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Screechin' Eagle Coaster at LeSourdsville Lake Amusement Par

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The ride is incredible, such amazing pacing and out of this world airtime.


CCI completly rebuilt the thing prior to the parks reopening in 2002 only to close again.


It is DEFINITLY worth saving, if only Tim Couch, the parks owner, would decide to do something with the park. He got burned by a management company once, I don't think he wants to make the same mistake again.


The reopening of the park in 2002 was hugely succesful as well, it was absolutly packed. The Pugh's absoultely fleeced the place however.

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This was my first "big" coaster, and it's a miracle I ever got on another.


One word "R-O-U-G-H".


It did have some decent airtime, and the park was the kind where the ride-op was smoking a cigarette and talking to his buddies while he was operating it. I think I remember riding 3 to a seat back when our little Catholic school sent the kids choir there for our end of the year picnic.


It has been sitting dormant for what? six years now?? And it's probably been at least 10 since I last rode it. The final years of that place it was SO ghetto it was hillarious!


Shari "but I miss it" Shoufler

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I see you didn't ride it in it's final year.


The park was closed for 2 years before it's reopening in 2002. before that reopening the park contracted with CCI to completly rebuild the ride. It also received some rewally bizzarre bastardized trains. The chassis was from a NAD train and everythign above the frame was the PTC train from Elitch's Wildcat.


The park closed again in the fall of 2002 after Pugh Amusements made the operation go fubar and almost made Tim Couch lose his shirt. The park has set there sice 2002 dormant, Tim Couch was actively pursuing a new company to run the park, but I don't even think he is doing that any longer.


The park had some very cool classic attractions, it's really ashame they are just sitting there. One can only hope that the rides have been given at the least some maintainance to preserve them.

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I was lucky enough to catch it in 2002, not only smooth as glass, but rediculous ejector airtime to boot!


Best wood... no, best COASTER in Ohio, bar-none! I really wish it would be saved.. it'd be a perfect fit for Knoebels, small footprint too.

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I see you didn't ride it in it's final year.


No, I didn't, and I was unaware that they had done that kind of work on it as I would have made a point of checking it out.


My last visit was July 1998 when my daughter was a month old.


I did love the park, and have sooo many great memories of those classic rides and the arcade games, and the old "Tombstone Territory" area in the back.


Shari "and I loved the "kangaroo" ride" Shoufler

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