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[RCT2] Six Flags New Mexico

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Hello all, this is my latest creation, Six Flags New Mexico. The story takes place in 1990. Enjoy.


Press Release- New Mexico Herald


Renowned theme park chain, Six Flags has announced that a new park will be opening this summer. Details included a rollercoaster, shopping district, flat rides, and multiple water rides. We were told by Six Flags spokesman, Andy Schultz, that the park will start with a low budget that will grow with popularity. More info coming soon.


Claudia Stenson; News Reporter for NMH.


Good morning New Mexico! Today I'm at the opening day of Six Flags New Mexico! The hype is already building and a long line is outside the front gates! Let's get started!


The park still has plenty of room to expand. The expansions will come in the following years.


The Midway offers food, drink, and games.


The first section of the park is Pirate's Cove. The area is more aimed at older kids.


Tidal Wave; its crown jewel, towers over Pirate Cove. The queue was completely inside, and told the story of an ancient curse put over ye scallywags!


Now back in the Midway, we see the Skyway, which provides a nice relaxing view of the park.


Mexico, features authentic Mexican cuisine and holds Bonanza, a Musik Express type ride.


The Golden Nugget is the park's only rollercoaster. It was manufactured by Arrow and runs 2 trains at a time. I waited for about a half hour, which isn't bad for opening day.


It's layout is truly one-of-a-kind. With many banked curves, helixes, and drops, you'll never know what's next.


Finally, the Log Flume is in an undeveloped part of the park. The ride was added last-minute, but the wait didn't go lower than 60 minutes the entire day.


From Claudia Stenson, I'm Out!

Edited by coaster6
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Sushana Woods, Theme Park Central Magzine


It's been a crazy year in New Mexico. Six Flag's theme park has been up and running for one year now, and additions are already starting to take place. The new themed area, Plaze De Carnival, takes up space between the main park and the chairlift. It has the theme of a Mexican rural village, even though there are only 2 working buildings. I took some pictures to share with you all.


The new area's here and it's.. kind of drag.


It's not that interesting, and the store's don't even have merchandise yet!


We think this may be a concert hall. The building's finished, but there's nothing inside.


Leaving that section of the park, the Pirate Ship is one of my favorite rides.


My favorite place to eat is Pedro's.


Bye bye from Six Flags New Mexico!

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Cut From A Six Flags New Mexico Press Release


We'd like to thank you all for coming out. It is 1983 and it's a big year for the park. It's been a successful first two years and we look forward to many more great years down the road. It is with great excitement, I announce that we will be opening Valiant Stallion, a Schwarzkopf steel. We've proudly errected coasters like this around other Six Flags parks, but this was designed especially for New Mexico. We have some pictures and the ride will be opening mommentrairly. To reserve your Season Passes, the office is in the front of the park.


Here she is, in all her beauty.


The layout is one of a kind.


We've already filled the lines as well as the overflows!


The ride ducks in a forest.


Our park's skyline is changing rapidly.


End Article

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