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Tales from the Ride Ops

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I'm sure we could fill DOZENS of pages with our funny, crazy, awkward, inspiring, and unbelievable stories.


Yesterday, while working Silver Bullet at KBF, the train came back and a woman in the front row was expressing her general excitement for how fun the ride was, since she had never been on it before. As she was unbuckling her belt, I told her "you should also try it from the back"


to which she responded... "Oh, I've heard that before."

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Once while working at the entrance to a coaster, a kid wasn't tall enough to ride. The mom did that annoying "but she's so close" diatribe as if I would risk my job and her daughter's safety and let her go. After seeing I wasn't going to break the rules, she said "great, is this how you treat all little girls on their birthday here?"


Without missing a beat, this little girl turns and says "it's not my birthday silly!"

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One time while working at SFDK.

Park was getting ready to open and morning test runs we're happening.

A maintenence worker working on Pandemonium (Then Tony Hawk's Big Spin) forgot his sweater on the track and we failed to notice.

When the first car ran the cycle it got caught on the sweater and the car stalled/valleyed.


It was definitely a WTF moment.

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Referring back to the original post, I had a great "in the back" comment from a guest. Loading Comet at Waldameer, a woman says, "I love this in the back!" as she sits in the back row. Her husband or significant other then turns to me and says, "That's not the only thing she likes in the rear." I lost it from that point as I could not hold back laughter if my life depended on it.

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I remember I was working a closing shift at GhostRider back in December and a couple of the riders claimed they saw a man sitting on the railings of the track near the helix. They even sounded a bit terrified too. We ended up having to call the ride down and our team lead and supervisor had to walk all the way out to the helix with flashlights in hand to check. One of my fellow RO's that was working that night also claims she can feel negative energy and seemed really bothered. Another night we were walking past Bigfoot Rapids a good hour or two after the park closed with another friend of ours and then all of a sudden the spiels and sound effects for Bigfoot started playing as soon as we walked past it and she immediately booked it for the security entrance on Western. I'm not the superstitious type but it does make working at Knott's a bit more fun with the possibility of it being haunted

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I remember I was working a closing shift at GhostRider back in December and a couple of the riders claimed they saw a man sitting on the railings of the track near the helix. They even sounded a bit terrified too. We ended up having to call the ride down and our team lead and supervisor had to walk all the way out to the helix with flashlights in hand to check. One of my fellow RO's that was working that night also claims she can feel negative energy and seemed really bothered. Another night we were walking past Bigfoot Rapids a good hour or two after the park closed with another friend of ours and then all of a sudden the spiels and sound effects for Bigfoot started playing as soon as we walked past it and she immediately booked it for the security entrance on Western. I'm not the superstitious type but it does make working at Knott's a bit more fun with the possibility of it being haunted


When people have an empty next to them, I like to say we saved it for Mr Knott. They usually don't get the joke, but sometimes people get a kick out of it.

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