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The 2018 TPR Coaster Poll

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Here's a lengthy bug report for you guys, in decreasing order of frustration. (Operating System: Android. Browser: Google Chrome)


Error 1: If I either refresh the tab the ranking page is open in, or leave the ranking page in the same tab and go back to it, most of the bottom 20% move to random positions elsewhere in the list, and a large number of the coasters overall will have their number randomized; I even got a -2 rank displayed for Pepsi Orange Streak last time. This has happened many times and is especially frustrating because I have gone on something like 260 rankable coasters and it's taken me a week to think through each ride and reorganize everything.


Error 2: If I continuously scroll for more than roughly 50 positions in the ranking section in either direction (up or down), it will not stop scrolling in that direction until it reaches the top or bottom of the page. If I am currently dragging a coaster to a new position in the rankings, it will place the coaster at whatever position in the ranking it was when the "scroll loop" began. If this happens, then the only recourse to stop the scroll loop is to do a browser refresh, which then triggers Error 1.


Error 3: Sometimes when I touch the right side of the screen to scroll, it instead drags the coaster I tapped on; this usually happens somewhere in the right third of the entry.


Error 4: A couple times after the site autosaved my changes, the numbers (but not the positions) for a significant portion of the entries randomized.


Error 5: Somehow two Freedom Flyer (Fun Spot Orlando) entries made it into my list. I could independently position them and give them individual numbers. I had to remove both and do a screen refresh which (you guessed it!) triggered Error 1 in order to solve this. It hasn't happened a second time, however.


Error (?) 6: There seems to be a delay of 3 - 5 seconds between placing an entry in a new position and being able to select another one. Now that I think about more, perhaps that's actually a deliberately placed timed "selection pause"?


Error 7: The page appeared to scroll to different position when I switch to another tab and then returned to the ranking page a couple of times.


Error 8: A couple of times I tried to drag an entry to a new position, but the entry failed to move.

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Wow. That's a lot that you're the only person to say anything about. Not that I don't believe you, just seems like there's more going on there.


You may want to try the spreadsheet view instead. It won't try to change numbers based on dragging, since that seems to be where most of your frustration comes from.

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  • 2 weeks later...
I just did the poll. I am missing some coasters, mostly in Germany (Tripsdrill, the new kiddie in Holiday Park, some coasters in Europa Park, ...). Is this planned?

Rasender Tausendfüßler, Tabalugas Achterbahn, and Ba-a-a-Express don't meet our "minimum size" guideline to be included on the poll.


Eurosat was under renovation and didn't reopen until very late in 2018, it will be present on the 2019 poll. Arthur and Alpenexpress are powered coasters and therefore they don't qualify.

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I just did the poll. I am missing some coasters, mostly in Germany (Tripsdrill, the new kiddie in Holiday Park, some coasters in Europa Park, ...). Is this planned?

Rasender Tausendfüßler, Tabalugas Achterbahn, and Ba-a-a-Express don't meet our "minimum size" guideline to be included on the poll.


Eurosat was under renovation and didn't reopen until very late in 2018, it will be present on the 2019 poll. Arthur and Alpenexpress are powered coasters and therefore they don't qualify.

Oooh.. I'm sorry. I'm the idiot here. Sorry, it was my first time doing the poll. I also found Tripsdrill, it's listed under "Erlebnispark Tripsdrill", which is nothing but right.

Thanks for your explanations. I make sure to read better next time.

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So apparently the short month of February was confusing for some people when the poll actually ended! lol (Note: February only has 28 days, sometimes 29!)


We have extended the deadline for the TPR Coaster Poll to March 15th! Ballots MUST be in by 11:59pm on March 15th!






More info and details about the poll: https://www.themeparkreview.com/forum/viewtopic.php?p=1895678#p1895678


Have a great weekend everyone!


--Robb Alvey

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Please refresh my memory...


Is Zero still the highest/best ranking you can give? I noticed in going into my list last year that my top five are all ranked as zeroes. Is that correct or did something change?


The "smallest" number is the highest ranking. Technically it would rank -10000 higher than your 0s. I wouldn't recommend this. So yes, 0 is the best, and nothing changed.

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Please refresh my memory...


Is Zero still the highest/best ranking you can give? I noticed in going into my list last year that my top five are all ranked as zeroes. Is that correct or did something change?


The "smallest" number is the highest ranking. Technically it would rank -10000 higher than your 0s. I wouldn't recommend this. So yes, 0 is the best, and nothing changed.


Awesome, thank you!

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drag and drop not working.

Remember that if you filled out a ballot last year, you'll need to click the yellow "not done yet" button to release your rankings. Then drag-and-drop will work properly. Once you're done, click the green "done ranking" button and you'll be locked in again.

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  • 2 weeks later...

I'd admit the headbanging was a bit of an overraction considering that there basically is none with the new trains, but I just don't like boomerangs.


Also, as you can see my credit count is rather modest. Have yet to ride an SLC or a Zamperla flyer.


Don't worry though, once I make it down to Kentucky Kingdom, methinks T3 will claim the bottom spot.

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Hey everyone! Remember that today is the last day for voting!


Most importantly, when you're done ranking your coasters, be sure to click the green "done ranking" button to submit!

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It is 11:59 PM Eastern. We've had this up for an extra two weeks too.


That being said, there's nothing stopping you from at least getting those rankings down now so you don't have to go through the song and dance next year.


Get your like... best 50 or 75 on your list where you want them before 9:00 PM Pacific, and then submit. You can always come back tomorrow and, if the results haven't been tabulated yet, your changes will be reflected when they are. You just click the yellow button to release your rankings, and then the green button to lock them in again.

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Currently my top 3 coasters are ranked as -2, -1, and 0. Is this a problem?


Also I've had the same issue as someone else where my bottom 10-20 coasters keep randomly placing themselves throughout my list when I refresh (even after I press "save"). Frustrating.

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