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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I always find it fascinating how parks will spin their attendance, etc. While I don't doubt that Universal Studios has seen an increase because of Transformers, it makes me wonder if that 20% is more like "20% more people have come to Universal Studios over IOA because that's where the new attraction is located" when in reality the numbers resort-wide might be kind of the same?


I didn't even consider that angle. Good point, although I wasn't really paying attention to the number much. This is just the first number I've seen published since the opening of Transformers. I did notice they didn't use the word 'average' which always throws a red flag for me since mean, median, mode, and midrange are all averages that can yield significantly different results yet are still technically all averages.


I can tell you just from my own personal experience that I've been to the Studios park this year than IOA just because there has been more "new stuff" going on there to check out with Transformers and Simpsons, but my visits to the entire resort overall are probably the same as they were last year.


Truth. We make it to Universal about once a year, which we did in January. While the new attractions and areas are something we look forward to, we'll still be going sometime next year as planned regardless. What is really drawing 'us' is the Potter expansion. I've been told by the ladies in my family that we *will* go to Universal next year if I want to go to other places.

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Last night Theme Park Review was invited to a media preview for Halloween Horror Nights 23. There was food, fear and lots of me shrieking while we toured the live house of The Walking Dead - No Safe Haven. Once again, Universal has upped the ante on scares, on theming and on the way they present the horror story to guests...




We made it onto the marquee!




They had an awesome exhibit on the "Scent of Fear." It smelled quite scary!


Costumes and house designs were presented for all eight of this year's houses, and gave a good idea of the tone for each house.


We went back to smell more fear... Like Zeke the Plumber.


Robb played Frank n Furter and I was Columbia! Perfect casting!


Michael Aiello gave us a passionate preview of this year's lineup of houses and the huge Walking Dead street experience.


We even had a chance to meet the entire Halloween Horror Nights creative team behind this year's event!


Then I volunteered to have Halloween Horror Nights makeup artist Luandra wound me.


And it wouldn't be a media event without themed food!


Fans of An American Werewolf in London will recognize several stages of the werewolf transformation throughout the new house.


This will totally freak me out when I experience the house!


There's lots of head(s) in The Walking Dead - No Safe Haven.


Walkers aren't the only thing that scare me...


The house featured some great scares in some iconic settings from the show.


And there were lots of recently wounded humans that hadn't yet become walkers.


I was scarred for life, in more ways than one!


Thanks to Universal Orlando for providing us with some high resolution looks at this year's houses... This is found in The Walking Dead - No Safe Haven.


Resident Evil: Raccoon City will feature huge set pieces like this one! It will also feature some very "video game-esque" moments that are sure to surprise.


Fans of Evil Dead will love the new house, as they experience the story of the film firsthand, in every way!


The house is designed to play out EXACTLY like a movie, so expect there to be some neat throwbacks to the film.


Back inside An American Werewolf in London, you'll visit John Landis' iconic locations from the film...


It took many years to get this house to actually make it off of the page for Halloween Horror Nights, but it looks like the wait will be well worth it!


Cabin in the Woods will put guests in the role of new employees of the facility from the film, but you'll start out by visiting that infamous cabin.


Tons of spooky detail to take in!


Urban Legends: La Llorana is an imported house from Universal Hollywood's Halloween Horror Nights, but with a twist. Guests will now enter La Llorana's realm like never before.


Havoc 2: Derailed will see the Dogs of War wreaking havoc like never before!


Much of the house actually takes place of a full size train, something that Universal Creative has been wanting to do for a very long time!


And sure to impress is Afterlife - Death's Vengeance, the year's 3D, blacklit house.


It looks like we've got another great year of Halloween Horror Nights on our hands with tons of great IPs and plenty of unique scares to enjoy!

Edited by jedimaster1227
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Oh my God, I am so jealous! This all looks SO amazing! Wish I could get down to Orlando one day to visit HHN, because the event just looks spectacular. Walking Dead is really brought alive here, and it's making me drool. Hopefully USH will have good surprise's in store this year too!

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I love this time of the year, so much to look forward to in the upcoming month! Even though I feel like the event hasn't been as strong in recent years I still look forward to it every year. How was the Bill and Ted show (if you got a chance to preview it)?

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I kind of wish they would stop using so many movie tie-ins for the houses for HHN. I'm sure its going to be a fun even this year but it just seems like Universal is giving me homework. I now have to watch or read up on all of these movies to truly get everything in the maze. Maybe, I am just saying all of this out of jealously because I will not be going.

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I cannot wait for this event. I will be there on the 26th and 28th and will be my first HHN.


I am one of those are fine with the movie tie-in's during these events. Universal is a movie company and fans of these films would love nothing more than to walk through some of their favorite scenes and characters. I like the mix of original and licensed properties this year, but again it may not be for everyone.

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If anything, I'm surprised it's taken this long for the movie tie-ins to really become the primary focus. I get that people want the original stuff, but come on - Universal is a movie company! The whole point of the Universal parks is to take you in to the movie world, and I'm all for them doing that with the horror genre through their Halloween events.

