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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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In line for Xclr8r at Knott's, this lady brought a stroller up to the train. Then she asked the ride ops to watch her baby while she rode. They told her no, and she stormed off into the the line and made everyone move so she could get through with her Hummer sized stroller. It was pretty fun and I laughed about it the rest of the day.


I remember the exact same thing happening in line for Xcelerator when I went several weeks ago. When did this happen? We were probably there at the same time.

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I really haven't much of what GP say, but as was mentioned YouTube is notorious for idoitic GP. I'm not bragging, but I know I'm constantly being belligerent to them when they can't even make the effort t even try and spell.

YouTube shouldn't count. YouTube's notorious for idiots on any subject. Roller coasters, the moon landing, a music video, a train crash. It's all an open forum for stupidity.

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As I currently have a job as a ride-op, I sometimes get to operate a water-rafting ride in Linnanmäki, Helsinki (Finland). And too often the guests ask if they're going to get wet. Let's have some facts:


1. At the entrance, there's a sing that says not in one, or in two, but in THREE different languages, that you may get wet.

2. In the queue there's a vending machine selling ponchos. But you couldn't tell anything from that, could you?

3. The queue has an excellent view over the last lift hill, so you can see the other guests if they're wet or not.

4. (this is may favourite, and I also answer with this when asked) There's a waterfall size of a house, right in the last part of the ride completely dominating the view in the area. There's NO WAY one could miss it.


So, way to go GP!

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In line for Xclr8r at Knott's, this lady brought a stroller up to the train. Then she asked the ride ops to watch her baby while she rode. They told her no, and she stormed off into the the line and made everyone move so she could get through with her Hummer sized stroller. It was pretty fun and I laughed about it the rest of the day.


I remember the exact same thing happening in line for Xcelerator when I went several weeks ago. When did this happen? We were probably there at the same time.

I was there about 3 weeks ago, June 23rd.

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^I really don't think it was a typo figuring as some people don't know how to spell 'roller coaster'


Edit: BTW the person who posted that didnt type it in, that was one of the options to choose from if that clears anything up

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Yeah, I get it, but this is just clearly over some peoples heads. I have said it before in this thread, but I think I'm going to just stop reading it.


The majority of the stuff posted here is not weird, or funny; it is either us being incredibly dorky, or just pointing out stupid stuff like a typo. Take a look at the first few pages of the thread before posting your 'Hey, OMG this guy spelled Roller with an 'A. He and Facebook are sOoOo retarded!!!'



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I work at a water park called Wild Rivers(in Irvine,California) as a cashier, and as I was walking to a restaurant to work I heard over my supervisors walkie talkie.(they must be at a very loud volume in case there is an emergency) I heard over the walkie talkie that someone was trying to see if there was a promotion for people with an Elitch Gardens(in COLORADO) season passes. Why would we have a promotion?!?!? I laughed so hard, though.

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1. I've been telling some of the people I work with about TS:TR at SFMM, and when I explain that its a wooden coaster, the responses I've gotten the most are: "They still make those?" or, "...and its a new coaster??" Apparently, wood=old and steel=new in the minds of most people.


2. Also, I was at SFMM last week and I saw a little kid run after his Mom after staring at Tatsu for a while, yelling "Mom, I saw Silver Bullet!" Since it was a little kid, I let it slide...this time.


3. On the same trip, as I waited for Riddler, I was talking to some kids who hadn't ridden X2. I was explaining the general idea of the ride, and I guess I called it "X" too many times for one eavesdropper, who cut in rudely, "It's called X2!" I just stared at him until he went away.


4. Finally, as I was about to ride Jetstream, this couple with their very young baby asked if they could hold him when they went on the ride, and the ride op said yes! Sure enough, they took their infant onto the flume ride. Am I crazy? That seems pretty irresponsible on both ends, park and parents.

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^ They took their baby(and you mean baby right, like a year or so younger than Kristen,or even younger?) That's insane. Correct me if I'm wrong, but Kristen is about two and a half, and if I am correct, she is still to small for most family coasters(like Disney and that kind of thing, not wacky worms and portables) and I don't think shes been on a flume yet. Parents always piss me off when the do things like this, there are even certain attractions with no height requirements that you dont take children on(on Saturday there were about 30-50 screaming children during the show tough to be a bug. What the hell is wrong with these parents(and in some cases, but not this case,meaning DCA, parks?) And jet stream is pretty rough, which cant be good for a very young child. And the final drop is like 50 feet tall, and the thing bounces kind of, which means kid kind of gets ejector air, because they weigh what? like 20 lbs. People like this kind of piss me off, if you are bringing a child who is very young either bring someone who is not going to ride to watch them, hire a babysitter and leave them at home, or just spend the day with your child.


