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2006 Hersheypark Rumor

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I headed out to the park today. Over the past couple of weeks word on Hershey Blvd. is that the park is going to receive a dark ride (possibly themed to race cars of some sort) for the 2006 season.


Look at what I found when I made the left out of Founder's Circle...




Looks like we should be expecting an announcement on the 25th. There have been teasers on the site saying that they are keeping us "in the dark", just like this sign, and there is also something on the park maps also.

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When Hershey sent out their season pass advertisements it also said "We're Keeping you in the dark for now" after it said "whats new for '06?" So we're probably looking at some sort of dark ride. Which is awesome! Unless its themed to Nascar... which would probably be like an IJ:ST type coaster that launches and goes into a neverending helix just like Nascar! Anyways, the annoucement is Oct 25th!


I'm actually really happy the planning board shot down the 7 water rides that were going to be in Midway America or whatever. Especially since if Hershey is going to build a waterpark, it should be a seperate park IMO... or at least like a different area. The other thing they shot down was that restaurant/indoor waterpark/hotel that was being planned by some local people. I guess someone really hates water on that board.


'07 is definately going to be an interesting year! Just by looking at the amount of rides that were shot down.. hopefully that money will be used for other attractions now



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Yeah its definately a small area.. however they did take out the rink and the buildings adjancent to it like the rides office and first aid and stuff so it *is* do-able if they take out Balloon Flight and Starship, which were just thrown in to fill in the Turbulence void. That's just wishful thinking though!


I would really love to see a Spiderman/Darkcastle type ride in Hershey but Darkastle is said to have been more than $20 mil and Spiderman was way more than that (obviously as they invented the ride type/tech pretty much).


Regardless of what type of ride it is, I think any dark ride is a great idea and its something that Hersheypark has lacked for many years... that and a freefall tower.



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I hope it is a dark-ride, as I love dark-rides! I think it's the only thing Hersheypark doesn't have that I'd like to see (the 'factory' tour doesn't count!).


However, I wouldn't like to see a Spiderman-esque darkride. I haven't been on Darkcastle, but Spiderman was terrible, I thought. The 3D glasses made everything blurry and hard to see, the "story" elements took away from the ride experience (they always do), and there really isn't anything else to it!


I much prefer "old fashioned" darkrides, were you just ride through scenes which are scary / interesting / beautiful / whatever, and maybe throw in a few drops, or sharp corners, and perhaps a bit of fire, and that's that.


"Shooter" darkrides can be fun, too.

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when they say something like, "We're keeping you in the DARK til...."

it usually means that one of those words apply to something about something else, so I'm guessing they're saying they're going to put in a topple tower......

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Right now the only confirmed Huss Topple Tower is at Dollywood next year. I think Eric is right on this and it will be a dark ride, possibly from Sally. Anything is possible.


But, the 2007 rumor is "Vekoma" I think it's a booster bike, but nothing confirmed yet, obviously.


Katie, I need to get out and do Hershey.

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Turbulence was scrapped due to inflated construction costs. The company quoted Hershey a price, and then during construction tried to up it. Last I heard it was still in court somewhere.

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Is that really still in court? Man. Whatever the outcome is I'm sure the company is not going to be a company anymore. I don't even remember what company it is anymore, so that really can't be a good sign


As for the ride, I personally think it is going to be a Sally ride of some sort. I just think that it will fit with the park well.

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^Nah, I doubt it. Honestly, I'm really hoping that it wont be a dark ride. I have always looked at Hershey as a BGW/Coney Island mix and for some reason the dark ride just doesn't sound like something Hershey would put in. If they do though, I can't even imagine the lines it will have with all the gp's coming into the park and going on the first ride they see, and if this new attraction really is in Founders Circle, I could see it happening. Also, I know this has not been mentioned, but it possible that this could be something that expands by the stadium, and could actually be for Midway America. Although these two parts of the park are very far away by path, they are not far away at all by measurement.

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So wait, you look at it like a mix of BGW and Coney Island... BGW just put in a dark ride and Coney Island has the boardwalk atmosphere which is totally dark ride-ish. I'm confused.


Anyway, I really don't think I'm buying into the drop tower thing and that explanation of the being in the dark thing is just dumb. We will see tomorrow though. I'm sure it will be a Sally, and I have a good feeling that it will be that double tracked car themed ride also.

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