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Your Dumbest Moments


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love the thread


1: zipped up my ***** when in the locker room after showers at my school! DAYUM THAT HURT, let out big scream, fall onto the floor in pain


2: i once asked a person on AIM for a pen


3: in ephsus, turkey, i was walking with my family, they stopped to look at somthing, i don't notice, now theres a women that is not my mom walking next to me, i grab her purse, she tugs back (i still odnt realize it's not my mom. i tug, she yells "STOP!", im like "JUST GIVE IT TO ME!!" back forth, back forth, then i look up... ... yeah, she thought i was trying to steal her purse!

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Oh man, this is a great thread. I have a boat load of dumb moments. The best time to catch me having a dumb moment would you'd have to wake me up and for the first minute I'd believe anything since my brain hasn't jump started yet.


1) For example, (and I remember doing and saying this), last year in my dorm room, my roommate was awake and I was sleeping, and I woke up and here's out the conversation went


ME: Hey Nick, check out these icons (holds out pillow)

Nick: Craig, that's your pillow

ME: No it's not!, they're icons! (Throws pillow to floor and goes back to sleep)


2) most recently happend on the drive down to Knoebels. I had to take I-80 and get off at Exit 232. I called Brent (MagnumForce) on the way to let him know I was 10 miles away from the exit so I should be there in a half an hour....Welllll, when I said that, I was at Exit 232 but I was completely oblivious until I passed Mile Marker 222 and just started shouting the F word loudly in my car. I had to make a U-Turn at Exit 215 and managed to get to Knoebels by a nearby exit without backtracking all the way to 232.

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LMAO^ hahaha One time I was asleep on our couch and my mom was asleep in the recliner, well the phone rang, so my mom told me to get it... so I get up walk over to it, and am like looking for it... and I'm like WHERE IS IT??? and shes like its in the phone cradle! And i'm like I don't see it!!, and shes like your looking right at it!, so this goes on for like 3 minutes as the phone is ringing, and I can't find it, but its right there and I'm staring right at it... gah I was so out of it...

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Okay, here's mine.

One time when my daughters and I were at GL, my oldest daughter was going on the Log Flume and asked me to hold her pad (the feminine kind) for her so it wouldn't get drenched.

Needless to say, i forgot what pocket it was in and while in line for Batman, I started sneezing.

My daughter burst out laughing, which of course made people look.

I guess they do absorb pretty well

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1) For example, (and I remember doing and saying this), last year in my dorm room, my roommate was awake and I was sleeping, and I woke up and here's out the conversation went


ME: Hey Nick, check out these icons (holds out pillow)

Nick: Craig, that's your pillow

ME: No it's not!, they're icons! (Throws pillow to floor and goes back to sleep)

I routinely talk/yell in my sleep, but so does my brother that I share a room with, so it evens out. Just that he's usually more sound asleep than I am and can't remember anything I do.

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Oh man, this is a great thread. I have a boat load of dumb moments. The best time to catch me having a dumb moment would you'd have to wake me up and for the first minute I'd believe anything since my brain hasn't jump started yet.


1) For example, (and I remember doing and saying this), last year in my dorm room, my roommate was awake and I was sleeping, and I woke up and here's out the conversation went


ME: Hey Nick, check out these icons (holds out pillow)

Nick: Craig, that's your pillow

ME: No it's not!, they're icons! (Throws pillow to floor and goes back to sleep)


My ex used to talk in his sleep on a fairly regular basis, and god it was funny. He once started feeling around the bed asking "where's the dinosaur? The green dinosaur. I need my dinosaur!" I couldn't figure out what he was talking about (and was slightly offended that he might be referring to me) until he grabbed the remote control and said "ah there you are, thank you", switched off the tv and then shut up again. Apparently "dinosaur" has a different meaning in his dream world.


He also spent ten minutes one night talking about the fact that he'd "lost his muffins". Just about managed to hold back my laughter enough to ask him a couple of questions, he just kept looking really upset and saying that someone had stolen them but he couldn't give a description because he was looking the other way at the time... Never did find out what exactly he was dreaming about! :?

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