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Animal Crossing New Horizons


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Hey everyone!


Some of you may remember we LOVE Animal Crossing and the new version comes out tonight/tomorrow! Feel free to post about the game, your friend codes, and all the fun stuff we love about Animal Crossing!


My friend code is 3795-7922-0010

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It takes about a day before the online to work for your town unless you started playing before 5:00am this morning. I just had a small online session and it worked really well! Super cute how it works. It is pretty similar to the system from New Leaf.

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So I've been playing the new Animal Crossing for almost a week now, and I have to be honest... I'm a little disappointed.


While the game looks GORGEOUS and I love al the attention to details in it, I really miss things like "Tortimer Island" being able to play games with your friends, visiting all the other shops in the city, visiting the other houses in the Happy Home Academy showcase, and so many of the other features that were found in previous versions.


Maybe we just haven't gotten those things yet? (hoping!) But after a few days into it, where I'm just wandering around not having much to do, and I've now collected HUNDREDS of each of the wood types that I'm not even bothering smack trees anymore, I feel myself sort of just "bored" in the game right now. And I've never felt this in any other version of Animal Crossing! (We've been playing since GameCube!)


And is there really no connection to Pocket Camp at all? I haven't seen anything come up about that.


Don't get me wrong, I love Animal Crossing and it is still the game I have invested the most time in over my entire life, but I just expected more "things" to do in this game, characters to visit, activities with multi-player, especially after the last couple of rounds of the game. I hoping that this is just a much slower-paced version of the game and all of those things are yet to come.

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Hi, my names is Dana I have been a long time reader of TPR and first time posting on the forum. I recently purchased Animal Crossing and none of my friends play online and would love to try playing online, so here is my info:


My friend code is: SW-3629-6367-6781

Island Name: Dana Cay

Fruit: Peaches


I have a lot of fruit trees, Peaches, Pears, Oranges and Coconuts and I have Bamboo. Please add me to your friends list.

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