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So this wasn't my personal embarrassing moment, but I'd gone to Knott's with some friends. My one friend brought a girlfriend of hers and the four of us went on ghost rider. Well, it was summer so the girls were wearing tanks, and ghost rider being as rough as it is... Well... The poor girl's boob came out of her shirt in the photo lol. She was like "guys, we need to leave right now!" My buddy never heard her, and when he noticed he literally screamed "OMG, her boob is out!"

Lol. I died laughing but she was beat red. I don't blame her lol

Please tell me you at least bought the photo! lol


Lol. I so wish. She had us leave the area so quick. Everyone started looking when my buddy yelled lol. She didn't want to be recognized

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- The first thing I thought of was that documentary "x-number of coasters in 24 hours" where a group tried to break the record by traveling around California parks. The group would jump on the rides during operating hours; needless to say, the GP didn't appreciate it. The riders were heavily heckled and booed on Medusa at SFDK at Demon at CGA, and I remember feeling embarrassed for them while I watched the show!


- It happens to plenty of people, but I've been the guy with the stuck restraint on numerous occasions. As the team of ride operators begin to attend to the restraint, the crowd starts looking at me impatiently as if the delay was my decision.


- Occasionally, there are simply so many rowdy kids and carny Walmart adults in a park that I wonder where members of normal society have gone. I've waited in lines where I feel like everyone either came from a rehab clinic waiting room, juvenile hall, or a babysitting center. I'm in this hobby for life, and it always puzzled me that a lot of my friends just see parks as something that you do as a kid, skip 20 years, and then take your own kids. I've often wished that there were more adults who simply enjoyed going to parks. There shouldn't be a stigma there, but I know people who gawk at the notion that I love to visit amusement parks, as though it's an embarrassing hobby. I disagree, but I can't deny that sometimes I do feel like the only non-parent, non-"Walmart folk" adult in a park for miles around.

Can't say I've felt the same way at parks (GP friends of mine plan trips to my home park with each other at least a few times a summer).


However, carnivals/funfairs are a different story. If I see a carnival that's got a few good looking flat rides, I'll usually try to stop by for an hour or two. If the fair's crowded, or in the wrong town/neighbourhood, it's by far the worst place to be. I've even had to pass up rides, wasting money on tickets I never used, because I can't stand the sketchy folks I've stood in line with for an hour..


Thankfully it's not all bad... On the flip side, if the carnival's relatively quiet, usually just after opening/before closing, I'll get far more than my money's worth. I've been to several fair's where I'll get a chance to talk to a few of the ride ops. Surprisingly, quite a few are pretty impressed with how much I know about the attractions, and more often than not, I'll get a few free rides after chatting with them.

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I remember being very embarrassed to ride the Miner Mike. I had to travel all the way to Clearwater, FL for this credit. I couldn't get the seatbelt to strap around me. I even recruited some friends so I wouldn't feel so embarrassed (it didn't work). I knew then as ZI rode the Miner Mike that my credit whoredom sank to an all-time low.

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I have this streak going with myself in which I have gotten at least one new credit every calendar year since 1999. I generally don't ride kiddie coasters for the credits, but one year I was reduced to riding Cocoa Cruiser at Hershey to keep this streak alive. Honestly though, it was a lot more fun than I expected! My cousin went on with me and it whipped us around pretty good!

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A couple of stories come to mind here.


When I was about seven years old, I visited BGT for the second or third time and I had just passed the 48 inch mark. For the first time I was able to ride Python and Phoenix, and even though Phoenix scared the crap out of me, I really wanted to ride those two again. My family was planning to stay until the park closed, but they ended up deciding to get on the road early to drive all the way from Tampa back to Nebraska. I wound up crying uncontrollably, and my mom said she had never seen me act like that before or since then. I even tried to hide from my parents as we were exiting, still bawling, in an attempt to get re-rides on Python and Phoenix. To this day, I still feel like a spoiled, ungrateful little brat for throwing a complete tantrum.


When I was about eight years old during a trip to Orlando, I came down with the flu. While I was mostly better but not fully recovered, my family was going to the Magic Kingdom and my parents decided it would be best if they rented a wheelchair for me so as not to wear me out. Getting to the front of the lines on each ride was nice...very nice. However, I remember when boarding Splash Mountain, I stood up and walked to my assigned boat, and a girl and her father in the normal line started calling out to the ride attendants questioning what was wrong with me. That was probably the most embarrassing, shameful moment I've experienced at any theme park.

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My most shameful moment was when I told a friend to put his phone(s), yes work and personal, in the locker before we got on Griffin. He didn't listen and lost them both which kinda ruined the day. The moment(s) of shame were:


1. When he sat there and tried to argue with the pimple face ride op about why he needed to get his phone or look from them.

2. His arguing with a ride supervisor who also told him they were not stopping the a ride to look for his phone.

3. His arguing with the lost and found people who essentially said we will mail it if we find it.

4. His arguing with Busch Garden's lost and found and accusing park staff of stealing his phone when we went back a month later and they still had not found his phone.


Moral of the story, use the lockers or secure your articles!

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This right here...


