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Making your own amusement park!

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You want to open an amusement park. Name 25 flat rides you would put in your park (go into detail if you were doing themeing stuff like that). What shops, movies, and food would you put in. Also what 6 roller coaster would you have an please go into much detail about the roller coasters! type what themeing/ inovation/ elements/ what thhe cars look like! Also most importantly Have fun with this!

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Im not gonna go into theming, cuz I dont do that till my plans are confirmed Also, keep in mind this is a thrill park



-Space shot complex



-Round up


-Some random Highly themed dark ride

-One of those shooting rides, possibly in boat like at SDC

-Bench: the ride

-Bumper cars


-Tilt a whirl


-Delerium or something of that nature

-Donkey Ride?

-Splash boats (log flume-ish thing with steep double-drop)



-Intamin Hyper/giga (layout will be a combo of EGF and Goliath WW)

-Intamin rocket with an actual layout

-wooden airtime machine (think Balder)

-Wooden twister

-Dueling inverts (like an uber DD)

-Im tempted to say this would be a floorless or flyer, but i havent been on either so i dont know...

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German folktales, such as those collected by The Brothers Grimm. I would keep with the original tone of the stories, rather than the Disney-esque tone which has become popular.


The rides themselves would be themed in a generic "Bavarian storybook" style, and named after the various tales. The story would be acted out by animatronics in the style of European clockwork figures while you queue.




None, they are evil! Maybe a carousel.




Probably a few gravity-powered "rollercoaster" darkrides.




A few different "Old Mill" and "Chute The Chutes" style rides, maybe a wooden watercoaster.




"Scenic railway", "Flying Turns", "Wild Mouse", and "Steeplechase" style rides, as well as a good wooden twister, and terrain coaster. Maybe a junior wooden, too.




I'd like a miniature railway, although I'm not sure if I could fit it in with the theming.

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