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What was your first Intamin Coaster

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I have quite the story to tell for my first Intamin.


As you all know, an infamous cable incident occurred on Xcelerator at KBF on September 16, 2009. This happened before I was tall enough to ride.


Well one day, on April 26th, 2010, my family took me and my good friend to Knott's, mainly due to the fact that I was finally over 52" and I could ride Xcelerator...assuming it re-opened yet. We didn't know. But we headed to the park anyway, and found out Xcelerator was still closed. We were sort of expecting it, so we just continued with our day.


However, at about 5:00pm, my friend called me from the Boardwalk (I was over by GhostRider) and said, "Hey Nathan, Xcelerator JUST re-opened! Hurry!" At first I didn't believe him, but I sprinted straight to the ride anyway. Sure enough, the ride was open, fresh with brand new yellow lap bars, new seats, new paint on the trains, and of course, a new cable. I went straight into the line, a little terrified to be honest (I was 10 years old), and I nervously got in line for the back car (I was too anxious and impatient to wait in a longer line for another car). My mom and sister (who was 2 years younger than me but the same height as me) rode first, in the back car, and I remember seeing them on the brake run with the biggest smiles on their faces! I was so excited.


I got in the back car, completely terrified since this was the tallest and fastest coaster I had ridden to date, but after the ride when we pulled in to the brake run, the ride instantly jumped to my favorite coaster. It was my #1 coaster for a few months until I visited SFMM for the first time that following summer for my 11th birthday. All in all, it was a VERY good day, and I ended up being one of the first few public trains on Xcelerator after being closed for 7 months!


April 26th, 2010. I'll never forget that day...

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California Screamin' at Disney California Adventure Park is the first Intamin I really remember, but I know I rode Lightning Bolt at the former MGM Grand Adventures in Las Vegas. Since that ride closed before California Screamin' opened, I guess Lightning Bolt was my first Intamin.

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