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What is the most "Forceless" coaster?

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This is a topic that comes up a lot in other threads. I did a search and nothing came up.


Many coaster enthusiast complain because almost all B&M Coasters are so "forceless" yet, I can't figure out why. Most B&M hypers provide decent airtime, and the positive g's are decent. The positive g's on some B&M coasters even cause people to gray out. . . Coasters like SheiKra and Griffon are always mentioned for being "forceless" however, I don't see how they are. The pullout on SheiKra provides strong positive g's, and the turn right before the MCBR also provide strong positive g's. SheiKra's reported g-forces is 4 positive g's. Which we all know is not forcless.


So my question is... What is the most "forcless" major coaster to you... and what makes you feel like it is so forceless??

Edited by DoinItForTheFame
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So is this basically the "hate on B&M" thread?


Basically. I still say the Wacky Worm is unbeatable but if it has to be an adult coaster I'll say Farenheit just to annoy the Intamin fanboys. It's just as forceless as any forceless B&M you can name but much like the forceless B&M's I still enjoy it and see no reason to complain about it.

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So is this basically the "hate on B&M" thread?


Basically. I still say the Wacky Worm is unbeatable but if it has to be an adult coaster I'll say Farenheit just to annoy the Intamin fanboys. It's just as forceless as any forceless B&M you can name but much like the forceless B&M's I still enjoy it and see no reason to complain about it.


You do get a few decent pops of air after the double corkscrew, can't forget about that.

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So is this basically the "hate on B&M" thread?


Basically. I still say the Wacky Worm is unbeatable but if it has to be an adult coaster I'll say Farenheit just to annoy the Intamin fanboys. It's just as forceless as any forceless B&M you can name but much like the forceless B&M's I still enjoy it and see no reason to complain about it.


Obviously, we all know that there are hundreds or thousands of kiddie coasters which are less forceful than your B&Ms or any other large coaster, so I'll just list a few that left me slightly disappointed.


If it wasn't for their pretzel loops, I'd say the S:UF clones. Manta is a little better with maybe one good moment of speed after the first in-line twist, but most of it is slow and a bit of a let down. That being said, the pretzel loops make up for what else these rides lack.


Patriot disappointed me. After growing up on the Florida B&Ms (pre-Manta), it just didn't stack up against the others I had ridden. I did re-ride Patriot this summer though and it's definitely better in the front seat, but the back seat rides have nothing on Kumba, Montu or Dragon Challenge. Patriot basically trots through a dandelion field while these others gallop on a mountain.

Raging Bull was also disappointing. I wish there was a trim brake smiley, but this one will do:


I'll probably be flamed for this, but there are some rides that I haven't ridden but was disappointed about after reading lackluster reviews: Oziris, Cheetah Hunt and Helix come to mind. Oziris was a hope for return to the classic B&M, but it doesn't sound to have made that cut. Cheetah Hunt, while often praised now by many for how fun it is, was not the big, bad Intamin coaster I was hoping for. Helix just looked so awesome, and the test run videos made it look crazy and intense, but the reviews say otherwise. Like Cheetah Hunt, I'm sure it's a great, fun ride, but it doesn't sound like it can compete with Maverick - my all-time favorite. I do hope to ride all of these one day, especially Cheetah Hunt and Helix, but I'm no longer on the "OMG get me there now" bus. Thunder Dolphin would also fit this category, but the setting makes it a coaster which is still on my must ride list.

Edited by The Yeti
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Steel Forceless at Dorney. Looks great, but just a big mine train. Rode in the front and back seats and it didn't do anything for me, especially after having ridden Skyrush a few days earlier.


Hydra at Dorney and Silver Bullet at Knotts get (dis)honorable mentions, too.


I was also surprised how forceless Mean Streak is, sure hope it's a future RMC conversion.

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-Flight of Fear at Kings Island. While I did like this ride's indoor setting, the launch and most of the layout did nothing for me.

-American Eagle at SFGAm. I thought a coaster of this size would offer some good thrills, but I found it to be mostly rough and uninteresting.

-Wild Thing at Valleyfair after the mid-course brake run. The first half of the ride is decent, but the return run is a big snoozefest.

-Mean Streak is also very boring aside from one okay pop of air in the second half.

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How about the most forceless woodie? My vote goes to Mean Streak.


So is this basically the "hate on B&M" thread?


Basically. I still say the Wacky Worm is unbeatable but if it has to be an adult coaster I'll say Farenheit just to annoy the Intamin fanboys. It's just as forceless as any forceless B&M you can name but much like the forceless B&M's I still enjoy it and see no reason to complain about it.


I strongly disagree, the corkscrews have that "snap" you get on good B&Ms, but that's completely absent from lame B&Ms. I would put those corkscrews against the corkscrews on any floorless and they'd win every time. Also, the turnaround into the pop of airtime at the end is much stronger and faster-paced than practically any floorless. In fact I'd say the only weak parts of that ride are the Norwegian loop and the cobra roll.


I actually really hate the term "forceless" because it's simple inaccurate. It's really that modern B&Ms engineer the forces to be so consistent and smooth, you don't get any of that "out of control" feeling like you get on better coasters.

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I think that a better title for this thread would be "most forceless coaster relative to its size/type"


I agree that Fahrenheit is the most forceless of the "extreme" Intamin coasters. Thankfully, the same park has two very forceful Intamin coasters to satisfy that need. Cheetah Hunt is really forceless as well. I have no clue what people were talking about when they called this the "California Screamin on Steroids." It honestly felt like the tamed down version of California Screamin. The B&M hypers could all pretty much be called "forceless," but I think Intimidator at Carowinds takes the cake for the least forceful in the US. Tatsu, Manta, and Superman are all pretty forceless outside the pretzel loops. It seems like every B&M flyer, besides Sky Scrapper, has one intense moment, then a forceless rest of the ride. Silver Bullet and Talon are both pretty forceless for most of the ride (though both of these do have pretty intense endings). I have heard forceless reviews of every B&M wing coaster. The only one I have ridden myself is Wild Eagle, and this is considered to be the best one. If that is true, then I can confirm that the others are pretty forceless.


But also, I would give the "forceless park award" to Dorney Park. They have a lineup that should look impressive, featuring an invert, impulse coaster, floorless, classic wood coaster, and hyper coaster. Yet, pretty much all of these are some of the least forceful examples of their type. (Even Thunderhawk has those stupid trims). With such an impressive-sounding lineup, I was surprised to see that their most forceful ride was the used Vekoma shuttle coaster.


So basically: B&M, all of the mid-90's Morgan hypers, and a couple of abnormal Intamins

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