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True Coaster Credits

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Has this thread suddenly merged from people boasting about having lots of credits to people boasting about not counting credits.

I really hope so! As much as we may have promoted the idea of "credit whoring" in the early days of TPR, I now want to promote the opposite of that. In short...


Being a credit whore is stupid. Don't be stupid.


Got it? Good! Spread that!

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Here are my thoughts (Since most people on this site know i am the whore that will go thousands of miles out of my way for one more coaster).



I am obsessive



Its not about the Wacky Worm, or the roller skater



its about finding some BEAUTIFUL parks sometimes that are way way out there. the bragging rights and feeling better about myself. Here, let me list a bunch of obscure places I've been so you can see how AWESOME I am compared to you. I'll try to convince you these shitholes we visited are actually amazing parks, but really I'm just trying to impress you because I'm insecure:



In Nova Scotia canada one of the small parks took 20 minutes out of there day to talk to us about the history of there miler. next year am going to India and will be traveling around to get all there Worms and Water Chutes.



...and not just because you don't know the difference between "there" and "their"




I know I'm late to this party but I wish I could like this post 1000000000 times.


Also (since we are giving out grammar advice):


In Indonesia we found at least 2 parks that would of been skipped if you just looked at large credits


Would have can never be written "would of." However, the latter does exist: when the present conditional would is followed by an expression that begins with of.

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Has this thread suddenly merged from people boasting about having lots of credits to people boasting about not counting credits.

I really hope so! As much as we may have promoted the idea of "credit whoring" in the early days of TPR, I now want to promote the opposite of that. In short...


Being a credit whore is stupid. Don't be stupid.


Got it? Good! Spread that!

Go fourth and spread the word.

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Has this thread suddenly merged from people boasting about having lots of credits to people boasting about not counting credits.

I really hope so! As much as we may have promoted the idea of "credit whoring" in the early days of TPR, I now want to promote the opposite of that. In short...


Being a credit whore is stupid. Don't be stupid.


Got it? Good! Spread that!

Go fourth and spread the word.

Which three people are going ahead of you?

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