I was once a patch jacket wearing, excel sheet roller coaster counting, kiddie coaster riding, total nerd ACE member boasting about how many "credits" I've gotten. Then I realized how incredibly stupid that all was as no one *REALLY CARES* exactly how many roller coasters you've ridden because this entire hobby should just be about having fun.


IMO, if you're more concerned about how many coasters you ride versus which coasters you ride, you're doing it wrong.


Stop counting and starting riding! No one gives two shits if you've been on 50 coasters, 500 coasters, or 1,500.


I wish I would have figured this out sooner and preached this from day one.


One day that jacket may be in the National Roller Coaster Museum

I threw it in a bon fire many years ago!

Edited by robbalvey
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This right here...


I was once a patch jacket wearing, excel sheet roller coaster counting, kiddie coaster riding, total nerd ACE member boasting about how many "credits" I've gotten. Then I realized how incredibly stupid that all was as no one *REALLY CARES* exactly how many roller coasters you've ridden because this entire hobby should just be about having fun.


IMO, if you're more concerned about how many coasters you ride versus which coasters you ride, you're doing it wrong.


Stop counting and starting riding! No one gives two shits if you've been on 50 coasters, 500 coasters, or 1,500.


I wish I would have figured this out sooner and preached this from day one.


One day that jacket may be in the National Roller Coaster Museum

I threw it in a bon fire many years ago!


Well done for that! The jacket deserved to go to hell.

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It wasn't really embarassing just annoying but i had a girl blast me in the face with a softball at the milk can game at Kings Island while I was working it. She did it on purpose for whatever reason and got thrown out.


I started to credit whore at Holiday world last year. I got on their kiddie coaster by myself and as it started I realized it was just dumb and I would rather spend my time at attractions I like and let kids have that spot. I opted for 6 rides on I305 this past season instead of the woodies at Kings Dominion on my only trip there.

Edited by Ape
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My most shameful moment was when I told a friend to put his phone(s), yes work and personal, in the fluffy, fluffy bunny filled with medicine and goo before we got on Griffin. He didn't listen and lost them both which kinda ruined the day. The moment(s) of shame were:


1. When he sat there and tried to argue with the pimple face ride op about why he needed to get his phone or look from them.

2. His arguing with a ride supervisor who also told him they were not stopping the a ride to look for his phone.

3. His arguing with the lost and found people who essentially said we will mail it if we find it.

4. His arguing with Busch Garden's lost and found and accusing park staff of stealing his phone when we went back a month later and they still had not found his phone.


Moral of the story, use the fluffy, fluffy bunnies filled with medicine and goo or secure your articles!



Hopefully you found yourself a new friend, because this guy is a complete moron.

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So had a moment of embarrassment not long ago. Was at my local park the Efteling and wanted a quick ride on the fairly new Baron 1898, so like always I run to it, and got first in line for the single rider line. When I was inside the building something happened (heat change, empty stomach I still don't know.) And I fainted before getting to the station. I felt really embarrassed after coming back in back room area needing to convince a ride op I was alright after "waking up". Felt even more embarrassed by hading to take the wheelchair lift to leave the building. That said the ride op handled the situation really good, yeah it was embarrassing to me but he did his job as he should.

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I remember one day on the 2009 TPR Scandi Trip. I was with a big group, who wandered over to a Wacky Worm at one park. When we queued up, there wasn't much of a line. By the time I reached the station, there was a huge line of kids and mothers behind us.



At that point I thought, yeah, this is a bit screwed up.

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I don't particularly care if I get weird looks from other people, but there is something about giant water play areas like Hersheypark's East Coast Waterworks that just brings out my inner Peter Pan...I'm sure others on this site feel similarly...

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I remember one day on the 2009 TPR Scandi Trip. I was with a big group, who wandered over to a Wacky Worm at one park. When we queued up, there wasn't much of a line. By the time I reached the station, there was a huge line of kids and mothers behind us.



At that point I thought, yeah, this is a bit screwed up.


Those kids only showed up after they saw the cool kids riding.

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^ I remember that. Djurs Sommerland. After we'd ridden all of the big coasters (mmm Piraten), a lot of us headed

towards that kids' one. And it was The Longest Line in the park! But I remember us all having a fun time on it.


Karlo's Taxi

Djurs Sommerland (Nimtofte, Jylland, Denmark)

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I took my glasses off to ride Rougarou on a very quick trip in to CP early in the season after work. I was still in my work clothes--business casual up top, jeans on the bottom. I wasn't prepared for the floors to be really different from the other floorlesses I have been on, and am somewhat blind without glasses, so I tripped a little. The teen riding next to me decided that this was reason to loudly make fun of me.


"DID YOU HAVE A NICE TRIP?" he shouted, and laughed obnoxiously.


Honestly, I haven't had anybody pull this kind of thing since I was in junior high, so I was just honestly stunned. I put my glasses back on to see what the heck was going on, "OH MY GOD. WE HAVE A FOUR EYES HERE. LOOK AT THE UGLY FOUR EYES!"


I just can't believe people act like this in public still. I know that he should be the one ashamed, but I was sort of ashamed for tripping, and it was so startling to be treated so poorly by another guest that I just couldn't reply. He continued making fun of me for the rest of the ride and down the ramp. I was just like--wtf?

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