to stitch for worst themed Florida attraction), Flying hippogryph and Pteradon flyers unless credit whoring, Voyages of Sindbad, Beetlejuice revue, Fear Factor live (bad to mediocre live shows). Anything else you know what you're getting in advance or might find some fun in especially if you have multiple days.


Aww...but I like Fear Factor Live! Where else can you watch a bunch of weirdos eat bugs and whatnot and then get a stupid little plastic cup that says "I ate a bug." for doing so?

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Does anybody know if it's true that you can ask a cast member outside of men in black for a immigration room tour? Also with twister and it's control room tour? I read it somewhere but I don't want to make myself look like an idiot when I go if it isn't true.

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Does anybody know if it's true that you can ask a cast member outside of men in black for a immigration room tour? Also with twister and it's control room tour? I read it somewhere but I don't want to make myself look like an idiot when I go if it isn't true.

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^Tours of that space are sometimes a perk of a VIP tour in the park but it is not guaranteed. As far as guests in the park with general admission, I've not heard of that being an option or even a hidden option like the castle or bank tours in the Wizarding Worlds.

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