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NEWS: Disney Coaster Accident Due To Faulty Brakes

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Report States Car Had 'Insufficient Air Pressure'


ANAHEIM, Calif. -- The collision of two trains on the California Screamin' roller coaster, which sent 17 riders to the hospital, was caused by air leaks in the braking system, according to a state report released Thursday.


The July 29 accident, in which a 24-person rail car rear-ended another 24-person car and stopped near the passenger platform, has been under investigation by the California Division of Occupational Safety and Health, which issued its final report on the cause and recommendations for corrective action.


Cal-OSHA spokesman Dean Fryer said the cause of the accident at Disney's California Adventure theme park adjacent Disneyland "comes down to air leaks in the braking system."


"We've asked (Disney officials) to review their inspection process," Fryer said. "They had done some inspections and were aware of some leaks."


Cal-OSHA found "no evidence that there is any defect in the California Screamin' ride control system," the report states.


A Disney spokesman could not be reached for immediate comment.


At 6:36 p.m. on the evening of the accident, the ride control system detected a problem and issued a "dispatch inhibit," which "essentially stops trains from leaving the station and results in the trains on the track beginning to stop one by one," the report states.


The cars came to a stop, but one car had "insufficient air pressure," according to the report.


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something about air caps or something called with with a wierd company name called lugiles or something like that being comparable to that of intamins. Well anyways, i guess the moral of the story is use parts from only the most reliable company.

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But remember, Disney was the manufacturer and INTAMIN was just a contractor ... so from what Disney stated earlier, this is THIER fault, not INTAMIN's


I really dont find this to be too much of Disney's fault (other than a lack of refurbishment), or Intamin's. As taken from the LA Times:


The report determined that brakes on the Anaheim park ride failed because of a faulty brake valve. As part of routine maintenance, Disney had replaced an old Intamin valve with a different brand, Legris. The Legris valve — though recommended by Disney's supplier and reportedly identical — had a higher failure rate than Intamin's, was made of different materials and was a different size, the report stated.



Its not Disney's fault that they bought a different brand, which as the artical later sugguests, is used in several other rides, in other parks. The article I just posted is all about how Disney sent out a formal warning to all parks.

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Aren't there supposed to be failsafes and backup systems to prevent this kind of thing from happening? Disney seems to have had some "bad luck" (maintenance issues) more that once this season with accidents. I don't think I will be going to a Disney park anytime soon.

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