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Frontier City Offseason Photo Tour

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Last weekend, I was given the chance to tour Frontier City while the park was closed for the offseason. I was shown around the park, interesting spots on a few rides, and a peek at the construction site for the parks new for 2016, Zamperla Power Surge, Gunslinger. I will go into more detail with the pictures when we get there. Many thanks to Michael Schwitek for showing me around this great park! Let's get into the photos!

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegEver wondered what the underside of a classic rotor ride looks like? Well this is what it looks like on the restored tumbleweed. Pretty simple design.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegCasino, disassembled and getting some love.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegBottom of a car for the Tilt-a-Whirl ride, Tornado.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegTornado structure

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegThis area over by the Ferris wheel is normally extremely wooded and dark. I was told these trees are trimmed every year but grow back really fast. Kind of interesting!

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegOne half of Brain Drain's train.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegBrain Drain wheels and parts

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegThe other half of Brain Drain's train.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegDiamondback chassis

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegI can't remember exactly what ride these are for, but they look like they are also for Diamondback.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegWild Kitty getting some paint and reupholstered.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegLog flume all drained out.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegConstruction site for Gunslinger. It is being built where Rodeo Roundup was.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegSidewinder disassembled for inspection.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegimage.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegInteresting shots of Wildcat viewed from the old site of Eruption.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegWildcat lift motor. This thing is huge! You never realize the scale of it until you are right next to it.

image.thumb.jpeg.5e92f3ab5b4a79b3aab97e9c57da1466.jpegLike I said, it's pretty big.


Anyways, thanks again to Michael Schwitek for this fun afternoon. Somethings that didn't get pictured are a few buildings in the entrance plaza area are getting worked on and updated, and a few smaller disassembled rides. My expectations are quite high for the 2016 season and it looks like they will be well exceeded. This park is really starting to shine!



















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Awesome photos. It's neat to see how simple the underside of the Rotor ride is.


Frontier City seems to be heading in the right direction the past few years. Now if they could just manage to get a some what major attraction like a decent sized coaster, or a large drop tower then they would really have something going for them!! Can't wait to see what the future holds for this park.

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Awesome photos. It's neat to see how simple the underside of the Rotor ride is.


Frontier City seems to be heading in the right direction the past few years. Now if they could just manage to get a some what major attraction like a decent sized coaster, or a large drop tower then they would really have something going for them!! Can't wait to see what the future holds for this park.

It was pretty simple. Frontier City is definitely doing the best it ever has. This summer was the only time I have seen constant full trains on silver bullet. It's nice to see the amount of people coming into the park. I agree, all those things would be great for the park. The thing is they do not make enough for new rides on that scale. They would have to go a really long time without new smaller additions to afford a larger ride. Personally, I don't go to the park and feel like they are lacking anything. I go and feel greatly satisfied.

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It is a nice small park. Last year was the first time I had ever been there, as we just recently moved to Kansas and it is the closest park to us. We bought passes and went a couple of times. The free concerts are a nice perk for guests.


We met Michael on our second trip. He spotted us in our coaster shirts and commented. We chatted for a while. After mentioning missing out on riding Wild Kitty, he took us over and got us on.


We want to go back this year if finances improve.

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Very cool!!! But quick question....it look like the maintenance facility is also an attraction? Would that be correct?
During the offseason, Frontier City uses various buildings and attractions for maintenance. They had ride parts practically everywhere across the park.
It is a nice small park. Last year was the first time I had ever been there' date=' as we just recently moved to Kansas and it is the closest park to us. We bought passes and went a couple of times. The free concerts are a nice perk for guests.


We met Michael on our second trip. He spotted us in our coaster shirts and commented. We chatted for a while. After mentioning missing out on riding Wild Kitty, he took us over and got us on.


We want to go back this year if finances improve.[/quote'] I really do like the park! It's worth the 2.5 hour drive from Wichita!

Just curious, how were you able to do a backstage tour?
I know their director of operations well, so he took me around the park.
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