Nrthwnd Posted July 31, 2014 Author Share Posted July 31, 2014 (edited) ^^^ & ^Thanks Marcel and Benny, and ^^ Yeah, you would have loved the tour, Chris. But they'll probably do another Scandi tour in a few years or so. Start saving now! Here's some photos taken from above, in the LEGOLand Observation Tower. Followed by another Raft Ride Drop video, this one with Steve/Spongey and the gang in the raft... And thanks to Joe Cool for sharing that INSANE Ice Pilots thing, on every Scale 5 we could pick, and those crazy intense turns and flips... and I made it, HA! At 61! And you - you looked just as exhausted as i did, Joe. But it was fun. LEGOLand's Observation Tower. There was a special outdoor display on STAR WARS models and stuff. This was a great example of how locks work with cargo ships. Great to watch the cycle. Looking across the Mini Lands. That's Ghost House - The Ride in back. And white building behind it? Pretty sure the ICE PILOTS Adventure Attraction - which is a re-do of the original Bob The Builder ride, using Kuka (Fran and Ollie?) arms with insane cycles to pick from, not to mention flips and turns my body can still take, HA! Ask Joe Cool.... A mini rail passes over the kids' Driver Training attraction. And - what's that, way over there?... It's where LEGO bricks are made! Of course the word "LEGO" is fit in wherever they can put it, lol. Yep. Typical Western town. In Denmark. One the few mocha frappuccinos I had on this tour. Compared to "every other day" in the 2012 China Tour. Everybody using their "FastPass" card for the raft ride. Along the way - there's this. "It's the...." (o; Great ride with an elevator lift, too! And the Splash Battle was busy and wet. It's Cary and Joe against the Mainlanders! (o; Edited August 1, 2014 by Nrthwnd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted July 31, 2014 Author Share Posted July 31, 2014 ...and with all my computer geekiness (none), I still can't put a video after the photos I post! So here's the video of Spongey and The Gang on LEGOLand's Raft Ride - The Drop... [coastertube][/coastertube] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 1, 2014 Author Share Posted August 1, 2014 ~ LEGOLand Day Ends all too soon ~ The rest of our time at LEGOLand, I got to tour through something I hadn't the chance to do, back in 2009. Their ATLANTIS attraction. It's basically an aquarium, but with that "LEGO touch" lol. And I improved my score at The Temple shooting ride; celebrated Birthdays that day (!); took a revisit to the LEGO "PIrates of The..." Slightly different than the Disney version, yo ho ho. All in all, it was a really great day there, and I'm so glad we got to go back. With The Sunshine. And good sized crowds, the awesome ERT, that (again) great buffet lunch we had.... great day. The Temple - a great shooting dark ride for the whole family. But my first score did not impress even me - Team 29 - 11100. Cary won that round. The next time, I seemed to improve quite a bit - Team 19 - and I beat Ben! I was satisfied with that. (o; It's called ATLANTIS, but it's still like the SEALIFE aquarium franchise. And like I said - with the LEGO Touch, lol. This photo turned out a bit too dark for my liking. So I fooled around with the exposure a bit, and... ...and? Not too shabby. Definitely more colourful, heh. An all-LEGO sea rover! The things they created actually all looked very cool. Here's James about to drown himself, in a safety water chamber.....about to fill up. More water and plants, less LEGO here. Out of Atlantis, back to Ghost House - The Ride, and found this just behind it. And then I looked the other way, and saw THIS! Much more impressive IMhO. The Pirates Life Ride starts outside, here. Hi guys! I promise, you won't get wet on this one! Inside. Photos not great, but the colours stand out, hmm? I almost expected this to be an animatronic, with her top falling down and... well, yeah. And this started to make me think The Simpsons were taking over! Such lovely yellow skin they all have.... I think this guy was trying to wash all that 'yellow' off his bod. Good luck on that! Birthday Buttons!!! James and Steve got theirs. Happy B-lated B-Day Guys! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 4, 2014 Author Share Posted August 4, 2014 ~ TPR LEGOLand Fire Brigade Race! ~ A lot of the group met up at this attraction, to find out who was really "The Best of The Bunch," lol. Or - who had the most energy, strength, stamina, etc.etc.etc. I went to the other side of the "track", as shown by Jake's photo with me in it (thanks Jake!), and took my video from there. [coastertube][/coastertube] Fun to watch, great to record, never gonna do it, myself. Here's the photo Jake took, of the race, with me there in back, doing my video-ing bit. