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100% Achievements

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Just thought of another one that I'm kind of proud of.


I've ridden every coaster at Canada's Wonderland during it's first week of operation. This includes the original 5 that opened with the park in 1981 and also Taxi Jam (which I rode with my nephew on opening day in 1998).

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^ What he said, lol. And all of the Mega Lites in the world currently, I think.


EDIT to add: Actually I think that with all of the TPR Tours I have been on, I have visited more

countries than I ever imagined I would have ever visited on my own, or with David. More like

a 200% Achievement to me, heh.


Thank you Robb & Elissa for all of the above.

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All 4D coasters in North America

All B&M dive machines in China

All Intamin drop towers in China

All Vekoma motorbike in Asia

All Intamin mine train in China

All SkyLoop in North America

All Schwarzkopf extended speed racer in US

All Mack Supersplash in North America and China

All coasters at Cedar Point (-2013)

All traditional constructed wooden coaster with inversion in the world (-2013)

All wing coaster in Asia

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Wow, I never actually noticed this until now, but I've been on...

100% of the B&Ms in the USA.

100% of the CCI coasters (even the ones that have been demolished)

100% of the GCI coasters

100% of the wood coasters in India


Oh, and I've also been on 100% of the indoor launched Premier coasters in India!

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Ignoring the pathetic ones (sets with only one or two members, or all members in one location) and thinking off the top of my head, I've got...


100% of operating coasters in Kentucky and Oregon

100% of major coasters in California, Connecticut, and Nevada

100% of the former Paramount Parks (and associated clones)

100% of parks in California and Ohio

100% of major parks in the Midwest and the East Coast

100% of regional parks in the North East (defined as north of New York City)

100% of the non-kiddie coasters at Cedar Point in one day...without Fast Lane

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-All operating coasters over 300 ft in the US

-All Florida B&M's

-All Disney, Busch/Seaworld, and Universal parks in the US

-All Cedar Fair parks in the US east of the Mississippi

-All operating TOGO coasters in the US (why?)

-All opertaing Invertigo cones in the US (one in two different locations)

-All operating 1st gen freefalls in the US

-All Intamin prefabs in the US

-All Intamin mega-lites in the US

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Had Cinnamon bread at 100% of HFE properties that offer it.


100% of B&M dive coasters in the Americas.


100% of wing coasters in North America (until Thunderbird.)


100% of Giga Coasters in North America (until next year.)

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Ignoring the pathetic ones (sets with only one or two members, or all members in one location)...

I'm pretty sure riding Flying Turns counts as an achievement.

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- All Mega Lites

- All B&M's in the UK

- All Vekoma Tilt coasters (Can I count this?)

- All gravity powered coasters in Finland

- All 4D coasters

- All coasters at Fuji-Q in one day

- All people powered roller coasters

- All Infinity coasters


The above is pretty much 100% credited to Robb & Elissa's trips, so big thanks to them both!


I have a few nearly's too like lots of others do too.

Edited by rctneil
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I'd have to check which international properties Merlin still own but I've probably been to all of their theme parks (not aquariums!!).


As for what I'd like I be 100% on most, I'd love to get to every Disney park. Haven't been to Hong Kong yet and even when I do Shanghai is only around the corner!

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The only real 100% Achievements I have are:

100% all Backlot Stunt Coasters

100% all Vekoma Flying Dutchmans


Other made-uppy ones or ones that weren't particularly challenging are:

100% North American Giga Coasters and Strata Coasters

100% American Intamin Launched Coasters/all American Accelerators in the front seat

100% North American Zamperla Volares (......yay?)

100% Coasters in Maine

100% Coasters in Rhode Island (Not counting alpine coasters, I'm three away from all New England coasters)

100% Coasters in Massachusetts (again, not counting alpine coasters, hope to knock this one out this winter)


On another note, I'm 2 coasters away from 100% B&M Stand-ups

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