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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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^ Yep...you are absolutely right, Robb. I could just picture bad things happening when certain people get their hands on a drink that has strong alcohol in it & can now understand why they scrapped this idea.


Glad to hear about Duff and that it's made from a nearby Florida brewery....great move by Universal!

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Is the Flaming Moe the same flavor as the Transformers Energon soda? I'm guessing since it's an orange flavor the answer is probably yes.


Maybe it's Energon that's been set on fire.

Edited by cfc
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Is the Flaming Moe the same flavor as the Transformers Energon soda? I'm guessing since it's an orange flavor the answer is probably yes.

I've never had the Energon, but that's a safe assumption. The Flaming Moe is made by mixing TWO different drinks (see the Vine I posted) and is that how the Energon is also made?

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Is the Flaming Moe the same flavor as the Transformers Energon soda? I'm guessing since it's an orange flavor the answer is probably yes.

I've never had the Energon, but that's a safe assumption. The Flaming Moe is made by mixing TWO different drinks (see the Vine I posted) and is that how the Energon is also made?


I can't remember off the top of my head to be honest. The only time I had Energon it was the frozen version which was pre-mixed. I believe it was some type of Fanta though.

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The whole area looks great! It feels like Universal Orlando is constantly opening new attractions! I can't wait to go check everything out next summer when Harry Potter part 2 opens too!


...so true. After Harry part 2, we have Jurassic and the Disaster redo to look forward to in 2015.

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They need a "Treehouse of Horror" maze for Halloween Horror Night.


Yes please! Who would not want to be surprised by a werewolf Flanders jumping out of the bushes?

"Rooooar... snort... snarl... diddley"




"Is this the end of Zombie Shakespeare?"


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They need a "Treehouse of Horror" maze for Halloween Horror Night.


OMG that would be amazing. I do find it odd that they have one more maze to announce but haven't been able to do so. With the build up they need something that's equal or above the already announced mazes and with rumors of it being Resident Evil, that just doesn't scream "OMFG I have to go to HHN to see that Resident Evil maze".

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Great stuff! I'm glad Universal expanded on the Simpsons area more than just the ride. The statures of the characters are great and I love the Barney statue in the bar. I'm sure there will be a lot of drunken pictures with Barney in Moe's Tavern. The Flaming Moe looked very interesting and I can't wait to test out how flaming it really is.


Great stuff Universal!


And I totally agree with the comment on the Treehouse of Horror Maze for Haunt!


Jimmy "Mmmmmm....beer......" Bo

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They need a "Treehouse of Horror" maze for Halloween Horror Night.


OMG that would be amazing. I do find it odd that they have one more maze to announce but haven't been able to do so. With the build up they need something that's equal or above the already announced mazes and with rumors of it being Resident Evil, that just doesn't scream "OMFG I have to go to HHN to see that Resident Evil maze".


Honestly, Resident Evil will be just as excited as any of the other mazes announced, which isn't saying that much.

Edited by ernierocker
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The whole Simpson's area looks nice. Makes that whole area of the park look a bit more complete instead of one giant ride building.


They need a "Treehouse of Horror" maze for Halloween Horror Night.


If this were to ever happen I would actually want to go back to HHN.

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I think I've said it in this thread a few times already, but producing a Treehouse of Horror ride film to use just for both HHN's each year would also be awesome (albeit costly). I honestly think a maze would be hard for them to pull off properly.

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I noticed both Dragon Challenge coasters are ranked very high in coaster polls.


When I was at IoA in late July I got to ride both sides for the very first time. While the ride was nowhere near bad, I was let down. I feel that Batman is a better ride by far. That being said, both sides are better than Wildfire or Kraken.


Is it ranked highly because most voters rode it when the sides were dueling?

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