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 5, 2014 Author Share Posted August 5, 2014 Here's a few more of "How I re-did a few photos taken during the tour", etc. The Aquarium in the International Boarding area, Vancouver Int. Airport. 06-11-14 In Bakken 06-14-14, I decided to take a shot of the pavement, to fool around with later. And.... This is how it turned out, another way. All those browns in there.... In Grona Lund 06-24-14, in a souvenirs shop. The glasses intrigued me, ... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 5, 2014 Author Share Posted August 5, 2014 ~ 06-19-14 ~ Djurs Sommarland.... Djurs was a great re-visit for me, not only for it having "My First Megalite" (Piraten). It was also a really, far reaching. laid out park! Lots of green space in and around where all the rides and coasters were. Exercise areas set up for the family to enjoy (think: trampolines!). And just a great green vibe about it that made me glad to get back there. And a Western town too! The park had a new coaster to put us on first, before we all ran over to Piraten, heh. I really enjoyed Juvulen, with two launches, the second of which was much faster and more surprisingly intense than the first one! To me. It - was - great! And THOR was still a great bobsled, although with MARVEL now changing THOR's gender to female.... of course, they'll probably do nothing at all about that, over here. I mean, this IS where THOR came from ,yes? No? Scandinavia? No? Time will tell, lol. This is also where one of the still-working topple towers exists! Shocking, but true. And the cycle was okay, but I still always find it an interesting ride. Sorry it didn't work out in Dollywood. Here's some photos of our day there.... Our day's schedule for the day - lots to visit and do. Djurs park staff greets us at the main entrance, talks some history of the park, and then leads us to our first ERT coaster.... The Park Map shot. It's a really a big space, when you look at all the green space in and around the park. It's very nice. Nope. Not this one first. Piraten will be ridden, soon enough. But THIS is the new one in Djurs list of coasters - Juvulen. With a new Vikings section added around it, with other new rides added as well. The ride train is a train of all terrain vehicles! I loved it! How to say "Arrrrr" in Danish. Then we got back over to Piraten. It still ran great, after these past five years between visits. (o: In back, ready for Piraten love. A shot of inside the station. Too dark. So I lightened it up... Then, I decided to go a bit beyond that... Pshyca-whatchit, man! (o; The water coaster. Also new to the tour, but not The Newest to the park. Mmmm, great pops of airtime on Piraten. Coming back in - wanting to go again. Typical. Splashdown on Skatteoen - I don't remember if I got wet or not, on this one. Hmmm... And then there was this. Guess which one I went to, first? And there's Martin, Cheryl and Lauren. Hi guys! THOR lifthill. THOR Art. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nickstroberg Posted August 6, 2014 Share Posted August 6, 2014 Oh my god I am so JEALOUS! I've been eye-balling this park nonstop. I really need to get out there and ride their megalite. But what I'm dying to ride is their family launch coaster! the layout looks SO GOOD! Glad to hear it ran as good as it looks! Thank you for taking the time to put this together. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 6, 2014 Author Share Posted August 6, 2014 ^Thanks, and you're welcome! And here's more of Djurs, including our lunch there, exploring through the park, a topple tower (!), "baking bread", and other stuff.... A great climb over thing for the kids, though we saw several teenagers attempting to fit through some of it. They failed. (o; No shame whatsoever. Ginny and Martin joined me for a 'ride.' Topple Tower! Anybody having Dollywood flashbacks? This is the only one I have ever ridden. I actually like the ride for what it does. Toppling the other way. Even a Best Friend is taken care of, at this park. And there was kibble in the middle bowl, too. Very cool to see that. This swings ride goes backwards! And some times, water is involved, too. Food! More pizza, but also meats to choose from and plenty of salad. Hey - don't I know you two from somewhere? Nagashima Spaland perhaps? TV thing? The group at lunch. Hi Miles. One of those awful evil climbing things in a great exercise area for kids AND parents, too. Several trampolines were close by... I liked this sign, in it's own themed way. New to the park - a COKE store. With a WALL of coolers with Cokes with NAMES on them! We had found this in an earlier park, but here, it was handled big time. T-shirts and other souvenirs were sold here, as well. Art and Water. "Baking