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[RCT2] Frontier Forest - Spring 2005 Quick Update

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Maybe you should post that in bigger and bolder letters. I for one enjoy where you are going and have a hard time finding stuff to criticize. I for one don't mind the layout but can't wait to see what happens. I do think there needs to be more food options though, they seem pretty far a few, and some souvenirs maybe?

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The green walls on Coyote's station look odd and out of place. I'd change those to a more subtle color, something in the vein of the red fencing right above it.


I do like that something is getting added right next to Corvus. I always kinda felt Corvus was disconnected from the rest of the park, so it's nice to see more there to connect it.

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I do think there needs to be more food options though, they seem pretty far a few, and some souvenirs maybe?

Souvenirs are mixed in with some of the larger buildings, particularly in the entrance area. And yes, I agree

The green walls on Coyote's station look odd and out of place. I'd change those to a more subtle color, something in the vein of the red fencing right above it.

Huh. Stay posted.

I do like that something is getting added right next to Corvus. I always kinda felt Corvus was disconnected from the rest of the park, so it's nice to see more there to connect it.

I absolutely agree. Perhaps management had higher hopes for expansion at the time of Corvus' construction (1984). More to come.


Thanks for commenting, the 1995 opening update is in the works!

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The green walls on Coyote's station look odd and out of place. I'd change those to a more subtle color, something in the vein of the red fencing right above it.

Huh. Stay posted.


Sounds like either a rebrand or removal. The line is always empty, my guess is a removal of it.

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  • 2 weeks later...

It is finally time to unveil Frontier Forest's newest addition. Manufactured by Custom Coasters International, at a cost of $3 million, Mammoth utilizes the terrain of the land to dive under ground level five separate occasions, increasing the drop height and max speed. Reaching heights of 90 feet over more than 3,000 feet of track, Mammoth is the tallest, fastest, and longest coaster in park history. Mammoth operates with a single, 24 seat orange PTC train. The addition of Mammoth aligns with the park's 20th anniversary, along with the addition of The Viking in a new location, which originally debuted back in 1981. Pictures below, comments/criticism appreciated!


New in 1995, Mammoth!


Climbing to heights of 90 feet, Mammoth is the tallest roller coaster in the park!


After a subterranean dive, Mammoth climbs into a negative-g airtime hill


After a second hill and drop, Mammoth drops into a ravine and into a high speed turnaround (Raven, anyone?)


The twister portion of the ride in the woods


One more dive under ground level (with an on-ride photo) leads into a helix finale and brake run


Overview of Mammoth, a modern twist on the out and back design, incorporating twister style elements and terrain usage


The Viking made a return in a new location across from Coyote


Mammoth celebrates Frontier Forest's 20th anniversary in 1995 opening to some of the best early season crowds in many years


Overview from Spring, 1995

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Come the end of the summer, rumors from every source imaginable seem to make their way into the amusement world. This season at Frontier Forest is no different, although it is not regarding a new attraction at all. In fact, just the opposite.

The latest product of the rumor mill regards two varying possibilities; neither of which have been confirmed or denied by the park.

The first involves the GM stepping down, handing the keys to the person of his choosing.

The second, and more interesting, involves the park (along with its sister park, Frontier Lake Park) being up for sale.


"I cannot comment on that, but we are fully committed to ensuring the brightest possible future for Frontier Forest."


In case you didn't know, the big news of the earlier part of the year was Mammoth- CCI's largest project to date


The multi-million dollar simulator theater has proven a questionable investment


The last truly groundbreaking attraction at the park may have been Coyote, one of the longest Arrow Suspended coasters. Almost seven years ago.


With reduced operations (single train) and aging attractions, it almost seems inevitable that something needs to change


Parts of the park don't seem to have a clear vision, such as the plot across from the classic Antique Cars


Some rumors suggest Mammoth was only built as incentive to potential buyers, with attendance on pace to fall below 1 million this year

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Many were surprised to find that Frontier Forest did not make an announcement concerning a new ride or attraction for 1996, as the park has pledged to introduce something new every year. Opening day guests expected a small, unannounced addition to make an appearance, but this was not the case. The only changes for the 1996 season include one of the props from the Space Adventure Theater being removed to storage, as well as Haunted House not re-opening for the new season.

he Haunted House is one of the lesser known attractions at the park. Originally introduced back in 1979 as temporary addition to draw crowds, the attraction has continued operation due to its popularity through the years. Unfortunately, in the Spring of 1996, the Haunted House remains standing, but not operating.

