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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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^Honestly, at this point, I really wouldn't be sad to see it go. It's really just a nicely themed sit-down restaurant with a quick serve menu. I'd be more upset about losing Poseidon's Fury to a Potter expansion, as that show is actually unique.

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Iamb a little bummed I didn't get a chance to eat at Mythos until earlier this year when it was already on its down hill slide. The inside was nice and the food was ok. I think there may be something to lack of upkeep and a future Potter expansion. Why spend the money when you're going to tear it out anyway.

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Those Mythos pictures make me sad. It was once one of the greatest in-park restaurants, and the constant dumbing down of the menu and lack of upkeep have turned it into the mess it is now. Anyone that thinks this place and that whole section of the park isn't going to be torn down for more shops where you can wait an hour in a line to watch a guy playing with his wand is delusional.


IOA used to be one of the greatest parks in the world, but even before Pottertown was added, it was going down hill. Customer service dropped off considerably, and just simple things like finding a drink stand open before noon (hey, it's Florida, where it's usually 50 billion degrees outside, can't imagine why anyone would ever be thirsty) were an impossibility. It would be nice to see things improve here, but based on my last couple of visits, I don't see any changes coming to this park other than more Potter merchandise locations.



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Wow, they are charging $85/day for this:




And this fountain isn't off in the remote reaches of the park. This is a centerpiece display along one of the main midways.


My visit to IOA/HHN last year was terrible and a major influence in me deciding to NOT come back to Orlando this fall even though we went every year for 5 years straight. If we do go next year, we probably won't be going to Universal, but would do the Food & Wine Festival and Mickey's Not-So-Scary instead.

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I have been going down to Orlando twice a year for the past few years (Since 2005?)... My last visit felt like all my others before that. Nothing ever felt neglected or run down. The park looked and operated like it always has. I do agree Mythos seemed to have gone down hill the last few years, but we only ate their once a few years ago and it was pretty good. Still prefer to find better places to eat in the area. The rock display pictured above looks fine to me. So it has some dirt on it, it's a (fake) rock. I think 99% of all people who walk past that display will not think anything of it. Including myself.


I look forward to a HP expansion eventually if they do. Just hopefully they expand away from JP and the rest of the Lost Continent. I enjoy the area, when its not mobbed with people. My last visit it was the least busy it has been, and the area was much more enjoyable. I could see a B&M wing coaster in that area, themed to something from the movies.

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I think 99% of all people who walk past that display will not think anything of it. Including myself.



Are you saying that 99% of the people that go to IOA do not know what mold looks like? FYI, dirt isn't mold but I guess that same 99% are ignorant in that matter as well.


I look forward to a HP expansion eventually if they do. Just hopefully they expand away from JP and the rest of the Lost Continent.
Then it would have to expand upwards? Because there is only two directions expansion could go, towards JP or the rest of the Lost Continent.


I'm sorry but your post just seems like you are disagreeing just to disagree or at least trying to contradict everything Robb said. If, you had just said something like "I still have a great time, despite parts of the park being neglected" that would be one thing. But, when Robb and countless others have said they have had problems with the park in the last couple of years, I am going to tend to trust them over someone who seems like a Universal fanboy with their blinders on. Especially someone that thinks mold growing all over the facade of a restaurant looks fine.

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Woah there, I think you are over-reacting a bit. I am not saying anybody is wrong, nor challenging anybody. It is fine what Robb or whoever else thinks.


I am just saying, in the scope of the entire park as a whole, people will not pay attention to some mold/dirt/whatever on those rocks. Just my opinion, that is all.


As far as expansion, I was not sure if there was land behind the castle in that direction. I am not all that familiar with it and that was my idea of where they could expand. If that is not possible, I was not aware.


I am not a Universal fanboy either, I simple enjoy the parks I go to… I am far from a fanboy for any park I go to. Just giving my honest opinion, not saying what I say is fact. Calm down a bit… This a forum for people to discuss, agree or not. Makes life exciting, no?

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I have been to Universal Studios in Singapore so I'm definitely looking forward to visit this Universal Studio in Orlando! I'm definitely excited to see this one since they say its also as cool and fun or maybe more! I have always been a fan of Universal Studios and I never get tired of going to it over and over again. Definitely planning my next trip to Orlando! hope I can make out the most of my visit and definitely enjoy the whole theme park since I'm really saving up for this trip for a while. I will also take home some souvenirs to my friend! Cant wait! see you all there!

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That really sucks for Mythos, theres really no excuse for the poor looks of the place, seems they need some chlorine, haha. But One good thing for the restaurant is that if (when) potter expands, I've heard that it wont expand into the area that we think, so maybe it'll be saved after all.

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You'd think they could salvage Mythos for any Potter expansion...I mean, the menu I'm sure would stay as a shadow of its former self, but hopefully better than the current one. And maybe they'll see the use of maintaining the building if it starts bringing them Potter-esque revenue? I'm sure there's SOMETHING in Potterland that Mythos could tie in to, so that we can at least see the building stay.

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Is there a point to salvaging it though? I could see that space transformed into some sort of character dining/dinner show thing tied with HP (think of the $$$$ they could rake in with that) but keeping the Mythos theme and exterior for the sake of keeping it seems silly.

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^Right. I mean I guess what I meant is that the building is well-themed enough that it could be used in a Potter expansion, assuming that they didn't simply expand with the same exact theming but offered a different but Potter-themed area within the Wizarding World. Though I've heard that the expansion will be Diagon Alley related, in which case Mythos is definitely closing shop.


How long until the place just becomes Potterland?

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