bread." See the bread lump. Not sure how this turned out, but it is definitely popular with a TPR tour, wherever it's found. And then there's people... ...who DO like to get wet! And here's our Faaaaabulous Water Nymph, Jolie! The water park was available to us, and a few did take advantage of it, for an hour or so. Pirate ride in the new area of the park, with the Juvulen and Skatteoen coasters, too. Western Town at Djurs. Pretty good with all the themeing they do around the shops, places to eat, and rides. This stopped me in my tracks! (eep) And no, I did not move anything. Just as I found it. And actually, it's gin that helped 'him' to relax. (o; Then there are the do-it-yourelf rides at Djurs Sommerland... They did it! And nobody fell off! Congrats guys! And the visit ended with (again) ice cream from Ben & Jerry's, definitely a popular franchise in a few of the Scandi parks. Thanks for a great visit, Djurs! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
JK Posted August 7, 2014 Share Posted August 7, 2014 Great trip report Bill! I find it amusing to see a group of us (including me) riding a swinging log rather than a mega-lite. - James. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 7, 2014 Author Share Posted August 7, 2014 ^ LOL, you all looked so happy...and determined to stay on, James! ~ 06-19-14 ~ Tivoli Friheden..... and the SCAD Tower. After our visit to Djurs, it was time to go to a park that wasn't open to the public! Robb and Elissa had done this awesome thing (THANK YOU) of renting the park out for us, have the coasters available and running, as well as a few flat rides here and there, buffet dinner, and......included in this visit.... ....the famous SCAD TOWER at this park!!! More on that with the next set of photos. But for now, here's the first set of pix... From the bus, we can already see IT looming ahead, in Tivoli Friheden. Entrance to the park - and there IT is, again. And no matter how many cute cherubs around fountains you find.... IT is still an amazingly TALL thing! (I was to do it, after our dinner.) The dark ride. Big disappointment. Not like it was in 2009. That's all I got. I took a solo walk around the park to check on what I hadn't seen before, in 2009. And I noticed that many of the parks "park" their bumper cars this way, when the ride is closed. I thought that was a very cool to do. Double deck carousel, with all it's trimmings. Junior bumper cars, all parked, and ready for action, another day, Just sittin'. Not know why, but this looked interesting to me at the time. I do like water fountains that use natural stuff like rocks and shells, etc. And the park had one of these, which of course, I didn't ride. (o; The is Cobra - and invert with a wierd part of it that could hurt your neck, from what I remember. I have a terrible (to me) video, I'll post of it, next time I post. And The Tower can be seen from this angle as well. Dinner! Buffet! It was great! Lots of hot foods to choose from. A really nice spread for us. My plate and beverage. In the end I had to wolf it down rather fast, since they just made the annoucement that The SCAD TOWER is Available! It was windy earlier, so nobody went up in the beginning of our visit. But now......SCAD TOWER!!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 8, 2014 Author Share Posted August 8, 2014 ~ Bad Video Dinner (PST) Night! ~ Just for the sake of posting this, I took a rather un-interesting video of COBRA at Tivoli Friheden, before The Awesomeness That Is SCAD Tower. So this, in my very humble opeinion, is my 2nd Worst Coaster Video Ever...after my take on the Runaway Mine Train ride at HKDL. Enjoy if you can... [coastertube][/coastertube] Sorry bout the sound, too. This camera mic is so sensitive. My breathing causes hurricanes on it, LOL! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 8, 2014 Author Share Posted August 8, 2014 ~ We Take The Tower; The SCAD Tower, Tivoli Friheden ~ When we first arrived at the park, there was a wind up, and management said it wouldn't be likely our doing the Sky Tower (what they called it, here) at this time, but they were keeping a check on the winds and would let Robb know immediately when the tower was available to us. That happened, and was announced, just as a first bunch of us were finishing our great dinner. So, of course, we gobbled it all down as fast as our stomachs would allow, and high-tailed over to The Tower. This was my second time doing it, having done it in 2009, and in much wetter, windier weather, too. This felt so easy this time, in the setting sunshine, going to the top in our cramped little elevator. I was first up of my group, got hitched to the drop line, swung out, the guy doesn't even finish his second sentence to me, and WHAM - I'm plummeting