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Eastern Road Trip

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Been doing rough planning this Fall and now planning to dive a little deeper now that park schedules are coming out. I'm planning a fair sized road trip this May and looking for some tips. For the most part, I plan on camping, besides two nights I plan on a hotel.


Day 1 Monday May 16th

Fly from Colorado to Detroit or Cleveland.


Day 2 Tuesday 17th

Cedar Point

Drive to Mason, OH


Day 3 Wednesday 18th

Kings Island

Drive to Santa Claus, IN


Day 4 Thursday 19th

Holiday World

Start drive to Pigeon Forge


Day 5 Friday 20th

Finish drive to Pigeon Forge.


Drive to Charlotte, NC


Day 6 Saturday 21st


Start drive north


Day 7 Sunday 22nd

Finish drive

Busch Gardens and/or Kings Dominion

Drive to Baltimore


Day 8 Monday 23rd


Kentucky Kingdom

Fly to Colorado

Edited by ALT2870
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The road trip looks very do-able, if not a little tiring (driving-wise) the later into the trip you go. My main concern, though, is that you're finishing this trip at Six Flags America. That's like going to the prom with the hottest girl in school only to be drugged and sent home with Chester The Molester at midnight.

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Cedar Point will begin daily operation the second weekend of May (May 13), although it will be open the weekend prior. Kings Island began daily operation the second weekend of May in 2015, so I'd assume the others will begin then as well this year.


^SFA isn't the best park. That's for sure. It's certainly worth half a day though if you haven't been in the last two or three years. If it's reasonable you could continue north to finish at Dorney, Great Adventure or Hershey, but you know your limitations better than I do so that's totally your call. Just don't skip SFA because it's a bad place to finish.

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I'd spend 2 days at Cedar Point unless you've been there before. There's a lot to see and do there and if you go for just one day you're taking a big risk with that awful weather policy of theirs.


Also, are you flying from DC? I'm confused why you'd go all the way to Baltimore just to drive back to SFA. Seriously don't do this.


By the way, you're going to want to get yourself an EZ Pass if possible in your rental car.

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I knew adding SFA would raise some eyebrows. On the topic, I only added SFA because I was going to fly out of the D.C. area anyway and figured it be worth taking a later flight just to drop in since I have a SF pass anyway.


In terms of adding an additional day at CP or hitting another park further up north instead, I don't see it happening. (If I did have a weather issue at CP, I'd probably push a park, most likely KK, off the trip.) I'm working on limited time sadly. I am planning on another trip through Pennsylvania sometime in the future so I plan on hitting those park then anyway. The last time I was at SFGAdv, they were still working on El Toro. (Though I did marathon Rolling Thunder who knows how many time. )


Thank you guys for your help, more ideas are welcome. (And I hope I clarified SFA.)

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While two days at Cedar Point might not be possible, you should be prepared to get the Flash Lane if the lines are bad. Yes, some days in May can get very crowded with school kids. You don't want to start off the trip with a bad experience. Fast Lane will guarantee that doesn't happen at Cedar Point.

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While two days at Cedar Point might not be possible, you should be prepared to get the Flash Lane if the lines are bad. Yes, some days in May can get very crowded with school kids. You don't want to start off the trip with a bad experience. Fast Lane will guarantee that doesn't happen at Cedar Point.


Thanks for the heads up, planning Tuesday so hopefully it isn't too bad. But I will definitely re-put that back in now that you said that.

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Hey guys, so I woke up to the parks schedules I needed, which changed plans considably for multiple reasons. However, I came up with a schedule that is looking good. Holiday World will be the park I will drop if something happens at CP.


Big question, is it possible to do BGW and KD in one day? The day I have planned both parks are open 10 till 8. The drive is an hour supposedly. I'm interested only on a few coasters at BGW. If you had to choose one though, what would it be?


The Louisville segment is totally possible as well with the flights I'm looking at so that is a nice bonus.


