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Universal Orlando Resort (USF, IOA, Epic) Discussion Thread

P. 625: Harry Potter Ministry of Magic revealed!

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I'm definitely going to start off with Daft Punk, though I don't feel that Harder, Better, Faster, Stronger is the best song they could've chosen. Crescendolls, Digital Love, Aerodynamic and even One More Time would probably fit better. And lets not even get started one of the band's mixes from Alive 2007 or Daft Club!


I'm surprised that we've been given some songs that, when listening to them seem "off" in terms of something to be synchronized to a rollercoaster. The rock category seems strong, but the rest have selections that really don't seem like they would jive with this kind of ride. Bad Girls, Glamourous and Guitars, Cadillacs are a few.


And for some of the artists, I'm glad they picked them up, but disappointed in the song choice. At least for the Allman Brothers, I was really hoping I could enjoy riding along with Jessica.


Songs like The Devil Went Down to Georgia and Stronger will likely be hits among the rest (I've already seen an entire train filled with guests singing along to The Charlie Daniels Band's hit song over at Freestyle Music Park). And truthfully, I can't help but wish that they'd added in something from Andrew W.K., They Might Be Giants, Red Hot Chili Peppers or even Michael Jackson... But all of those stem from my own wishful thinking!

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Is it bad I don't know who most of them bands/groups are? I think cause Charlie Daniels and the Devil is my favorite song so I guess that would be my first choice but I think for the next rides I will just randomly pick something and hope I like it.

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My first ride will DEFINITELY be "Kickstart My Heart" - Hell Yeah! After that will be "Midnight Rider", "Devil Went Down To Georgia" and "Gimme All Your Lovin".


While I think most of these tunes are crap, at least they give you more choices than I had on Hollywood Dream The Ride. HDTR had five songs to choose from - The Beatles' "Get Back" was the only one I could stomach, so I just listened to that over and over on every ride.

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Is it bad I don't know who most of them bands/groups are? I think cause Charlie Daniels and the Devil is my favorite song so I guess that would be my first choice but I think for the next rides I will just randomly pick something and hope I like it.


Mr.Jackson was under the sony label. i don't think that Universal even own their music label anymore. I thought that they sold MCA Records a while back.

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Ok I'm gonna go with Daft Punk for the first ride. And then probably "Pump Up the Volume" by MARRS. Man I remember roller skating to that one!


Overall though, I'm not real impressed with the songs. When is MC Hammer "pop/disco"?

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ZZ Top - Gimme All Your Lovin!!!!!! They really need to put Legs and Sharp Dressed Man on there, though.


Second ride? Devil Went Down To Georgia. Just to see how much it has been chopped down for time.

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I'm starting with intergalactic, and thats the way I like it uh huh uh huh. I know that was lame but KC and the Sunshine band will be fun and uplifting to hear during the ride. It looks like its going to be a good list to choose from.

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Just got a survey from Universal asking me to rate a bunch of HP related stuff. Nothing new really, although they had me rate my interest in the "interactivity" of the land right up there along with exclusive HP merchandise as well the fact that it is indeed a theme park within a theme park, amongst other things.


Actually, it's slightly unnerving to me why they chose to play up "theme park within a theme park" because of the many implications that could bring, mainly upcharge, but I'm also happy they wanted to know how I valued interactivity.

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