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Coasting for Kids 2019--Be Part of Team TPR!

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Hey Everyone!


I joined the Kings Dominion team. (I just hope my boss lets me off work on that day!) I will gladly match any donations that anyone makes to my fundraising page. Any amount. Whatever you donate to me, I'll send right back to you. Click on my banner below to donate.





I just sent $30 your way, as well. Thanks for your continued generosity, year after year.

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I just sent $30 your way, as well. Thanks for your continued generosity, year after year.


Thank you so much! I will make a donation to your page tomorrow morning.


- Jason

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Alright folks. My wallet's a bit lighter after sending matching donations to the following awesome people:


Chuck - $20

Nick - $10

Craig - $20

Dustin - $10

Mark - $5

Adam - $20

Nathan - $15

Ryan - $20


Thanks for all your support! Let's keep it going Team TPR!!


Thanks again, Matt, for your very generous matching donations!! Go Team TPR!


Hey Everyone!


I joined the Kings Dominion team. (I just hope my boss lets me off work on that day!) I will gladly match any donations that anyone makes to my fundraising page. Any amount. Whatever you donate to me, I'll send right back to you. Click on my banner below to donate.





Awesome to see you back for another year, Jason!! Those of us with Team TPR who coordinate our efforts are definitely thrilled to see someone like you, who is always so dedicated to this wonderful cause. Your amazing dedication to fundraising all year long is simply remarkable! Thank you for all that you do to help make this event so successful each and every year. Along with your fundraising, you are also very generous with donations to other Team TPR members. Again, a huge THANKS for that as well! I don't have quite as much money to spread around this year, but I have sent you a donation of $35 in honor of your generosity, hard work, and support!!




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Awesome to see you back for another year, Jason!! Those of us with Team TPR who coordinate our efforts are definitely thrilled to see someone like you, who is always so dedicated to this wonderful cause. Your amazing dedication to fundraising all year long is simply remarkable! Thank you for all that you do to help make this event so successful each and every year. Along with your fundraising, you are also very generous with donations to other Team TPR members. Again, a huge THANKS for that as well! I don't have quite as much money to spread around this year, but I have sent you a donation of $35 in honor of your generosity, hard work, and support!!





Thank you, Nick, for the kind words and for the donation. Give Kids The World has become a very special place to me thanks to my involvement with Coasting For Kids. Raising some funds is the least I can do for such a wonderful organization. I know how I feel every time I walk into an amusement park and to be able to help give a deserving child that same feeling, well, that makes me feel even better than when I go to a park! GKTW is truly a miraculous place. I am honored to be associated with them.



- Jason

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I joined the Kings Dominion team. (I just hope my boss lets me off work on that day!) I will gladly match any donations that anyone makes to my fundraising page. Any amount. Whatever you donate to me, I'll send right back to you. Click on my banner below to donate.


Just sent one along!

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Hey Everyone!


I joined the Kings Dominion team. (I just hope my boss lets me off work on that day!) I will gladly match any donations that anyone makes to my fundraising page. Any amount. Whatever you donate to me, I'll send right back to you. Click on my banner below to donate.






50 dollars coming your way Jason.

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Just sent one along!

Thanks! Right back at ya!

50 dollars coming your way Jason.

And, thank you too! Donation returned.


You guys are blowing me away with your kindness, but keep it coming! I will still keep on matching donations. Any amount. No limit! You donate to my page and I'll donate the same amount right back to your page.



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Time for Guess-the-Photo round 3!


Who's got the key to figuring this one out?



$20 to the first person who names the park and attraction.


I'm going to go ahead and guess that this is the Space Spiral at Cedar Point.

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I just sent $30 your way, as well. Thanks for your continued generosity, year after year.


Thank you so much! I will make a donation to your page tomorrow morning.


- Jason

Thanks again, Jason!

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I would like, once again, tho thank all those who have donated to my Coasting for Kids page. I'm now only $120 away from making my goal of $1,000!

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Excellent work.


I am glad to see another person join in at Kings Dominion. I would be all over these match offers but money is going to be very tight until this month is over with some bills for the new baby we have to pay and car taxes (yuck). You are all very generous and next year hopefully i'll be able to throw more at people.