The only reason I am ranting about this subject is that people still complain about height/weight/age requirements which never made sense to me. They are there for a reason, and chances are that an infant does not understand change in speed. That's why Elissa is smart, Kristen was allowed to get the quassy wild mouse credit during the midwest trip(I believe) and Elissa said no. Many parents would have said yes, and there kids would not have been ready, which could have turned into a phobia. If your going to have kids, spend the day with your kids or give the kid to your wife/gf for part of the day and watch the kid for part of the day or something like that. Everyone needs to have days where they can go out and have fun, but at what cost?


That was a lot longer than I expected and sorry to get off topic(certain members of the GP are really ******* stupid, though)

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Since YouTube doesn't count, I can't say I have heard anything stupid from the GP. I do know I can't stand when there's a couple and they have to cling to one another throughout the entire queue. Like hello! You're not going to lose one another...anyways, I'll stop the rant before it gets ugly...although I might go back to Facebook as this is fodder for the 'I Want To Punch Slow Walking People In the Back of the Head' group.


In my time, I've come across quite the opposite with the GP. One year at HalloWeekend, I remember talking with this and his girlfriend, who were from Toronto, about then PCW, and at the time the rumoured floorless.

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^^ "I Secretly Want to Punch Slow Walking People in the Back of the Head" is, by far, one of the greatest groups on Facebook.


Walking by one of the games areas at SFStL, I overheard the games operator asking a patron if she could name all seven continents, and she replied, giggling, "Probably not!" Now, GP comment or not, quotes like that bother me tremendously. Is is that our education system is really so pathetic that more adults than I probably care to know don't know facts that should have become ingrained in elementary school, or is it just that some people are so utterly apathetic in seeing beyond the bubble of their own lives?


A little off topic, that experience reminded me of a time in high school when someone thought the U.S. had 52 states, and that the other two were Cuba and, of all things, Vietnam.



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Walking by one of the games areas at SFStL, I overheard the games operator asking a patron if she could name all seven continents, and she replied, giggling, "Probably not!" Now, GP comment or not, quotes like that bother me tremendously. Is is that our education system is really so pathetic that more adults than I probably care to know don't know facts that should have become ingrained in elementary school, or is it just that some people are so utterly apathetic in seeing beyond the bubble of their own lives?




Let's see . . . America, Narnia, Middle Earth, Hyperborea . . . what are the other three?

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^^ "I Secretly Want to Punch Slow Walking People in the Back of the Head" is, by far, one of the greatest groups on Facebook.


Walking by one of the games areas at SFStL, I overheard the games operator asking a patron if she could name all seven continents, and she replied, giggling, "Probably not!" Now, GP comment or not, quotes like that bother me tremendously. Is is that our education system is really so pathetic that more adults than I probably care to know don't know facts that should have become ingrained in elementary school, or is it just that some people are so utterly apathetic in seeing beyond the bubble of their own lives?


A little off topic, that experience reminded me of a time in high school when someone thought the U.S. had 52 states, and that the other two were Cuba and, of all things, Vietnam.




Oh yeah, I pissed alot of people off with some of the crap I used to say on there. Nothing slanderous, just the plain friggin' truth.


That's terrible that they couldn't name the seven continents, thankfully, they were named afterwards.

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My AP Psychology summer homework is to read 40 Studies That Changed Psychology and write a summary of each study. Wonderful. Anyway, on the 36th study (I'm almost there, come on!), I read an interesting sentence:


As you observe the situation further, you see that they are waiting in line for a ride on "Batman", North America's highest mega-roller coaster located at Magic Mountain theme park in California.


The book was originally written in 1992 (although I'm reading the fifth edition, printed in 2005), but did Batman ever have the height record? I think that they were referring to Superman. And mega-roller coaster made me chuckle.

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So after spending a quick three hours in the park today, I overheard people behind me in line for dragster talking about how tall the ride is, and apparently it is a mere 6 stories tall. Oh but here is the kicker, he thinks 6 stories = "about 72 feet". After that, the people in front of me are listening to the employee spieling, and they start talking about the launch, and apparently it goes from 0 to 20 in 2.8 seconds. So between these people we have a 72 foot ride that launches you from o to 20 in just 2.8 seconds.... Sounds SO thrilling, doesn't it?



Then later, while in line for Mantis, I overheard some guy in line behind me say to his girlfriend that the ride didn't really go upside down, it just LOOKED like it did, like an illusion or something.


Its pretty interesting to see the things people come up with when they have no idea what the heck they are talking about...

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