The park has refused to comment on rumors concerning the future of park ownership/management, once again.

1995 attendance: 972,435


It isn't a good sign when the newest, tallest, fastest ride is a walk on, even with only one train to run


The Haunted House, which, as of the Spring of 1996, remains standing, but not operating


More walk-ons. This time, The Viking and Raging Rapids


Last year, a replica fighter jet could be seen past the Space Adventure Theater, similar to the one on the queue canopy


Something needs to change before the cash flow drops too low to operate. Attendance has dropped to new lows

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What's your in-game income sheet look like? I'm curious to know what the primary source of your income is: fixed entrance fee, pay per ride, or some combination of the two.


Very creative perspective on this project, I appreciate someone trying to keep things more realistic and placing limitations on gameplay versus just using an unlimited amount of money on a sandbox.

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What's your in-game income sheet look like? I'm curious to know what the primary source of your income is: fixed entrance fee, pay per ride, or some combination of the two.

I'd be happy to tell you!

My main sources of income are park entrance tickets, which average round $3000-$4000/month and food/drink/merchandise sales, which total around $1000/month. The rides are free, but I earn a rather negligible sum off ride photos, about $100/month, although that may increase slightly as newer rides are introduced with on ride photo systems (currently there are only two in the park).


The main expenditures include ride operating costs (~$1000/month) and loan interest, which varies depending on the loan amount (which hovers between $40k~$80k), generally around $500/month. Variable expenditures include ride construction and landscaping, ranging from ~$5000-$40,000 in a year. In a standard with no major construction, the profit margin is between three and four thousand dollars.

Very creative perspective on this project, I appreciate someone trying to keep things more realistic and placing limitations on gameplay versus just using an unlimited amount of money on a sandbox.

I think this one of the more unique aspects of this park. Say, perhaps, I reach my max loan at a given time in game ($100,000). At that point, I could not continue construction, just as any real world park would. It severely limits my freedoms in terms of landscaping and terraforming, but as the budget becomes available and the time is right, I do what I can in a realistic manner. Thanks for asking!

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What's your in-game income sheet look like? I'm curious to know what the primary source of your income is: fixed entrance fee, pay per ride, or some combination of the two.

I'd be happy to tell you!

My main sources of income are park entrance tickets, which average round $3000-$4000/month and food/drink/merchandise sales, which total around $1000/month. The rides are free, but I earn a rather negligible sum off ride photos, about $100/month, although that may increase slightly as newer rides are introduced with on ride photo systems (currently there are only two in the park).


This further sells it for me. I think your model represents the most realistic income structure for most amusement parks. A "per-ride" structure certainly exists in some cases, but park entrance is still the best way to go when looking for a true representation. Still offers you the ability to thro in an occasional "up-charge" style ride, too!

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What's your in-game income sheet look like? I'm curious to know what the primary source of your income is: fixed entrance fee, pay per ride, or some combination of the two.

I'd be happy to tell you!

My main sources of income are park entrance tickets, which average round $3000-$4000/month and food/drink/merchandise sales, which total around $1000/month. The rides are free, but I earn a rather negligible sum off ride photos, about $100/month, although that may increase slightly as newer rides are introduced with on ride photo systems (currently there are only two in the park).


This further sells it for me. I think your model represents the most realistic income structure for most amusement parks. A "per-ride" structure certainly exists in some cases, but park entrance is still the best way to go when looking for a true representation. Still offers you the ability to thro in an occasional "up-charge" style ride, too!


^I do this also, creating a realistic financial structure for Valley Hills based upon the park's actual income. I've spent countless hours using excel spreadsheets to see what's being spent where to ensure I know, realistically, how much I can invest for the next season.


Anyways, It's always great to see a solid woodie in every park, and Mammoth meets that quota to a T. It brought in a good early-season crowd, but unfortunately it looks like that hasn't worked out to well with the new attendance figures. It's a shame that the SAT's props have been removed. I always thought it was a unique attraction, but it is a somewhat "questionable" investment. At least Coyote still seems to be bringing in the guests, this must be a solid arrow suspended.


Hopefully, things may start to look bright again. I pray that they don't sell out to Six Flags, those cheapskate's would milk this park into the ground.