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Trying to get a hotel up in Sandusky for the weekend of CFK, does Cedar Point happen to offer any discounts on their hotels for participants? I'd rather save some money and give more to the charity. Can't wait to take part in this event!


Just realized I never responded to this....sorry about that! As far as I know, there's no specific C4K discount at any of the Cedar Point Resort properties. I'll check into it though to be sure. I want to say the one year they did, but it would be posted right on the itinerary/details page. We're staying Sat. night at Hotel Breakers. I know that we used the AAA (if you're a member) discount, which at least saves 10%.



Okay, Team TPR riders, I just updated our roster on the first page and added all the new participants! Welcome to everyone who recently joined!! Our roster now sits at a healthy 58 participants for Team TPR! I actually thought it should be over 60 based on how many I added, but it seems that we lost a few riders (3 or so, maybe?)....not sure what happened there, or if I inadvertently added people who weren't lined up with our team. We still have ZERO participants at Worlds of Fun or Michigan's Adventure.....If you live in the vicinity of either of these parks and want to participate in Coasting for Kids, please join up with Team TPR today!! Thanks!


I also ran our latest totals, and I have to say that it's IMPRESSIVE!! To date, Team TPR has now raised an incredible $18,696 for Give Kids The World!!! Just an absolutely fantastic job so far, everyone! I'm so proud of this community we have here at TPR! So, as you can see, we are quickly closing in on $20K raised. Let's keep it up, guys and gals....the sky is the limit!!

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We still have ZERO participants at Worlds of Fun or Michigan's Adventure.....If you live in the vicinity of either of these parks and want to participate in Coasting for Kids, please join up with Team TPR today!! Thanks!


If anyone close to Worlds Of Fun or Michigan's Adventure wants to participate, but you cannot afford the registration fee or you think that you might not be able to meet the minimum $75 fundraising goal, I can help you with that!! I will sponsor up to two Team TPR participants at either or both of these parks! I will cover your registration fee and get you up to the $75 minimum. Private message me if you're interested!


- Jason

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If anyone close to Worlds Of Fun or Michigan's Adventure wants to participate, but you cannot afford the registration fee or you think that you might not be able to meet the minimum $75 fundraising goal, I can help you with that!! I will sponsor up to two Team TPR participants at either or both of these parks! I will cover your registration fee and get you up to the $75 minimum. Private message me if you're interested!


- Jason


Wow! THANK YOU so much, Jason, for offering to do that!! That's awesome!


Okay, come on folks! There's got to be some TPR folks that live close to Worlds of Fun and Michigan's Adventure! Please help us out and represent Team TPR for this fantastic event!! Trust me, you'll have an AMAZING time, and you'll feel wonderful from making a difference in the lives of these special kids. And thanks to Jason, all you have to do is sign up and you've met your minimum goal to participate!!

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Time for Guess-the-Photo round 3!


Who's got the key to figuring this one out?


(picture link)


$20 to the first person who names the park and attraction.

Guess this one was pretty tough. Here's a second hint. This sign is hanging directly above the key. I had to blur a couple things that would give it away. Hey, now you know the key really is under the mat!


Let's make it $30 now if you get it.



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The key is indeed under the mat!

...and now you get to impress the heck out of your family and friends next time you're at the studios -- if Muppet Vision's still there whenever you visit, that is.


Donation on the way!

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Hey there, Team TPR friends! Just wanted to pass along a heads up: Over the weekend, I noticed that there were several spots on the Coasting for Kids site that were not updating rider fundraising totals whenever new donations came in. Basically, if you go to your individual fundraising page, no worries, as that seems to be updating fine. However, the totals on the main page (http://support.gktw.org/site/PageNavigator/coastingforkids_2015.html) have not updated in a couple days. Also, if you go to any of the park pages (for instance, http://support.gktw.org/site/TR?fr_id=1371&pg=entry), the "Team Honor Roll" scroll has not been updating for the last couple days (though if you click on a specific Team TPR, it does at least show the correct total there), and the "Top Fundraisers" section is not updating either (similar to the main page issue). I sent an email to Kaylee at GKTW just to make sure they're aware of it. Not a huge deal, but I wanted to at least pass it along in case there are some top fundraisers from Team TPR that might visit the main page to see if they've gotten any new donations.


