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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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i was at USH, and i was standing in line for mummy the ride an this kid said to his friend.


KID: man this ride goes upside down like 4 times and you are chased by bugs.

friends: man i heard that a lady fell out.( Perilous plunge i believe.)

kid: i also heard a piece of wood feel and hit some one in the head.(ghostrider)


I just laughed so hard i started to cry.

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I overheard a couple in their late 40s say this at California Adventure:


Woman- I wonder how they launch the roller coaster?

Man- Really? Its obviously steam powered.

Woman- Are you sure, how do you know that?

Man- Look at all that steam coming out from inside the track, it has to be steam.

Woman- Oh, good point.


...I nearly died laughing when I heard that.


For those of you who don't know, there are misters down in between the LIMs to cool them off

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Once again, this thread has not failed to brighten my day.



Some things I overheard on my so Cal trip this week:


In line for Gadgets Go Coaster (to get the credit only):

GP: "They put the tunnel on the ride to close up the loop-dey-loop inside so little kids won't be afraid.

GP's friend: "I dont remember there being a loop in there."

GP: "No it's there! Look, it twists one way going in and the other way coming out."




In line for California Screamin later that day:

GP: "Theres this coaster at Sea world down in San Diego called Kraken which has 10 loops and goes straight down. (heavy emphasis on the vertical part)"



In line for Xcelerator at KBF 2 days later:

GP: "Lets go on that red and yellow coaster after this. I think it's called Windjammer"




Keep in mind where we were in the park when he said this, standing on Windjammer's grave.

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I need to read this thread more often. There are a lot of great stories here, but Darksin losing patience and telling the guy that were three people driving the Shamu robot had me rolling. I was laughing so hard that I nearly peed myself.


So, where do I sign up to be a Shamu robot driver, and does that pay very well?

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Last summer while in line for Hades here is a funny conversation I heard.



Kid 1: You know how this ride is called Hades like as in hell and the ride goes underground?

Kid 2: Yeah?

Kid 1: Well you actully go partially through hell for real.

Kid 2: You're full of sh*t

Kid 1: Dude I'm not kidding. You're an idiot I bet you we'll go right through hell on the ride

Kid 2: Sure, ok.


After the ride



Kid 1: Shut up you just didn't see it.



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Today must have been bring a moron to theme park day. I got told the following ALL today at work!


Kid wasn't tall enough to ride ride so I was asked "what time does the height restriction lower?"


And then I was told that SWO does not have Shamu at all.


Also, there exist Sea World's in Canada, Harlem Massachusetts, and New Orleans. After I told guest that there have never been Sea World's there, he procedes to tell me that he has in fact visited all three just in the past year. (WTF was he on?!)


"What do you all do with the animals after each season?" First response was by me and was "we send them back to the manufacturer to get updated models."


Second time that was asked my manager answered it and the guest convieniently had chicken strips plate with her so my manager goes "well you know those chicken strips you are currently eating..." Guests eyes got so freakin huge!



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Working at CGA, of course I work with the GP, and I hear a TON of strange sh*t.


I heard at least one person ask if Invertigo goes upside down (which it does so 3 times in each direction for a total of 6 flips). I answered by saying, "No, we just painted the loops in. You stay right side up the whole time." In my mind I said, "Here's your sign."


Many people ask me if they will get wet on White Water Falls. I think it's pretty easy to assume that you do since "water" is in the ride's name! Some people are just such es

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ANYTHING posted on Youtube coaster videos.




Then a sane person tries to correct them. "Dude, that's a wild mouse coaster..."

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Anytime I'm at a park with a Schwarzkopf coaster which has only a lapbar, someone ALWAYS says while queueing-


-Did you know someone fell out of this during the loop?

-This ride only has lapbars and it goes upside down?!?!



The other day, I was arguing with this girl on Youtube about the Sooperdooperlooper. Apparently, a bunch of people have fallen out, and you have to go to the pennsylvania archives to find stories about it, because they cover things like that up so you wont be able to find it ANYWHERE on the internet. And also it hasnt been "upgraded" since it opened.


I've also heard many times that the Sooperdooperlooper had more than one loop when it opened.



Also when people say Loop-de-loop, it really bothers me for some reason, idk why.

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Conversation of the people in front of me on my first lap for the day on Goliath at SFOG:


Person1: "This one goes upside down right?"

Person2: "No, because we only have these lap bars"

Person1: "Yeah, but the green one only has lap bars and it goes upside down"

Person2: "That's true, yeah I think you do some flips after you do the big hill section"


Apparently they thought that Goliath and the Georgia Scorcher were one continuous ride.

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At SFOT i was in line for the swinging ship, a group of people stared over at the bobsleigh saying, GP1 "i love that ride, i've been on it so many times". GP2 "whats it like i have never been on it?" GP1 "you sit on boats and get really wet with no track!" then an argument ensued between another member of the GP about it. It just made me cringe!

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Man, sea world has the most kicka$$ managers


that aside, I have one friend who continually tells me that magnets keep cars on upside down coaster track. I tell him he's wrong and then he always pulls out the worst diss ever, "Man, Alex, you're such a coaster fanatic. yeah, I said fanatic, not fan. it's worse. look it up!" after this I usually move onto the frat boy morons annoying the hell out of me to explain that airtime can not break a restraint, ALL drop towers have one car, water slides can't go beyond vertical, and chain lifts aren't powered by hand crank.

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^Yeah I know I've see a video of an old Intamin one that used to drop through a shopping mall (but I think it has been relocated)





I just logged on to facebook and my News Feed showed that a friend of mine at UNC just created a photo album titled "Disney".


....the album contained pictures of IOA and Universal. Absolutely no Disney.

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Talking about coasters to a couple coworkers today, and a few weeks ago, one told me that they were stuck upside down on a ride at SFDK. Without trying to make him sound like a total nut, I began to think of rides that got stuck. When I mentioned Boomerang, he claimed that Boomerang was the one. (Boomerang got stuck in it's boomerang back in 1999 I believe that was the year)


Today, I heard a number of things:

"Invertigo is not a roller coaster"...??


My guess is that maybe he doesn't consider shuttle coasters as coasters? Who knows...


"They don't make all wooden coasters anymore...they are steel track with wooden supports, Grizzly was the last all wood coaster made, which is why it's so rough."


I explained to him about some of these newer woodies being made of steel frames and wood track, and a lot are made of all wood today.


After talking about Firefall and it's programming, I was told that "It's Great America...they won't run it to it's full potential. You know that ride Delirium (He called it Centrifuge)? That's not even ran properly as most other ones go fully upside down. The mechanics at the top make it possible to do a full inverted swing."


Looks can be deceiving...Maybe look up more of these Revolution rides? Never seen one do full inversions...

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Talking about coasters to a couple coworkers today, and a few weeks ago, one told me that they were stuck upside down on a ride at SFDK. Without trying to make him sound like a total nut, I began to think of rides that got stuck. When I mentioned Boomerang, he claimed that Boomerang was the one. (Boomerang got stuck in it's boomerang back in 1999 I believe that was the year)

Whenever this subject gets brought up, people just seemed convinced that it got stuck upside down. I have talked with many people who insist that I am wrong because I was not there to see it when it happened and they were. Heck, my own brother still thinks it got stuck upside down.

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