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Final Destination 3

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hello i have final destination on dvd and its shite the coaster part at the start is so shite you can tell that its fake. i give it 00.1 out of 10


TRANSLATION: Hello, I have Final Destination (3 maybe?) on DVD. I think that the roller coaster special effects, in the first part of the movie, really looked fake. I give the movie 00.1 out of 10.


ADMIN EDIT: So people can understand what he is trying to say.

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i lust got back from seeing it and i thought it was Bull sh*t it was the worst film i have ever seen i meen how could a video camera wrap around a coaster that well and how could it stall in a loop like that and i still think Final destination 2 is the best one.


My review.

This film only gets 2 out of 10 from me i thought it was trying to hard to be scary. the gore was very execive espeshaly in the sun beds that was grose

but this film is crap



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  • 1 year later...

The main problem I had with the whole coaster accident part (other than the producers or whoever who totally ignored their own layout for the ride) is that the guy with the camera got off in "reality". Now the restraints still would have failed, but the train wouldn't have de-railed, especially on the first drop.

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I know the coaster is not a "real one", I just asked which coaster it was based on.


Maybe B&M could create an Inverted Coaster like the one on the film Only joking.


Did you know the voice of the "Devil" is Tony Todd and he has been in all 3 films, the 1st 2 he was the Undertaker.


He also does the voice for the Subway announcement.

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  • 6 months later...

Bringin' back an old topic once again. I first saw the entire movie several months ago because I heard it was about a roller coaster crash. My first impression, unbelievably unrealistic. First off, no coaster goes through 3 double corkscrews. When Frankie dropped the camera and it wrapped around the track, I thought WTF? The random unsupported loops, repeated track scenes just made me wonder how can movie makers get away with such a poor quality scene. When the train derailed on the turn, it looked like something straight out of RCT3. Also, how would the track cut so cleanly in half? (Not even Vekoma can make track that crappy. TOGO maybe) If the train was what did that, it would have merely smashed it out of shape. Finally, how would such park get away with such neglect for coaster safety and let the train fall into such disrepair. It was awesome to see a coaster in a movie, but this scene just killed all realism in it. Although a station like that would be pretty cool for a ride. Who knows, maybe Cedar Fair has something like that in mind for Dorney's Voodoo.


The rest of the movie was alright. I had not seen the first two before watching, but I was still able to follow along with the story. For the other deaths, the tanning scene...OMG. It was sickening to watch because of all the stages of death they showed. Very intense, if not the most intense part of the movie. For several brief seconds, the 'most intense pain' can be seen on Ashlyn (brunette girl) in the tanning bed. Frankie's death by the cooling fan of the car's engine was extremely graphic. I didn't see that one coming. Erin's death in the warehouse - I expected something to fall and crush her, but a round of nails through her head pinning her arm to her face, it makes me wonder what goes on in the minds of the writers. The last few deaths - there was nothing too shocking about them to bother writing about.


The same day, I watched FD1 and 2. The first two definitely had better death scenes, and the second one, the death's occurred nothing like the viewer would expect when seeing the movie for the first time.


In the end, 8/10 for entertainment. 5/10 for quality. I hope they make a fourth one for the sake of not leaving off on such a bad ending as this one.


-Sam "Wrote more than usual" Johnson

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Here's my recent pic of the Corkscrew, infamously used in FD:3.


Located in Playland, Vancouver Canada.


One of four credits.



Voila. The coaster in question. Last there in May. Busy times. Yawn.

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OK, I haven't seen the movie, only the trailer posted at the beginning of this thread....


But in the trailer, they pop the OTSRs on the whole back half of the train. People get out and fight. Then they decide to dispatch the train with the front half of it filled.


[1] Were people still scuffling on the exit platform when the train was cleared and dispatched? WTF? How is that "clear"?


and [2] Unless the movie scene has stuff in it that's not in the trailer, NOBODY put down the OTSRs, yet they are all down and locked when the train leaves the station.



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Welcome to the world of "Continuity".


Which, even without even seeing one frame of FD:3 I can assume had/has


Continuity Problems?


i.e. the OTSRs not being brought down - then being down when the train leaves the station?


Also - trailers do not always have any scenes featured, that you will eventually see in a movie. An example escapes me for now. But I have been lured to see a film, by it's trailer, only to find out that the particular "scene" didn't end up in the actual film itself.


I call that, False Advertising. But it's done fairly often. So what can you do, hmm?

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I haven't seen the movie, but I believe this is the offending scene:




Personally I think you're analyzing it too closely, it should be taken as entertainment for the general public and not as some ultra realistic coaster accident scene.


Lets face it, it would be crap if it was a realistic accident. But it would still make the evening news.

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If I remember correctly, the scene in which the coaster if falling apart and everyone dies is a dream, or a vision of some sort. So it's not really happening as far as the movie goes. And the actual accident is just the coaster falling off the track. I don't know if that helps or adds anything to this year old discussion at all.

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Also - trailers do not always have any scenes featured, that you will eventually see in a movie. An example escapes me for now. But I have been lured to see a film, by it's trailer, only to find out that the particular "scene" didn't end up in the actual film itself.


I call that, False Advertising. But it's done fairly often. So what can you do, hmm?


Monsters Inc. had something like that. I'm pretty sure other Pixar films were like that as well, but I couldn't say for sure.

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  • 4 weeks later...

SharkTums, your right the coaster they used for the movie is located in Canada. I saw the picture. When I first glanced at the roller coaster part, it did look like Viper at SFMM. I only saw a little part of the movie. Too scary for me! Wish I never saw the part I saw! Has anyone been on the famous coaster? Doesn't look too thrilling.

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This movie is crap. But what actually makes me mad is when I hear something like this.

"I'm scared."


"We're going to SFMM tomorrow."


"So I saw Final Destination 3 and never realized how dangerous rollercoasters were until now. That movie has changed the way I will think about amusement parks forever."

Such Retards!

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This topic always comes up every few months, and since I'm a fan of all the FD movies I'll contribute now. I have made a recreation of "Devil's Flight" in NL (NOT Corkscrew). If I ever get around to modeling the station for it, then I might include that. If not, I'll just post the track design.

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