Also, if you haven't checked your email recently, you should. Kaylee sent out an email with their updated policy on "offline donations" for the event, as they are now recommending that offline donations be mailed to them if possible prior to the event. Not sure how I feel about that one, since I typically get some offline donations through the last few days of fundraising. Anyway, even if you opt to wait and just take your offline donations with you to the park, there is now a form that needs filled out for your offline donations.




Switching gears a little bit, I felt it was time again to share another great Kara story about GKTW. This one is from 2013 and touches upon the founder of GKTW, and how he took a horrific childhood experience and used it as motivation to help create this wonderful place to help children. What this man has done considering those circumstances is nothing short of remarkable. Read on.....


This morning I'm going to write about our Founder, Henri Landwirth. When talking with supporters or giving tours of the Village, I always touch on Henri's past-- but truthfully it isn't something I go in-depth about a whole lot. Even though it's difficult, I feel compelled to share a little bit more than usual about Henri's story with you all, because it's truly inspiring and powerful.


Henri knows all too well what it is like to give up his childhood. Between the ages of 13 and 18, he spent his years in concentration camps, including Aushwitz and Mauthausen. He and his family, including his parents and his twin sister Margot, were separated almost immediately upon becoming prisoners at the start of the war. Both of his parents were killed, but remarkably Henri and Margot survived and later reunited.


Henri's last moments in the camps were gut-wrenching as he was taken out of his cellar by a soldier. He knew enough German to have no trouble understanding that the guards ordered the soldiers to take him and two other prisoners into the woods to be shot. Here's an excerpt from Henri's book, Gift of Life, about the day he escaped:


One of the greatest miracles of my life took place at this forest's edge on the way to my execution. One of the soldiers look troubled by the fact that he was going to have to shoot us. The soldier turned to his comrades and said, "The war is almost over. I don't want to kill these people." The other soldiers shrugged their soldiers. They didn't seem to want to kill us either. The soldier turned to us and said, "Line up over there facing the trees. I'm not going to shoot you. When I raise my gun, run into the woods."


There's no question that his horrific childhood could've resulted in a very bitter and resentful man. But, he turned it around and ultimately has ended up giving kids what was taken from him. Like Henri, the deserving children that GKTW serves have been robbed of their childhood, but when they're on their wish trips they get the chance to simply enjoy being a kid...they get their childhood back.


Henri is about to celebrate his 86th birthday on March 7, which coincides with our Founder's Day. Each year, Henri and Margot come to the Village to spend time with the families. The event is very private and low key, and each year I just sit there in awe as I watch him interact with the children, much of the time acting like a kid himself. He poses for photos and autographs books for the families, and every so often I catch a glimpse of his faded personal identification number tattooed by the Nazis on his left forearm. Thank you, Henri, for creating this amazing place!


Henri Landwirth, GKTW Founder

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^ That's awesome, Chuck!! Excellent work with your fundraising, as is the case with you every year!


Want to hear a cool Tuesday FUN FACT, Team TPR riders??


Did you know that currently the Top 3 fundraisers across the country (looking at everyone registered at all 11 parks) are ALL FROM TEAM TPR!?! Yep, that's right!


1. Jason (KD) - $7,345 (WOW! You never cease to amaze us, Jason! Spectacular work!! )

2. Hayley (Valleyfair) - $4,260 (Incredible job, Hayley!! You are surely embracing our cause and GKTW's mission! Kudos to you! )

3. Chase (CGA) - $3,850 (We salute you, Chase, on hitting a home run with your fundraising!! Excellent job! )


Seriously, how spectacular is that?? I am just beyond proud to be a part of the coordinating of such a motivated, compassionate, and downright AMAZING group of coaster nerds here at TPR! To all of our Team TPR participants, and to TPR peeps who have donated to support this massive effort, I say THANK YOU!! And we're NOT DONE YET!!! There's still a little over 2 weeks before the fundraising "deadline" (although I believe the pages stay active for a bit after the event) on June 5th.....let's make these last couple weeks really count as we push our fundraising total into the stratosphere!! GO TEAM TPR!!!

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