over 50 mph (I am told) into a fine steel net. Whole thing over in three seconds! It was fantastic, and I would definitely do it again. Here's the rest of the photos of Tivoli Friheden...and that tower. Before I went up, Ben had just dropped down. Congrats Ben! And this is me, trying to keep that helmet on my head! But it was a rush; felt even better the second time! I didn't take any videos of anyone in 'flight,' so I took a few still shots. And Just is case you can't see them... There. In the crosshairs of the metal structure, lol. Here comes another one. Our two bus drivers decided they wanted to try a drop. And this is bus driver Lena, in mid-drop. Beautiful view of the wheel with the sun setting. As another one drops. The last group to go up, I believe. Bird's nest in the tower structure. Free housing! And another one drops. Closer view of "another one." THANKYOU Tivoli Friheden for a great visit, dinner... and SCAD Tower! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 10, 2014 Author Share Posted August 10, 2014 ~ Sunday Video Share Day ~ Here's the video I took, of some of the guys on... The Fastest Raft Ride I (and several others I asked) have ever been on! In Farup Sommerland. I missed riding it last visit, due to The Rain and it felt kind of silly to get into a raft ride with the rain coming down, etc. So I passed. But not this time. And it was great! [coastertube][/coastertube] Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 11, 2014 Author Share Posted August 11, 2014 Farup Sommerland ~ A great "green" park Farup was one of the parks on this tour I was really looking forward to seeing, again. Unfortunately, this was one of the few parks (LegoLand was one) that got caught in a day-long rainfall. And a bit chillier temp.too I remember. But back then. the coasters were open and available, but the rest of the park was more closed up and just sad. Not this visit. Full sunshine from arrival to leaving for the next ferry, it was a glorious day. And I got to really enjoy all the outdoor stuff that was available in Farup. So many open spaces. and places for picnics, and working out in an exercise area. For the kids AND the adults, alike! There were two new credits to get, for myself, a small kids coaster, and this new "family style" invert, that was really a hoot to ride. Several times, lol. I rode Falken, their woodie, but I didn't feel it was as in top shape as it was when we were riding it in the rain, back in 2009. Lynet was still great, and easily (still) my fave coaster of the bunch at this park. So, here's a few photos to start... The schedule for the day. Second ferry ride coming up, to Gothenburg. We had to pack our luggage downstairs, the previous night, before loading the bus. So here's waht it all looked like, before we started tearing into it. Farup Sommerland's main entrance Two coasters in the distance. One is wood. One is new. (o; In the Orkanen station. This is new family invert, for the park. You see this in the queue to the load station. Now how in heck, could any coaster survive in a storm like this?.... Very well, apparently. Great little coaster. We all rode it, several times. Farup likes to take care of it's "best friend" too. Falken. It was alright, but very rough here and there thru the ride. Me and one of the park's mascots. It's a hedgehog! So cute! EB taking a break, before riding... ...LYNET again! It's still a great coaster to ride. And Lynet has Sexy Curves, too. And after all this great ERT, we then got... a coffee break, lol! After coffee break, more coastering! This is another new credit for me. Pindsvinet. A nice little kids coaster. That the adults took over, sadly. I think in this shot, Joe Cool has reached his "Coaster Nirvana". (lime shirt) Thad doing a selfie. With his new friend. The spinning mouse coaster is named this. Flagermusen. That says it all, right? In a children's play area, Gary proves he is Zip Line Ready. I tried this. Didn't go over, sadly. And Gary decided to just take a break here. More to come... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 12, 2014 Author Share Posted August 12, 2014 ~ Food and More Fun at Farup Sommerland! Our group meal in the park had pizza in it, as did other parks we went to. But this one included hot meats, salads.... and great pizza, too! Something you definitely notice, in part of the park, is all the trees you walk among. Really a green oasis for those who just like to enjoy nature. And the coasters and rides were spread all amongst this greenery without disturbing most of it. I was very impressed with that. And...I got SPRINKLES on my ice cream! Here's some more photos... What this means... this. I didn't ride it. I didn't ride too many flumes on this tour. And there were real horses to ride here