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Could RMC rehab with topper track?

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I know how RMC takes old wooden coasters that are past their primes and turns them into amazing hybrid coasters, but do you think they would rehab a wooden coaster and keep it a wooden coaster by using topper track?


Here's an unlikely scenario: Cedar Point wants to rehab Mean Streak, but they only have 2 wooden coasters and would like to keep them both. Do you think RMC could rehab Mean Streak using topper track so that it's technically still a wooden coaster? Just something that popped into my head.

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^I think so. Why not? The shape of the two tracks is the same the difference being that on the topper track the only steel part is the rails themselves while the rest is wood. Topper track also appears to have the same capabilities (for inversions and such) so I assume they could also do it. Maybe the reason it hasn't happened yet is because going from a woodie to a hybrid is a bigger difference for the public while going fro wood to wood (no matter how different the layout might be) doesn't sound as "impressive".

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I'm 100% positive they could. You know why?


Because they've already done it before


I think what he means is rehab NTAG-style (all new layout) but with Topper Track, not retracking parts (or maybe even a whole) and keeping the shape.

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