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Fatal accident at La Feria Chapultepec Magico

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So in other words, the rides will be left to rot (without even the pitiful amount of maintenance they previously received), for an extended amount of time, making them worthless in the end. Super.

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  • 2 months later...

A friend of mine captured the following drone footage of the current state of La Feria (April 2020), as you can see, six months after the accident, the park remains in the exact same state as the day it closed, with no rides removed yet and even Quimera's fatal train still valleyed in the spot where it's last car finally detached.



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Is there a pile of garbage in a swimming pool in the middle of Montana Rusa? Why did anyone go here when the nicest Six Flags park ever was right down the road?

Yeah the only reason I can think of to go here is Quim- oh wait...

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^ The trough is pretty much empty. Here's a better shot showing just how little water they use.


That long flume was such as spectacular disaster, I loved it. There's also a part where you need to duck when it goes under a building (think Knoebels Motor Boats clearances). And the final drop is profiled so awkwardly.




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  • 4 months later...

I don't want this to become the main discussion thread for La Feria, but I thought I'd share this listing of Cascabel (Kennywood's former Laser Loop). https://www.usedrides.com/rides/217016?fbclid=IwAR06NCkg25gu-uMcmEqdyxkIk5G4AqY9z7Zm1Av3UFrs7kOigUTnLHkHtYw I haven't looked to see if there are any other rides from this park listed.


490k. For a forty year old coaster. With a flywheel launch.

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I wonder if they will try to sell the Quimera or just junk it. With a complete refurb and new trains like they did for SDL over at Hershey, it would be a good addition for a small park here in the US.

My roller coaster headcanon is that Olympia Looping ends up at Knoebels after it retires from the fair circuit. A refurbished Dreier Looping would be an acceptable substitute.

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  • 2 months later...

Hello everyone!

Although the removal of rides at La Feria has been going for about a month, starting this week it has taken full speed with the beginning of the disassembly of Quimera and Raton Loco. 




More pictures here

It seems likely that they are planning to remove all the rides before the official announcement of the winner of the concession agreement for the construction and operation of the new park to be located here, the announcement iwill take place on november 29th.

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I liked that park, with all it's rides thrown together on both sides of the main coaster. Sorry to see it being all dismantled like that. And some U.S./Cdn park has got to name their mad mouse Raton Loco. It's too good a name, not to use again. 🎢


Marvin the Clown, and me. I miss him and the park. TPR 2013 Mexico Tour.


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The fact that they're carefully dismantling Quimera as opposed to just knocking it down makes me optimistic that it's going to find a new home somewhere else.

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