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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I like the idea of a "Treehouse of Horror" maze for HHN. They could also do a "Krusy Fun House" maze. I remember the game being full of rats. But that could be the gamer in me talking.



Introducing HHN Newest Maze

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Is the Flaming Moe the same flavor as the Transformers Energon soda? I'm guessing since it's an orange flavor the answer is probably yes.


My family sampled the drinks two weeks apart. Energon has a creamy orange flavor, quite delicious. The Flaming Moe we tried lacked the vanilla, tasting instead like the artificial orange of Sunny D. We much prefer Energon.


It is strange that Universal Hollywood doesn't market the drink better. The stand is hard to see from the midway, as it directly faces the Transformers ride entrance. However it tastes, I suspect Uni Orlando Moe sales will far outpace its west coast sister park's Energon offering.

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I like the idea of a "Treehouse of Horror" maze for HHN. They could also do a "Krusy Fun House" maze. I remember the game being full of rats. But that could be the gamer in me talking.




Well that unlocked some forgotten childhood memories, I brought an ex-rental copy from blockbusters for my mega-drive.

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Any word on what attractions will be open at USF during HHN? What was open last year for instance. I assume H:RRR and Transformers? I will be attending HHN for the first time at the end of September.


I think all the major attractions are open.

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It says in the artical that he himself offerd to buy a new shirt in the park. Security refused according to the artical.


I'm not sure what to make of this. I can see a tiny problem with people wearing these kinds of shirts. But lets be real, there isnt any. Lots of people where these kinds of shirts or very simular ones. If its no problem on the street, in the store then it should not be a problem in a themepark. Still some props to universal, if you're going to set up a rule, enforce it! Just make sure the rule you are setting is up is actually needed.

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Come on, does anyone honestly believe that the family didn't get insane and obnoxious with the park? Like others said, they wouldn't just kick the family out for the shirt. He actually admits to questioning the park about the policy which means he did more than that. And I'm sure he did it in a totally obnoxious fashion!

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. I can see a tiny problem with people wearing these kinds of shirts. But lets be real, there isnt any.


The policy obviously exists because they have had a problem with these type of shirts before. They didn't make it up for the fun of it.


And like others said, I seriously doubt USO security said "Your shirt bad, you leave now." Something more led to the ejection.

Edited by ernierocker
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I'm sure there's another side to this which we're not hearing, but it's still an interesting read. Kudos to USO on enforcing their dress code policy though!


Father Thrown Out of Universal Studios Over T-Shirt

I'm going to guess the guy made a scene when asked to turn his shirt inside out/change it.

I would put a ton of money on that bet! With some of the stupid crap I've seen people do at parks, and how *unbelievably patient* the parks are with these idiots, you'd have to throw a pretty big fit and cause a scene to have multiple security guards at a situation. Over a stupid T-Shirt.


People forget that they are coming onto private property where a park can set whatever rules and policies they want to. Fortunately for the guests, none of Universal's policies are ridiculous and someone who couldn't be bothered to turn a shirt inside out or buy a new one isn't someone they probably want on their property anyway.


Kudos to Universal for kicking that jackass out!

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It says in the artical that he himself offerd to buy a new shirt in the park. Security refused according to the artical.


I'm not sure what to make of this. I can see a tiny problem with people wearing these kinds of shirts. But lets be real, there isnt any. Lots of people where these kinds of shirts or very simular ones. If its no problem on the street, in the store then it should not be a problem in a themepark. Still some props to universal, if you're going to set up a rule, enforce it! Just make sure the rule you are setting is up is actually needed.


1. The article gets its "facts" from the guy who was kicked out, as Universal chose to be respectful and respond with a generic PR response instead of putting the guy on blast.


2. The difference between the streets and a theme park is that a theme park is a controlled environment. The same reason parks have policies about shirts like these is the same reason they generally don't allow costumes except for special events: they can't run the risk of any confusion while on their property. Even if it is slim.

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I found this an interesting read about Universal Studios:www.orlandosentinel.com/business/os-universal-to-add-thousands-of-hotel-rooms-20130911,0,7922928.story


Most of the article tends to lean towards Universal adding more rooms than just Cabana Bay which is scheduled to open next year.


"We've done a study that says we could have 10,000 or 15,000 hotel rooms and still have occupancy that makes those rooms profitable," NBCUniversal President and Chief Executive Officer Steve Burke told investment analysts at a conference in Beverly Hills, Calif.


This is what was the most interesting part of the article to me.


The investments are paying off: Burke said attendance at Universal Studios Florida, one of the two theme parks at Universal Orlando, has been up about 20 percent "most weeks" since Transformers opened in June.


Burke said NBCUniversal has elevated capital spending in its theme parks to about $500 million this year — an amount that is likely to become an annual baseline in the future. The company's goal is to open one new attraction every year at both Universal Orlando and Universal Studios Hollywood in California, Burke said.

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This is what was the most interesting part of the article to me.


The investments are paying off: Burke said attendance at Universal Studios Florida, one of the two theme parks at Universal Orlando, has been up about 20 percent "most weeks" since Transformers opened in June.

I always find it fascinating how parks will spin their attendance, etc. While I don't doubt that Universal Studios has seen an increase because of Transformers, it makes me wonder if that 20% is more like "20% more people have come to Universal Studios over IOA because that's where the new attraction is located" when in reality the numbers resort-wide might be kind of the same?


I can tell you just from my own personal experience that I've been to the Studios park this year than IOA just because there has been more "new stuff" going on there to check out with Transformers and Simpsons, but my visits to the entire resort overall are probably the same as they were last year.


Either way, it doesn't matter. If what they are saying in that article is true, that's GREAT NEWS and I would look forward to the future new attractions and new resort offerings.

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