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Walibi Holland Photo TR

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Hey Guys


This Thursday I went to Walibi Holland with my friend Yannis, who lives in germany and where I could sleep.

The trip started on Wednesday. After school was finished, I went home to pick up my luggage and went on the train at 5pm. After traveling with up to 305kph thru germany, I arrived at 11pm in Siegburg, where Yannis lives. The next day, we went to Walibi Holland by car, which was a 3h drive (Traffic jams included). The weather was great with a sunny sky and temperatures around 20 degrees Celcius. And due in Holland weren't any holidays, we never had to wait more than 10 minutes. Most of the rides are good, except one and a half.

Overall we had a great time at Walibi and I would visit it again if I'm back in Holland sometime in the future.


Enough of talking, let's get to the photos:


Ohhh, I passed by Europapark on the way to Siegburg


Ferris wheel with a stage in front of it, where they play music all day long



Let's ride the woodie first


For a Vekoma it's not bad and makes fun to ride (airtime included)



And the entrance


And arriving at 11pm


I think we're ready for #walibi


Huh? I thought it's called Walibi Holland



Finally arriving



Who doesn't loves S&S towers?


But overall the ride makes fun and with the onboard audio it's one rolling party


And there was almost the whole day no line for this coaster


Splash battle


And a kiddie ride, uhm, what's that in the background?


Speed of Sound on the other hand, is the best Vekoma in the park, even if it is rough in the cobra roll


So we went on XPress Platform 13 (no Photo) and Speed of Sound.

XPress Platform 13 has a great themed Q-Line and Station, but the outdoor part sucks and is rough.


And from the best to the worst coaster in the park, the SLC!


And now to the Intamin Megacoaster

It's a pretty good ride, but IMO not as good and intense as EGF.


But still a great ride


...it was down


Looks great, but...


It's Lost Gravity




And more theming


Great theming as well

BTW: There is a DJ in that helicopter who puts up music all day long


Looks so great


Weee, this coaster is so extreme, you are told to hold on when your getting into the brakes in the station


And now to Lost Gravity


But first we have to walk along this ride


And make the kiddie count


To cool down we went for a ride on the Log Flume


But before riding Lost Gravity, let's ride the SLC! (Why? You'll see later why)


The car in the station


This is a great coaster, actually the best Mack coaster I've ridden. It has ejector Airtime, it's twistyy and has nice hangtime. Oh and I'm happy to have this coaster as my 100th count!


And to end the day, we rode Speed of Sound again.

I hope you liked this photo TR

PS: the following days, I'll upload the Vlog, but it is in german.


Ohh, just a few minutes till we can ride it


The extremly fast Chainlift


This coaster I can describe with one word: OUTCH

We had red ears after riding this piece of crab


And now let's ride Lost Gravity


A great coaster


With a scuril q-line (actual view, no turned camera)

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Nice trip report! I was about to write "Lucky you" with the SLC closed, but then I saw you had to ride it later in the day. And yes, it is indeed a piece of crap (or crab or whatever you wanna call it).


I also thought Speed of Sound was pretty cool. The new trains works wonders for this ride! I also really liked the tunnel on the backwards lift, it makes it feel a lot steeper than you're regular boomerang.


Regarding Xpress I didn't find it very rough, it just wasn't very exciting. I love Rock'n Rollercoaster, but outside the layout just doesn't seem to work very well. Also the trains sucks, they are so cramped!

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^ I actually hope one day they come, some onboard audio like Speed of Sound is welcome too. The ride is a letdown with the awesome queue.


Didn't know they added theming after my last visit to Lost Gravity, the U shaped structure before the Zero G is something I can't remember seeing before.

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I was there yesterday and had a lot of fun riding lost gravity, what an absolute winner for the park. Skipped the slc and also skipped the boomerang. Robin hood was a horrible experience thanks to the lapbar that squeezes down whit every hump you take.

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Nice PTR! It has me excited for my visit to Walibi Holland in August!


I noticed in your signature you ranked Goliath second to Expedition GeForce. Is it really that close to EGF or is it a far cry, but still really good? I feel like I've read a lot of mixed reviews on Goliath. Knowing how it compares to EGF though should paint a better picture.

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^I had the exact same issue with the lapbar on Robin Hood. Shame, because the ride itself is alright. But the lapbar tightening makes it ratger uncomfortable.


Yes the ride is ruined imo. With the "new" lapbar system there is also a lot less room for your feet and the extra grip handle slams in your upper legs once the lapbar closes down on you.

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Robin hood was a horrible experience thanks to the lapbar that squeezes down whit every hump you take.

Well, it's not that great of a lap bar, but IMO it didn't destroyed the experience. There are the XPress OTSR's way worse...


Nice Photo TR! It has me excited for my visit to Walibi Holland in August!


I noticed in your signature you ranked Goliath second to Expedition GeForce. Is it really that close to EGF or is it a far cry, but still really good? I feel like I've read a lot of mixed reviews on Goliath. Knowing how it compares to EGF though should paint a better picture.

Thank you

About Goliath, it's a very good Intamin Mega, but EGF is just better in facts of Forces, but Goliath isn't way worse than EGF

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Nice Photo TR! It has me excited for my visit to Walibi Holland in August!


I noticed in your signature you ranked Goliath second to Expedition GeForce. Is it really that close to EGF or is it a far cry, but still really good? I feel like I've read a lot of mixed reviews on Goliath. Knowing how it compares to EGF though should paint a better picture.


Well i rode EFG and Goliath in the last 2 month again, and i still think EFG is the better one. But Goliath reminded me that we have a really good coaster here in Holland too, Worldclass to some maybe... It's still not far behind on my favorites list from EFG and Bizarro(aka Superman The Ride @ SFNE). It gives some great airtime on it's hills, and then there the Stengel Dive(the real one)...




Looks like you had a great day at the park.

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Nice Photo TR! It has me excited for my visit to Walibi Holland in August!


I noticed in your signature you ranked Goliath second to Expedition GeForce. Is it really that close to EGF or is it a far cry, but still really good? I feel like I've read a lot of mixed reviews on Goliath. Knowing how it compares to EGF though should paint a better picture.


Hey, it's my Birthday in August! A trip to Holland would be a great gift!

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