at Farup too! I don't know if any of the group did this. But some of the group found a Bouncy Thing among the trees! And they bounced! The Mine Expressen, going up it's lift hill. A really good family roller skater, actually. Meanwhile.... the guys found the trampolines in the park. And Kristen was there to assist, when needed. (o; Looked like way too much effort on my part, to do it. So I just took the photo. Found this neat. All ready for service. Matt and Gary shamelessly teeter and totter. Our meal destination. And it was a great one! My plate. Beer! And chicken and pork to go with that pizza. All good. I looked out from where we were eating. Saw this. And there ya go! Where most of the group ate. Outside, with a view of the passing crowd (see above). This nice young lady, who was doing face painting and tattoos for kids, was showing one of her other skills - juggling! After I took this photo, she asked..."selfie?" And I said sure!.... So here we are. In one of my very few selfies I ever take. And after that, ice cream with SPRINKLES! In a cute cup that looks like the hedgehog mascot Thad made friends with, earlier. Yum. (More photos to follow...) Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Chip422 Posted August 13, 2014 Share Posted August 13, 2014 Wonderful report Bill! Brings back such great Memories! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 14, 2014 Author Share Posted August 14, 2014 ^ Thanks Keith. I wish the tour (and the memories) kept going and going and going too, lol! But, it had to end some time, right? So, in the meantime... more photos! Farup Sommerland - It's all about Beer and Ice Cream! One thing several of us discovered at this park. It had one of The Fastest Rapids Rides we'd ever been on! I mean, our raft just starting tearing through the waterway, and we felt like it was trying to break a speed record or something. Crazy ride. And fun! And the park had cleaned up and renovated it's fun house, and although a touch hard to find, it was worth going into. And it ended with The Tilted Room, which was really a workout to get through. Some of the ice cream cones people were getting, were starting to get a bit....uh....GI-normous? Even without toppings and sprinkles, my little ice cream in a cup looked very pitiful, compared to the others, who bought bigger (MUCH Bigger) scoops to enjoy. All awesome. Because it was a sunshine day there at the park, having afternoon beers proved to be a good respite from the heat. Not a lot...but "just enough." Then, eventually, we would have to pack up and get ready for our second ferry ride between countries. Here's the photos... The name of Farup's walk through Fun House. Me here, in the dark as it were. So I lightened the exposure and... What/who the heck am I calling to? Then there was this shot. Too dark, so a little exposure magic and... Ta dah! These were taken in the Tilt Room, at the end of the thing. I was also trying to get some artsy leaning shots, and it worked out 'ok.' Here's Ben posing for me. Once again, needed more light... A bit better. And look! He's TILTing! (o: Steve with one of those humongous ice cream concoctions. I don't think I could eat that much, myself. AJ and Tom show off the sign for our raft ride adventure. was! Total speed demon in water! Passing by The Falls on the raft ride. Some get wet. Some don't. A train ride runs through part of the park and around part of it, too. Here we have The Tourists. Hi guys. See any Wacky Worms along the way? (o; The Thinkers. And lastly, the Party Animals!!! And then there's Beer! Shawn, Priscilla and I clink our plastic cups. Then Steve showed up with...what else? Looked yummy. Our bus drivers for this part of the tour. Really great people, and they got some coasters in themself, and included a turn (a fall?) on the SCAD Tower the day before. Now, we're on to Sweden! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 15, 2014 Author Share Posted August 15, 2014 From Denmark to Sweden - Our 2nd Ferry Crossing After our great day in Farup Sommerland, it was time to leave the park, and head to our next ferry crossing, finally leaving Denmark, and arriving in Gotheborg Sweden, late in the evening, Dinner was included, and it was another buffet being offered, so that was great. And by the time we reached Gothenborg, it was pretty dark, lights were all over the city, and it was a nice way to arrive there. With Liseberg Park just across the way. But Liseberg would be for another day. Tomorrow would be a long bus ride, up to the only park in Norway we'd be visiting - Tusenfryd Park. Here's the photos of our ferry crossing... From the ferry terminal, I saw this, across the water. And from another angle, this mirrored building. Our ferry, waiting for us to board. Dinner. And beer of course! Denmark, in the distance. Caught this great shot of the sun going down, eventually. (o; Nighttime in Gothenborg, as we arrive. Across the waterway. I'm not sure what this was, and the flash didn't help. Then I took shots w/o flash... Darker, but still interesting with all the blue lights. A bit farther away now. Hostorical looking buildings up on the hill there. Close up shot of same building. Then I saw this, took the photo, then when I got home, I needed to lighten it up A LOT to be recognized. So I did, and... Voila! It's Liseberg in the distance! And HELIX would be only a couple of days away. