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Weirdest Things The 'GP' Have Said

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jeep: At Six Flags, not here, but Magic Mountain, there is a ride called 'Superman'. You get launched backwards up a 400 foor tower at 100 mph!

My thoughts: Wow! This is one smart jeep!

jeep: Yeah, and they are taking out the wooden one to build a ride exactly like that here, because the wooden one has gotten too old.

Me: Mental facepalm

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I posted this in the CGA thread as part of last night's story but I'll share it here as it will have a nice fit here.


ABW, a fellow CGA fan, my cousin and I were headed towards Flight Deck when some lady stops us (in front of the Carousel/Blood Drums stage) and asks:

"Excuse me but do you know where the Peanuts Party in the Plaza is? The signs say that they're right here but it isn't *points to signs*."

Us: Well, the signs say that PPP is in front of the GA Theater which is right on the other side of the swings, over by Vortex *points in the vicinity of the show that is currently in session*

Her: (In an irritated voice) Uh, can you be more specific other than just 'over there?'

Us: See the swings right over there? See the building behind where the show is going on right now? It's right there straight ahead.

Her: Uh, ok then, thank you, whatever. (walks off in what seemed like an irritable mood).


And she had a park map in her hand.

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Not much of a GP, but just adding to the thread.

On my Apollo's Chariot recreation, some keeps trying to tell me that Apollo's is 210 ft tall, earning the term hyper coaster, so I reply

"Apollo's Chariot is 170ft tall w/ a 210ft drop. Check RCDB.com"

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^ It technically is a "Hyper Coaster". The Hyper Coaster is loosely defined as a coaster with a drop of over 200 feet. Because of that, Phantom's Revenge is also considered a hyper coaster because it has a drop of 228 feet, even though it's highest point is only 160 feet tall.

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When I was at the front of the line at flight deck telling them it was down a lot of people came up to me asking where the bathroom is. What makes this weird is the fact you pass the bathroom on your way to flight deck.


I had one today. I was coming out of the bathroom (I'm working) and this guy comes up to me and asks where is the designated smoking area. I then point to the sign designated smoking area. I work at cga. If you want to know the area I'm talking about, it's the bathroom behind American cafe.


Theme parks can be very confusing places for people who do not visit regularly. You may be there every day but for many of your guests it may be their first visit ever, or in perhaps, many years. Their last visit may have been when smoking was allowed everywhere. When they are on their way to Flight Deck, they are not looking for restrooms. I don't think it is appropriate to post about a guest wondering where the nearest bathroom is on an online forum. As an employee, you should really be embracing the guests and making them feel comfortable instead of laughing on the inside about how stupid you think they are.


I tell my guests 100 times a day that the restroom 'the 2nd door on your right.' I get tired of saying it, but they have never been here, and they dont know, but they appreciate it when I don't roll my eyes and I act like I genuinely care when they ask. I would guess that employees complaining about innocent guests is NOT the intent of this forum, and even more so knowing that many park superiors check this website out regularly. Sorry, your two posts kind of struck a nerve with me.

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Earlier this summer I was at Darien Lake with my GP friend. Normally when we visit the parks she acknowledges that I'm the coaster geek and leaves all the stats and facts up to me. However, when we were walking by predator she explained to me that Predator is the oldest coaster at Darien Lake. I politely said that Viper was built first but she was insistent that Predator was first "because it's made of wood!"


I understand that this is an easy mistake for the GP to make, but I still had to roll my eyes and brush it off. She at least knew enough to avoid actually riding predator because of the roughness.

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^ It technically is a "Hyper Coaster". The Hyper Coaster is loosely defined as a coaster with a drop of over 200 feet. Because of that, Phantom's Revenge is also considered a hyper coaster because it has a drop of 228 feet, even though it's highest point is only 160 feet tall.


I never said it wasnt a hyper coaster, i just said his facts were slightly off.

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^^By far, THE most common jeep mistake is deeming all wood coasters as 'old'. I have seen people, young and old, thing all wood coasters are old. I doubt there is ONE person on these forums who cannot say they've heard someone make this mistake. Unless you happen to be at Kennywood or some old boardwalk park, the wood coaster they are talking about is probably newer than they think.


Also, another not-too-absent minded but very funny mistake is when I tell someone I am making a trip to Six Flags Magic Mountain. They ask, "is Colossus still the top dog?"


So, when I arrive at the park, I send them a picture of Goliath and Superman towering over Colossus, and I might throw in a pic of Tatsu over Revolution. I believe that effectively answeres the question.


MrSum1"Yes, El Toro really did open in 2006"_55.

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On a Tower of Terror video:

i wonder why they never thought to play " Hotel California" by the Eagles when u r walking thru this place. that music would have been 10 million times more relaxing than the Twilight Zone music..........

Ever think it was because the Eagles weren't even alive in 1939?

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^^By far, THE most common GP mistake is deeming all wood coasters as 'old'. I have seen people, young and old, thing all wood coasters are old. I doubt there is ONE person on these forums who cannot say they've heard someone make this mistake.


Sorry dude. I have yet to meet someone who has said that (though I was met with a something similar when I worked on Thunderbolt at SFNE). Though I think the most common GP mistake is "The backseat is faster than the front" and other variations. I've heard that again and again!

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On a trip to Santa Cruz Beach Boardwalk, in line for Giant Dipper:


Person in my group: Guys! Let's try to do the back because it goes faster!


Me: (Laughs) WHAT?! How does any part of the train go faster?! The train is connected! Do you not know basic physics!?"


Person again: No! Shut up! Nobody cares!


I was never talked to again in that line...


Really? Needless to say I was speechless.

Edited by ABW
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^^Well, I don't believe I have heard "roller coasters go faster in the back!" Probably, it depends on which part of the country you are from. If you are from Northern California, this is probably a common mistake; the newest wood coaster in the area opened in the late 90's. Imagine if JMA added a woodie to CGA. I can't imagine how many people would be confused, never having realized that wood coasters are still being built.


^In a sutuation like that, I believe no one cares loosely translates to OMG! For once in my life I might actually be wrong! I can't be wrong in front of my friends! I am never wrong!


Still, my personal favorite was when someone said I was stupid to believe that X2 was a coaster, believing it was a 4D flight simulator! (Even after I actually rode it, he spent a half hour trying to convince me I was never actually moving, just the screen was making me think I was!) To be fair, I do believe X2 actually was a supersonic airplane, and he got far enough to hear it was a 4D ride.


So, esentially, that giant red and black thing in the parking lot is just an illusion, and that extremely realistic simulator always seems to adapt to the weather outside. When it was raining at WCB 2011 ERT, the ride actually was spraying water in your face! Weird, huh?


The X2 simulator really is the greatest technological achievement of all time!

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Working Dodgem at Waldameer always brought the best knowledge out of people.


Most commonly asked: "Which one is the fastest?"


Favorite Comment: "Don't touch the floor, it will shock you!!" My response: "Actually, (touches floor while the ride is running) it doesn't" You should have seen some of the frightened looks I got before they realized I was right.

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Working Dodgem at Waldameer always brought the best knowledge out of people.


Most commonly asked: "Which one is the fastest?"


Favorite Comment: "Don't touch the floor, it will shock you!!" My response: "Actually, (touches floor while the ride is running) it doesn't" You should have seen some of the frightened looks I got before they realized I was right.

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During my English class today, a "I'm better than you" Mormon, brought up how he was nervous on Supreme Scream at KBF. He started off his story by giving facts about the ride.

He said:

...it's 385ft, tall...

I'm also positive he was talking about the drop itself, and not from the base to top of the structure.

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