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NEWS: 20th Century Fox World Korea Announced!

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Gyeongnamdo the U.S. entertainment company specializing in 20th Century Fox's global theme park company signed a memorandum of understanding for the construction. Hong, Chun - Pyo is visiting the United States of offices and Twentieth Century Fox Consumer Products (Consumer Products) division oversees gatsik Jeffrey (Jeffrey Godsick) is the 21st president signed a memorandum of understanding in Fox Studios. Gyeongnamdo Busan, Changwon, Jinhae Jinhae Free Economic Zone belonging to nine


In December last year, 20th Century Fox, Executive Vice President entertainment Ungdong one party to the cold weather also had to explore. Memorandum of Understanding on gyeongnamdo 'Theme developed two operators on both sides (Master Developer) to co-discover and connect to a specific investment in a mutual effort to conclude a contract with a "contains the contents, he said.



Edited by jedimaster1227
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An English article...


(Village Roadshow is the company behind Australia's Warner Bros. and Sea World parks.)


20th Century Fox and Village Roadshow have signed a Memorandum of Understanding with South Gyeongsang Province to build a theme park.


In South Korea, 20th Century Fox and Village Roadshow have today signed a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with South Gyeongsang Province (a.k.a. Gyeongsangnam-do Province) to build a theme park and resort in the Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone.


The province’s governor Hong Joon-pyo, 20th Century Fox Consumer Products president Jeffrey Godsick and Village Roadshow Theme Parks CEO Tim Fisher signed the MOU in Seoul earlier today (July 16).




Plans for 20th Century Fox World Korea include a theme park of more than 75 acres and will be part of a more than 700-acre leisure resort and development with a “fully immersive entertainment experience” featuring Fox film and TV brands. The park will be located in the Ungdong Area of the Busan-Jinhae Free Economic Zone, Changwon City, Jinhae-gu, South Gyeongsang Province.


Village Roadshow as operating partner will be a design and development consultant and the manager of the theme park.



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Just out of curiosity but why are we seeing these kind of parks spring up in foreign markets? Why not a 20th Century Fox or Warner Brothers Movie World in the U.S.? I'm sure there are regions that could support something like this where a visit to Universal Studios would be out of the question.

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That is very interesting seeing Fox get into the theme park business in more regions. . Time Warner parks in the U.S. would be great, the managment of TW seems to think rather short term, and did not have the Disney mindset of playing the long game. Of all the studios, they had the brands to carry a theme park but instead settled for just royalty deals with Six Flags and Universal.

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