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Robb & Elissa in the USA - 2017!

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I would love to see Buffalo get something like this!


We do have an outdoor "museum" of sorts called Griffis Sculpture Park that has a lot of very odd-looking metal, steel & cast "art" which you can climb on and in, which is pretty cool. It's all spread out over two locations on hundreds of acres, so you can really get a work-out if you want to explore and see all of the sculptures.

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City Museum is one of a kind and there isn't anything like it anywhere else. You could spend the entire day there and as you leave, realize there was so much you didn't do. It is painfully fun, you will get some little scrapes and bruises, but I look at it as marks of a hell of a fun time. Great photos and report Robb, and just like you said, photos DO NOT do it justice. Its been about 2 years since I've gone, I need to get back... you would think living here, I'd go more often.

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Great report! This is atop my list of non-amusement park activities to hit in the US. I hope to make it out that way sometime in the next 2-3 year.


The local children's museum had an adult night earlier this year with a crazy climbing structure/labyrinth but those climbs at the City Museum appear to put that one to shame.

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Oh lawdy! That looks like SO much more fun than 'hitting the gym.' I just KNOW I'd have to attempt everything there at least once! Or die trying. (My National Shih Tzu Club had its annual show in St. Louis one year, and I was moaning that there was nothing exciting to do in the area. So sad that I didn't know about the museum... .) Thanks for the incredible pix and videos!



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The city museum is so awesome and when you factor in Bogart's Smokehouse is less than 10 minutes away that's the perfect day in StL. You can also find local beer @ the cafe on the second floor with a bunch of weird animatronics and pinball machines and old school games.

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Had a great time with you guys! So much fun, even though I ended up with some serious slide burns after that day.


Also, I've been there twice now and still have never seen the hamster wheel or kaleidoscope room. You can seriously wander around that place for hours and still not find everything. Something to look forward to next time we go.


Also, the video of Kristen stealing the phone is still pure gold.

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City Museum is absolutely great, and anyone who hasn't been should do so as soon as possible. It isn't a replicable sort of place. If you've been to a place you think is similar, you haven't been here. There's nothing else like it, and there never will be again (the creator died a few years ago). Glad everybody had fun, because of course you did.

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We go to the City Museum at least a couple times a year. If you get an opportunity to sign up for their sleepovers, DO IT. Taking the already incredible experience and adding free run of the place in the middle of the night is just beyond words. You haven't lived until you've watched the sun come up while sitting underneath a giant metal praying mantis. We're going to another sleepover in January so unfortunately the roof won't be open but everything else will be, weather permitting for Monstro of course. They include dinner and breakfast, and project movies on the side of the whale all night.

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^ Great idea! I believe they do it here in Vancouver with the Aquarium. A sleep overnight "among the fishes", heh.

But - it's not the same thing as it would be, staying, and playing, in this awesome museum overnight!

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