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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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OK here are a few pictures as well as a surprise video as well from my adventures today.


See it here.


They now have a new "special video" in the loading area for the Mummy.


Anyone remember the old Prisoner show?


Over at Universal they have the sphere screens up now.


They replaced all the signs as well with brand new ones.


While hard to see here, much of the lighting has been fixed in the queue area. Everything just seems much nicer now.


Operations were top notch today, running three trains per side.


Dueling Dragons is totally back open with its new paint job.


Disney totally outclasses IOA in passholder events (keeps ride open most of the day)


I did not get to ride it today though, because I did not get there between the hours of 7-9AM.


There is still more referb working going on, but Seuss Landing is really starting to look like 1999 again.


Here is the picture I took that Slacking was mentioning about, notice the street lights along the track?


Awwww, I miss the cool looking themed "Dueling Dragons is closed" sign.


The brand new Red Coconut Club at Citiwalk.

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I made it into one of Erik's pics. (Not the biggest fan of having to look at pictures of myself especially when caught off guard, lol.)


In other Resort news, I was surprised how big those inflatable spheres are, New Beetlejuice show > the last one, and Individual Lap Bars and no seat bets on MIB > seatbelts and row-long lap bars.

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Oh yeah, they totally took out the MiB seatbelts. I thought there was a change. I even asked a ride op where was the seat belts. She looked at me kinda crazy. Man, I guess I do not remember what you look like because I would have said hi as I was walking through. That's pretty funny that I got you in a photo.

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Oh yeah, they totally took out the MiB seatbelts. I thought there was a change.


Nice. I always hated the way that the ride op would insist on reaching across me, and inevitably brushing against me. I yelled at one of the ops (who had brushed me on my previous ride minutes before) one time to not dare reach across me or he was getting smacked! Always thought the belts were unneccesary anyway.



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Nice. I always hated the way that the ride op would insist on reaching across me, and inevitably brushing against me. I yelled at one of the ops (who had brushed me on my previous ride minutes before) one time to not dare reach across me or he was getting smacked! Always thought the belts were unneccesary anyway.


What, you don't like having ride ops graze the tip of your penis??


Oh, wait..


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Well, I certainly LOVE Dr. Suess and his stories, so I think I will enjoy this attraction. Sure, it might seem boring because it is not a total thrill, but trust me, not everything in life is going to be a thrill. I would love it to, but it's not going to happen. I understand that this is a roller coaster website and we all love adrenaline and fear, but this is a more family oriented ride. It still looks like fun to me.


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Nice. I always hated the way that the ride op would insist on reaching across me, and inevitably brushing against me. I yelled at one of the ops (who had brushed me on my previous ride minutes before) one time to not dare reach across me or he was getting smacked! Always thought the belts were unneccesary anyway.


What, you don't like having ride ops graze the tip of your penis??


Oh, wait..



Generally, my penis can stay safely tucked underneath the lap bar, but when it isn't under the bar, yes, I hate when it gets grazed. I hear that Elissa has a bigger problem with this than I do, though.



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  • 1 month later...

On screamscape it was confirmed that BTTF would be closing and a Simpsons ride would take its place...Its cool that it's going to be a Simpsons ride, but I wonder if it's going to be a simulator, like BTTF? Do you guys think it's a good idea...






mod edit - changed topic description - disneyfan1313

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I don't believe stuff I read off screamscape, even if it may turn out to be true. The credibility just isn't there.


If this does happen, I would be very disappointed. While I do get a tad queasy from the current ride, it has a certain charm to it. And I love the Back to the Future movies. To me, it would be a terrible loss, and the Simpsons simply won't be as good (IMO).

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The crazy rumors off Screamscape may not be true anyways, they also mentioned other themes for a new replacement like War Of The Worlds, Transformers, a coaster that goes up to 88mph like in the movie. I don't know how it could have been confirmed already... but we'll see what happens.


If the ride does go, I hope whatever replaces it isn't a simulator. Another dark ride or a major thrill ride would be awesome.


As far as BTTF, I love the movies but I've been on it so many times that I just walked right by it on recent visits. Old school simulators just don't do it for me anymore, same goes for Star Tours, yuck-let's get some new life into that thing too.

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^ Terminator is not Universal either, it was done by Orion (1) Tri-Star (2) and Warner Bros. (3).


BTTF is very out dated now that technology passed it like 10 years ago.


The ride also makes me sick, so I'll be kind of glad to see it go.

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That doesn't make too much sense....The Simpsons isn't owned by Universal, it's owned by 20th Century Fox. And the show will be ending soon anyhow (on account that the movie is coming out)......

Universal does many one-off deals with other studios to develop rides. Just because it's not a Universal owned IP doesn't mean it cannot exist at the park.



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