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Yeah i'm kind of jelly right now, but I will be headed down to Orlando in a couple of weeks. Im super ready for it too, HHN is starting to become a tradition for me and my dad. I believe we are going to be checking out some other haunted houses in the area too, so I hope there are some good ones, because if im not mistaken Orlando is notorious for having some good stand alone haunts

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Working at Universal has its perks, and one of those is being able to go to the Team Member preview night next week. Will definitely give a report and opinions on the houses as well as everything I am able to do that night. This year already looks incredible just like the others, plus there is an army tank outside near Mummy.....so you know....that's a thing.

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I'm planning on going Octpber 4-7 to Orlando to visit friends and am for sure going to HHN. What is the process for guests that are in the park during the day, and already have HHN tickets? Must you exit the park and then enter again for the even? (silly question i know) I plan on going Saturday the 5th and probably Sunday the 6th.


First time to HHN but I've been to Universal many times before.

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I'm in Orlando on a 2 week holiday from the UK from 04/10/2013 - 18/10/2013 and will be attending HHN for the first time.


Can anybody give me any tips for attending HHN? I have already purchased the Frequent Fear pass.


I am a newbie too and I googled "HHN tips and tricks" and I can tell you that the first couple of links are really good reads. One thing I could guess depending on when you go to the event, is the later in October you go the higher the need for the Express Pass.

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Although I've never been to HHN, my experience with other haunts is exactly what PCW_Nut wrote. They have all been the least busy when they first open for the season and get increasingly busier as the weeks go on. The closer to Halloween, the busier they are and you need an express pass if you want to experience everything in one visit.

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Well have been to HHN a few times now, and I have to say get the fast pass if you are serious about doing the haunted attractions. Plus if you didn't know, there is an entrance for HHN in island of adventure. Its usually right next to one fish two fish ride. They should have a sign for it ( thats the way it was last year ) But yeah that way when Universal closes for HHN set up you can head over to IoA and hang out for a little bit and then just cross over when its open. But I guess that only if you have tickets for both parks, but I sure tell you, entering this way will save you a ton of time instead of piling in with all the people at the front gate I guess thats the only tips I can give lol Hope this helps in some way


p.s. if you want to use the IoA path over to HHN you have to have pre purchased your tickets FYI

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) But yeah that way when Universal closes for HHN set up you can head over to IoA and hang out for a little bit and then just cross over when its open. But I guess that only if you have tickets for both parks, but I sure tell you, entering this way will save you a ton of time instead of piling in with all the people at the front gate I guess thats the only tips I can give lol Hope this helps in some way


p.s. if you want to use the IoA path over to HHN you have to have pre purchased your tickets FYI




Thanks a ton! I plan on purchasing my tickets tonight! So excited!

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I'm in Orlando on a 2 week holiday from the UK from 04/10/2013 - 18/10/2013 and will be attending HHN for the first time.


Can anybody give me any tips for attending HHN? I have already purchased the Frequent Fear pass.

All I can say is get the Express Pass. I wouldn't even THINK about doing HHN without it. It's expensive, but worth EVERY PENNY!


And if you can swing it, do an RIP tour.

Edited by robbalvey
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I think I was just very VERY lucky last year. The first time I went was a Sunday, and I only got to do about 4 houses that night and saw three of the roaming hordes. The second time was a Thursday I believe, and I did every single house and saw every single roaming horde all in the first three hours without an express pass, but after the last house everything got to a 70+ minute wait. Just have to get there VERY early and also, not on a weekend.

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I'm in Orlando on a 2 week holiday from the UK from 04/10/2013 - 18/10/2013 and will be attending HHN for the first time.


Can anybody give me any tips for attending HHN? I have already purchased the Frequent Fear pass.

All I can say is get the Express Pass. I wouldn't even THINK about doing HHN without it. It's expensive, but worth EVERY PENNY!


And if you can swing it, do an RIP tour.


Wow thanks for the advice guys!


Rob - Sorry to pester. As I have already purchased 2 Frequent Fear passes from the Universal UK website, do you know if I will be able to upgrade to Express Passes on the gate?


Thanks again for the advice.





*EDIT* If you see the Universal UK site here - http://www.universal-bookings.co.uk/park.html -


The Express Pass is not available to purchase directly in the UK

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A couple of HHN questions,


Is the RIP tour (non-Private) worth it at double the cost of the Express Pass?


One of the best days for me and the BF to go is Sunday, Oct 20th, but this is UCF night. Will the crowds be crazy because of UCF? (I am afraid I know the answer to this).


Lastly, is there any real benefit to doing a 2park ticket during the day since we will see virtually all of the Studios during HHN?

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^The crowds will definitely be larger (and more obnoxious) during "UCF Knight." As an alumnus I went there each year and found that it was never as enjoyable as any other night, partly because of the crowds and partly because of the type of the crowd there.


If there's one night to try and avoid, it is that one.

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