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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I called USO to find out, as I have a power pass as well. They WILL NOT let you in to the passholder preview.


Luckily, my friend has a Premium pass, so Im going as a guest. I wish I had known the let down that is the power pass. For the extra 60 bucks the premier pass, its deffinatly worth it. Im deffinatly going to upgrade to the premier when mine expires this septemeber.

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I got my postcard in the mail the other day, yeah we have the preferred passes. I hope to make it to the park tomorrow morning for the preview before work. Plus I got to ride those newly painted Dueling Dragons. That counts as 2 new credits, right?

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While I can't say I'm excited about the new ride, I'm glad to see they finally made use of the structure in Suess Landing. It'll be something else to do in that land next time I pass through but nothing to flip over, and I definately don't see how it could be considered a coaster, but if people want their counts up THAT bad, well, to each their own.


I hope IOA has a thrill ride on the drawing boards, it's been a while.

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Wait. People are actually excited about this new ride? Wow, IOA already succeded then. I'm actually amazed at this development. Imagine the hysteria if they announced it would duel.


aaah shut up Disney Boy!!


I'm glad that this will be YET ANOTHER credit for me to pick up this fall! So what if some people count powered coasters? Its just a number! I dont think this will be on the level of fun that Thunder Run is, but I'd say this should be a nice little ride


Seriously though, thanks for finally doing SOMETHING Universal even if its just a kiddie coaster. LOL, between this and Shamu Express I won't be shut out next trip 8)

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this is definately not going to be a roller coaster. And no it is not NEW! it has been there from the day the park opened tons of people have asked me in the past if I knew what that thing was and i said " I don't know but it's never running!"


Sylvester McMonkey McBean's Unusual Driving Machines (Opens Summer 2006)



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Wait. People are actually excited about this new ride? Wow, IOA already succeded then. I'm actually amazed at this development. Imagine the hysteria if they announced it would duel.


aaah shut up Disney Boy!!


I'm glad that this will be YET ANOTHER credit for me to pick up this fall! So what if some people count powered coasters? Its just a number! I dont think this will be on the level of fun that Thunder Run is, but I'd say this should be a nice little ride


Seriously though, thanks for finally doing SOMETHING Universal even if its just a kiddie coaster. LOL, between this and Shamu Express I won't be shut out next trip 8)


Oooh..... thanks for the Shamu Express reminder! I may have to hit Sea World after I'm done at Universal tomorrow.

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