Edited by JonnyRCT3
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Although the park appears quiet from a visitor's perspective, behind the scenes, the guys upstairs at Frontier Forest have never been so busy.


On May 19th, 1996, Frontier Entertainment Company was acquired by a private investor group for a reported $61.7 million, including Frontier Forest and its sister property, Frontier Lake in Pennsylvania. Included in the sale were the transfer of all the prior ownerships' assets and debts. Ownership and management of the parks officially changed hands upon signing of the contract. All senior management was removed and replaced on May 19th, 1996.


The new ownership released a statement concerning the acquisition.

"Acquiring these parks has been quite the process over the past several months, but it will certainly pay off. Frontier Forest has the potential to one of the premier regional theme parks in the United States; our goal is to enable the park to realize that potential."


The following day, the new ownership changed their name to Frontier Theme Parks, Inc.


Reactions to the buyout...


"This is a much needed change. The park was getting stale and the newest rides just don't compare to the leaders like Paramount's Kings Dominion or other companies like Six Flags.

"I truly hope they don't ruin the family atmosphere of this unique park. I love bringing my kids there, and I love being able to sit in a nice shady area, unlike other parks, or even the playground."

"Does nobody get it? This isn't a simple acquisition; this is a hostile takeover. This new group is just gonna make a fortune off this would-be gem of a park, and then sell of its assets. Get with it, guys. The Virginia park is good as gone."


Frontier Parks filed for permits to clear out a significant number of mature trees in the following months, but has not petitioned the height barrier just yet.

Images below are from the fall of 1996 as we await an announcement of 1997 additions. Comments appreciated!


The Frontier Forest name was temporarily removed from the entrance gates


Now THAT is a large clearing. A prime piece of land, I might add


A possible kiddie ride expansion, I assume


Overview, fall 1996. Prepare for a big announcement in the coming months.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Previously, the big news at Frontier Forest was the complete overhaul of park management after the park was bought out.

Finally, we have reached the day to see the first changes this new team has implemented to the park. I'll let the pictures/captions do the talking from here on out. Comments/criticism appreciated, until later this summer at Frontier Forest when we see greater change at the park.


The first change almost everybody noticed were the brand new, modernized entrance gates, allowing for more efficient ticketing


Behind Forest Flyer, all new private pavilions were built to host large groups. Reservations required.


The first of two new eating facilities replaced the old Flyer Cafe, making way for an eat-in venue


The Scrambler was relocated behind the old arcade. Speculation last fall pointed towards a large new roller coaster in this plot. I think it's almost a guarantee this area will be further developed.


Some searching around found that the park was finalizing a contract with E.F. Miler for presumably a kiddie coaster this year, but evidently that didn't happen. The Ferris Wheel was stored away, the old bumper cars took its place, but only kiddie bumper boats were new. A snack stand was built next to the stage.


Coyote's station was given a fresh new paint scheme. Even running two trains, this ride is very popular today.


Corvus has been repainted to a bright yellow with the same black supports. Some detail work went all around the park in landscaping and fencing around low-zones.


Avalanche Bobsleigh drops off the brakes


The second new eating facility replaced an outdated restaurant


Overview, Spring 1997. Not the multi-million dollar expansion many were expecting, but much needed improvements to prepare for expected growth.

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The new expansions are not what I expected, but that is in a good way! The park looks like it will be better to handle more people in the future. I wonder when the Ferris Wheel will be returned to the park, and if the kiddie coaster idea will ever become a reality. Keep up the good work!

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Corvus new looks is nice! Hope to see this moving forward!

Thank you! I can't wait to show you guys how the park evolves over the next two decades.

One suggestion I have for Corvus is to put some bullrushes or shrubs in the lock out zones because they look a bit bare right now.

I agree. I did this on purpose- the dirt was recently overturned, and as it would in reality, greenery will slowly grow in, as allowed by the landscaping team. Thanks for pointing it out and noticing the smaller details.

The new expansions are not what I expected, but that is in a good way! The park looks like it will be better to handle more people in the future. I wonder when the Ferris Wheel will be returned to the park, and if the kiddie coaster idea will ever become a reality. Keep up the good work!

Preparing for expected growth was the primary objective of the 1997 additions. Currently, there are no plans to bring the Ferris Wheel out of storage, but the original Big Wheel is still proudly operating on the Forest Flyer midway.


Thanks for the comments, everyone! Keep the ideas coming!

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