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Photo TR: A Wicked Fahkin Weekend

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Sara Frias, a spokesperson for the park, issued the following statement on the matter:


“Due to the rugged terrain of the mountain and the limited access to the remote area, Lake Compounce has decided to close the SkyRide attraction permanently.

Oh, like that's changed since they installed it and suddenly has come as a great surprise to everyone.

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I mean I can imagine being in mgmt @ Compounce and seeing the public's reaction to and all the bad publicity Great Escape got from a guest doing something stupid and completely out of the parks control. And it wasn't even a death/serious injury.


I definitely think its a ridiculous, knee jerk reaction but I'd be lying if I said the majority of our conversation while riding the thing wasn't about what the hell we would do if it stopped & we had to evacuate, or the likelihood of death or getting serious f*cked up if for some reason you did fall from it.


Also - who knows, seems now that its been discussed on social media due to its closure - many people have been mentioning it being shut down a lot lately. Maybe they were having some major issues and this was just the final nail in the coffin.

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Skyride was usually closed on hot days or if there is any bad weather in the forecast. The ride is probably the most reliable ride there and hasn't had any issues. I enjoyed the ride and it was really nice to take a break from the rides and go enjoy some views. It will be a real shame if it doesn't reopen.


BD rides much better in the front of any of the 6 cars, sounds like you may have rode in the back of one of the cars. I do think the green train is running better too, but I thought the blue train ran better last year. The blue train got refurbed this season so it probably needs some time to break in. My favorite seats are the front, 6-1, and 5-1. Each of those rows are awesome. I'm a huge fan of El Toro, but I like BD slightly more. I wish you waited for the front, would have likely had an amazing ride. But there is always next time.

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Finally got a chance to finish reading this TR. Stinks that your rides on Boulder Dash were such a terrible experience. It's hard to hear such raving reviews of a ride or park and then get off beat up and/or less than wowed. Unfortunately, I hyped up Phantom's Revenge so much that when my mom and I went to KW a few weeks ago she agreed it was a great ride but said I talked it up way too much. I'm trying to temper my expectations for my upcoming trip to Dollywood because everyone talks it up so much and compared to Cedar Point, which I just returned from yesterday, DW has less thrill rides but is more themed. I'm also fighting off the strong urge to watch ride POVs again so I'll be more surprised when I ride things.


The incredible chairlift is stunning and you are so lucky to be some of the last riders ever on it! I'll never understand why it's considered more dangerous in some people's eyes to have a chairlift running during the summer but in winter with skiers wearing all kinds of bulky gear it's OK. I guess people think the snow will protect them in case of an emergency vs. the rocks will definitely smash you up? What a massive loss to have it closed permanently.

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Riding Boulder Dash earlier in the year, the ride was running extremely well. My guess is that they switch trains and one is vastly superior to the other. Of course, they could run two - they used to run two - but apparently that's just not something they do any more. Like running the skyride.

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Riding Boulder Dash earlier in the year, the ride was running extremely well. My guess is that they switch trains and one is vastly superior to the other. Of course, they could run two - they used to run two - but apparently that's just not something they do any more. Like running the skyride.


Yeah, that seems to be the conclusion that we're coming to. Everyone is saying that the blue train sucks, and that's the only one they had running. I don't really have any intention of driving another hour and a half to hope the right train is running though.


I've got to say, aside from Phobia this park has absolutely miserable operations across the board. We didn't care for the most part since the place was dead, but I'm pretty sure Ghost Hunt was running 3 cars and the Flume was dispatching one log every 60 to 90 seconds which gave it EASILY an hour wait when virtually every other ride besides Ghost Hunt and Boulder Dash were walk-ons. Boulder Dash would have been a walk-on too if not for the fact that they refuse to run both trains on a sunny weekend in the summer.


Like I said, this didn't bother us much since the park doesn't get large enough crowds for their crappy operations to matter or put a damper on our day but I couldn't help but notice. Six Flags New England's ride ops were running circles around these guys and that should pretty much never happen.

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^ I'm typically a glass half full guy so I didn't get into all that since other than the flume and Boulder Dash, the terrible operations didn't have much of an effect on us, but for the sake of this report I agree with that 110%. The ops at SFNE were noticeably better than Compounce.

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^ I'm typically a glass half full guy so I didn't get into all that since other than the flume and Boulder Dash, the terrible operations didn't have much of an effect on us, but for the sake of this report I agree with that 110%. The ops at SFNE were noticeably better than Compounce.


I agree based on my experience as well. Actually Six Flags ops as a whole this year when I've encountered them were....good? Maybe even better than Cedar Fair?

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Yeah, Six Flags New England's ops were honestly pretty good this year. Between the friendly and efficient ride ops, semi-competent food service employees and decent rides on Goliath and Mind Eraser I'm really starting to feel like boldikus missed out on the true SFNE experience.

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