Again, any suggestions and ideas are welcome. Thanks for your help guys so far. Getting excited.

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Wow, trying to fit in both BGW and KD in one day with the shorter hours is really pushing it. Even if you "could" get from BG to KD in an hour (not likely) just getting out of one park and getting into the next with trams and gates etc, it will eat up a lot more time than you are thinking. Myself, I would choose KD over BG because of 305 and Volcano. That may be because BG Tampa is my home park and I find there are similar coasters at the 2, whereas KD is a completely different experience.

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Ya, an hour is being highly conservative. Does anyone know which park tends to be busier on that Sunday weekend? This will definitely be the hardest choice for me.


In other news about ready to book airfare tickets. (Which turned into a Christmas present.) Because of that, I've decided to do hotels instead of camping, I feel between breakfast and better sleep, it will be worth it. I've done the search and hotels will be less then $600.

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  • 3 months later...

Hey guys, well never thought I would drag this thread up again to TR time, but I digress. Anyway, Kentucky Kingdom will not be open on the 23rd as far as I know and they know. (I e-mailed them.) Long story short a school day when I looked up the calendar was the 23rd, go back last week and that day is no longer open to the public. Then I sent the e-mail and smartly enough they have taken that day out completely. I doubt they will choose to make that a public day in the end.


That being said, since I have airline tickets purposely booked so I could go to Louisville that day, I'm thinking of a few options.


1.) Head back to Holiday World. Do anything I missed, ex waterpark

2.) Local Louisville attractions, if you've been or a local, name your favorites

3.) Something outside city limits, cave tour?


My flight gets in at 10AM and I need to be back at the airport by 6:30PM.

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Hey guys, well never thought I would drag this thread up again to TR time, but I digress. Anyway, Kentucky Kingdom will not be open on the 23rd as far as I know and they know. (I e-mailed them.) Long story short a school day when I looked up the calendar was the 23rd, go back last week and that day is no longer open to the public. Then I sent the e-mail and smartly enough they have taken that day out completely. I doubt they will choose to make that a public day in the end.


That being said, since I have airline tickets purposely booked so I could go to Louisville that day, I'm thinking of a few options.


1.) Head back to Holiday World. Do anything I missed, ex waterpark

2.) Local Louisville attractions, if you've been or a local, name your favorites

3.) Something outside city limits, cave tour?


My flight gets in at 10AM and I need to be back at the airport by 6:30PM.


Given the amount of time you have, I wouldn't recommend going too far from the city. You can do a tram tour of the Mega Cavern which is a system of manmade caves that has had many purposes over the years. Also, they have ziplines and a ropes course inside the cavern if you're interested in such things. The Louisville Zoo is also close to the airport and is a good way to kill a few hours. You can always head downtown and take in a museum of your choosing (Louisville Slugger, Muhammad Ali Center, Evan Williams Bourbon Experience, Children's Museum, etc.).


If you are looking for anything in particular, let me know and I'll see if I can come up with something suited to your preferences.

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  • 2 months later...
Been doing rough planning this Fall and now planning to dive a little deeper now that park schedules are coming out. I'm planning a fair sized vegas off road tours trip this May and looking for some tips. For the most part, I plan on camping, besides two nights I plan on a hotel.


Day 1 Monday May 16th

Fly from Colorado to Detroit or Cleveland.


Day 2 Tuesday 17th

Cedar Point

Drive to Mason, OH


Day 3 Wednesday 18th

Kings Island

Drive to Santa Claus, IN


Day 4 Thursday 19th

Holiday World

Start drive to Pigeon Forge


Day 5 Friday 20th

Finish drive to Pigeon Forge.


Drive to Charlotte, NC


Day 6 Saturday 21st


Start drive north


Day 7 Sunday 22nd

Finish drive

Busch Gardens and/or Kings Dominion

Drive to Baltimore


Day 8 Monday 23rd


Kentucky Kingdom

Fly to Colorado


you plan is good may god bless you have safe journey. Please share the pics of your tour.

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