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How should I ask one of my fiends to go to kings island?

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Step 1: King's Island

Step 2: Hookers

Step 3: Blow

Step 4:

Step 5: PROFIT!!!


I mean, let's be honest here. Hookers and blow aren't that hard to come by in Cincy. Good looking hookers, however, are another matter altogether. Ya gotta have standards, which is why I dabble exclusively in high-end escort services. That's how I met Alexxxis. Her friend, Cinnamon, was also quite the catch. One night I was feeling particularly squirrely and I got Alexxxis, Cinnamon, and their pimpette, Miss Trix, to join me in the champagne room. The rest, as they say, is history.



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Step 1: King's Island

Step 2: Hookers

Step 3: Blow

Step 4:

Step 5: PROFIT!!!



Seriously though just ask... what do you have to lose? I don't really get why this is a big deal.

The "big deal" is that the person who started this thread is being considered a:




"Rollercoaster weirdo" for doing so... By OTHER "Rollercoaster weirdos"!


... A weirdo among weirdos

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If only they still had Son of Beast...


Guilt trip them by telling them you are going to mourn a great loss. And when I say a great loss, I mean it's great that Son of Beast closed. And when I say mourn, I mean ride Banshee all day and be thankful the park removed that wretched old coaster.

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Honest question: How old are you?


I'm wondering this too honestly. If this post is coming from an 18 year old then it's hilarious and I hope this thread goes on for days but I'm pretty sure the original poster is about 8 years old and then I might give legitimate advice. Lol I'm torn here...

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Honest question: How old are you?


I'm wondering this too honestly. If this post is coming from an 18 year old then it's hilarious and I hope this thread goes on for days but I'm pretty sure the original poster is about 8 years old and then I might give legitimate advice. Lol I'm torn here...


If they're 18, holy shit, they're BAH GAWD KING HES EMOTIONALLY BROKEN IN HALF. If he's 8, its more like "Son, you need to lurk & learn for a solid 6-7 years before you get back into web forums with adults."

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Step 1: King's Island

Step 2: Hookers

Step 3: Blow

Step 4:

Step 5: PROFIT!!!


I mean, let's be honest here. Hookers and blow aren't that hard to come by in Cincy. Good looking hookers, however, are another matter altogether. Ya gotta have standards, which is why I dabble exclusively in high-end escort services. That's how I met Alexxxis. Her friend, Cinnamon, was also quite the catch. One night I was feeling particularly squirrely and I got Alexxxis, Cinnamon, and their pimpette, Miss Trix, to join me in the champagne room. The rest, as they say, is history.





That is priceless.


If you are a girl and asking a male friend, just flash a bit of thong when asking. The otherway around, well don't flash, just ask

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Honest question: How old are you?


I'm wondering this too honestly. If this post is coming from an 18 year old then it's hilarious and I hope this thread goes on for days but I'm pretty sure the original poster is about 8 years old and then I might give legitimate advice. Lol I'm torn here...

I honestly wouldn't be surprised if the original poster is 17 or 18. When I was in highschool a few years back, some of the people who would be considered "video game nerds", "anime geeks" and "fantasy weirdos", seemed to have virtually no social skills, and no concept of how to interact with other people.


These people were part of what many may see as a nerdy, yet still somewhat "mainstream" group... They at least had a few friends in their circle to relate to. For the original poster though, I highly doubt there's any fellow coaster enthusiasts to relate to.

Edited by canadianparkfan
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