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Six Flags Discovery Kingdom (SFDK) Discussion Thread

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I can't wait for Joker to open. I live right by SFDK and love Twisted Colossus. If there is any sort of commercial shoot/passholder event/ ANYTHING where I can ride this thing, I would love to go! When Superman opened, they did this thing early in the morning where passholders could come and ride the ride a bunch before it opened to the general public. I'm really hoping there is something like that for Joker!


If they do a commercial/promo shoot, I'd highly recommend doing it. I was able to participate in the promo shoot for TC at SFMM and it was a blast. They fed us breakfast and lunch, plus I got to ride TC about 20 times two weeks before it opened to the general public. There was a certain amount of waiting around while they changed camera setups and whatnot, but it was totally worth it to marathon a brand new RMC before anyone else. As a bonus, they gave us a voucher for a free ticket when it was finished. (Which I didn't really need since I had a season pass, but it was a nice touch.) I had never participated in anything like that before, but I was pretty impressed with SFMM and the whole process.

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I visited Discovery Kingdom today. Here's a quick photo update featuring The Joker's construction and some other stuff they're working on around the park.



Some Joker track.


Coaster parts!


Track in the parking lot, very Six Flags.


A nice view at the entrance of the park.


Lots of rides were closed today.


The Joker's first drop


Transition after the first drop into the first inversion.


View of Joker's first inversion from outside the park's entrance.


Joker's first inversion from another angle.


The trick track before the lift.


Overview of Joker's construction so far.


Chop Six is coming soon.


They're adding a sports bar type place too.


Looks like this train on Medusa has been refurbished.


Goodbye Discovery Kingdom, see you again soon.

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We were there on Sunday too. Progress looks amazing in person, that inversion just looks insane!


We got to try the 5D ride.... super disappointing and I'm usually not a huge critic of rides. I haven't seen Pacific Rim but the ride just looked like scenes from the movie. We weren't even viewing it from a first-person POV perspective like most 3D rides. Super bizarre.


I had to ask myself, why, after all these years, they suddenly and randomly reopened this theater with such a sub-par movie. I really don't think it's because of CGA. I theorize they got a really good deal on this that they couldn't pass up (like "hey, mind as well!") and that's why they announced it and opened it in January instead of waiting for the usual Six Flags announcements/opening times. I don't think this film will last (I hope not!) and I predict the September announcement will find us something better. If we got something Justice League themed, I could see them putting a giant animatronic or statue in the queue where they used to have the raptors.


Regardless of the suck (and too much spray) of this ride, I'd rather have something there than nothing.

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Today I was passing by the park (it was closed ) and was able to watch some construction from the Chevron station across the street. As I pulled in, the crane was rising a purple piece of track to be installed. By the time I parked, it looked like the track was almost in place and ready to be secured. It was amazing to watch how quick and organized the RMC crew worked. If I only had all day to watch the crew's progress on this beauty. (also notice the sketchy positions the workers are in, pretty awesome)




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I don't think anyone realizes just how amazing that first drop is. WC's first drop was almost exactly like a shorter version of El Toro, while this looks just like a shorter version of EGF's. In the back row I suspect some killer ejector heading down hill, with a very jarring right turn which should provide some sweet laterals as you're experiencing strong ejector. IMO it will likely be one of RMC's 3 best first drops yet.


The ride itself is looking much better in real life than it did in the animation. Even if it is RMC's weakest layout of 2016, it should still be a top 3 coaster in the state, and one helluva addition.

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I don't think anyone realizes just how amazing that first drop is. WC's first drop was almost exactly like a shorter version of El Toro, while this looks just like a shorter version of EGF's. In the back row I suspect some killer ejector heading down hill, with a very jarring right turn which should provide some sweet laterals as you're experiencing strong ejector. IMO it will likely be one of RMC's 3 best first drops yet.


The ride itself is looking much better in real life than it did in the animation. Even if it is RMC's weakest layout of 2016, it should still be a top 3 coaster in the state, and one helluva addition.


I saw the drop a few weeks ago on Pacific rim's soft opening. it always looks dinky in photos because the 80 degree "drop" doesn't last too long before it curves into the turn. However the drop on roar was always fun and this is going to be just like that only with a great inversion for the first hill. I can never remember what they are calling that first inversion, it always sounds like a skateboarding trick.

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