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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I have a hard time believing this will happen in basically 2 years if 2014 is their target date. Especially with everything else being built at USF. Seems more like wishful thinking.


In order for this to be open by Summer of 2014, this would have to start construction very soon. I think we will know the answer to if this is a rumor or not very shortly.

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Considering just how quickly Transformers went up this past year, I wouldn't be surprised if they indeed have the new area ready for release along with the movie.


Oh, and anyone remember that concept Gravity Group showed off a couple years ago at IAAPA for a small woodie with a darkride section?

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Gravity Group's Splinter ^FX concept.


I'd say this is pretty much an identical concept to the Amber Mine ride in terms of height requirement and family style dark coaster.


Although, it's probably on a slightly larger scale to accommodate a decent crowd.


That link is broken, here is the one directly from Gravity Group: Clicky

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Isn't JP4 and the rumored JP "refresh" proof enough that no huge IP at Universal is dead forever? Billion dollar franchises hibernate until the powers that be determine they need to go back to the well. The Potter argument is invalid.


Potter - Probably true

Heathcliff - ? Dead

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Isn't JP4 and the rumored JP "refresh" proof enough that no huge IP at Universal is dead forever? Billion dollar franchises hibernate until the powers that be determine they need to go back to the well. The Potter argument is invalid.


Potter - Probably true

Heathcliff - ? Dead


Heath Ledger died????

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^ If people are saying that not everyone recognizes a cartoon character in Toon Lagoon from 50 years ago, how is it silly to think that people might eventually forget Potter over time?


You can make the inverse argument that Cat In The Hat was written 65 years ago and is still relevant.

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Yeah, it's not appropriate to compare a literary icon like the Cat in the Hat (or the Grinch, for that matter) or a media juggernaut like Harry Potter to old comic strip characters like Snuffy Smiff or Krazy Kat. I think the Potter stuff will be relevant for quite some time whether some of us like it or not.


I think you can make a case for Popeye as a cultural icon, and maybe even for Dudley Do-Right or Betty Boop, but not for the other characters in Toon Lagoon.

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People don't know who the Splash Mountain characters are either, but that doesn't stop that ride from being one of the most popular rides in the park.


All I DO know is that this is a really dumb argument.


--Robb "Can we please go back to discussing Jurassic Park?" Alvey

Edited by robbalvey
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Young Sherlock Holmes.

Young Indiana Jones.

Young Anakin Skywalker.

Young Carrie Bradshaw.


Trust me, if Potter ever begins to fade in popularity, all it will take is for J.K. to put pen to paper ("fingers to keyboard" still just doesn't sound right) and create "Old Harry Potter," or maybe even "Harry Potter, Jr."


Money talks.



I want more raptors.

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This expansion (if true) sounds great. Universal has me in awe with all the new construction and revamp projects it has going on and rumored in the pipe works. The dark ride sounds great and if they can find a way to make it somewhat interactive that would be the icing on the cake. I always thought that IOA needed a family roller coaster and the Amber mine coaster seems to fit that bill. Flight Of the Hippogriff is cool for what it is but how many coasters with the same layout is already located in Orlando lol.

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Is the awesome dark ride USH added just this last summer not good enough? Or the awesome dark ride that is already coming in the form of HP?


Believe me, I love Transformers and I'm looking forward to HP. I'm talking about a gentle dark ride. A couple of my family members can't go on Transformers and likely won't be able to do Potter due to motion sickness from the sudden movements of the ride vehicles. Over at Disneyland, for example, they can go on the Fantasyland classics but can't handle Indy. So what I should have said was "family" dark ride. When ET was still at USH, they were able to go on that because it wasn't all that shaky, so a new ride like that would be perfect there. Sorry, I should have been more specific earlier.


But going back to discussing USO/IOA and JP, that Gravity Group concept would be awesome for the expansion! From the model showing the aquarium theme, I can almost picture what it might look like with the JP overlay! I liked the picture showing the eel- imagine a raptor positioned in the dark there and then having it suddenly popping out at you!


And another thing- any timeline yet as to when exactly the Springfield area for USF might open? Or even when it might be officially announced? Seems like there was quite a bit of info coming out about it and then nothing.

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