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 17, 2014 Author Share Posted August 17, 2014 But before we "land in Sweden"... I remember earlier discussion, probably in another thread, about how the Topple Tower seems to have not been a success as the makers hoped (i.e. Dollywood). But in Djurs Sommerland, Denmark, they have a still-running tower, and I just found a pic of the postcard I bought, with an overhead view of the ride. Here's a Sunday Share... I really liked how they themed the area around it, too. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
rctneil Posted August 17, 2014 Share Posted August 17, 2014 I was really glad that I got the opportunity to actually ride an operating Topple Tower but it did disappoint me. I expected more (not sure what though) from it but overall it basically did what it looks like it does. Tilts and rotates. I really wish I had enjoyed it more but oh well. Back to Piraten! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
StealthFan Posted August 17, 2014 Share Posted August 17, 2014 Topple Towers are dumb and pointless. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
fatdaddy Posted August 17, 2014 Share Posted August 17, 2014 Topple tower, more fun to watch than ride. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 17, 2014 Author Share Posted August 17, 2014 Awww, I enjoyed riding it. Both times. Both tours ('09 and '14) And having one would be a (desperately) Big Improvement, if it was brought to Playland. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 19, 2014 Author Share Posted August 19, 2014 06-21-2014 ~ Tusenfryd Park, Norway - The Mountain Climbing Park! Tusenfryd has been visited three times, by myself and others from TPR. First time was an add-on to the 2006 UK Tour, second time was in the 2009 Scandi Tour. This my HUMBLE opinion... was The Best of The Three Visits! Why? Look at the day's schedule. We left AT 0545 PROMPTLY that morning. It took us three hours to get to the park. But the park was still not yet open, unlike the previous visits where it was already open and packed everywhere. This visit was a much better deal. But Tusenfryd is still on a mountain side, winding all up, down and across it. It becomes a challenge to some, myself included, for really planning a visit there, so not much back-tracking happens. We got ERT on Speed Monster;; up and over to Splash Monster for ERT (which was really great because last visits, the ride operations on this was truly EPIC SLOW); later on taking in the park's new dark ride, Thor's Hammer, which wasn't too bad, once the thing got going and into operation (we had to wait at the front of the queue for 'problems'); Our lunch was another buffet and not bad, although for myself and a few others, we seemed to hit it just as a lot of food has gone. And there' didn't seem to be a rush to replenish everything. So I/we made do with what we could get (taco shell pieces - yummy), and we were fine. Then, when the park closed, we got ERT on Speed Monster and Thunder Coaster, which was a good workout, considering where they were from each other in the park. So groups of people went to one, then the other, then vice versa. Worked just fine. There was also a new replacement for the old Haunt House they had years ago. And this one, Nightmare, turned out to be a happy surprise for me, even though the queue ran very, very slow. But I found out why when I got inside. I knew of this seating/attraction technology and seen mockups and drawings of it and how it would work. Never did I imagine I would ever actually get to go on one of these things! And I really enjoyed it, too! I think my only suggestion to improve it, would be to add a second show building, and even with one pre-show room, the queue would move along much faster. Here's the photos for the day at Tusenfryd... So this is how early our day started out. But the early start got us to the park, before it opened! Woo hoo! Waiting ourside our hotel for the busses. "Someone's been to Hansa park..." (o; How giant marshmallows are made. Three hours' drive later - we're here! And they're already testing Speed Monster for us! Cool! Up into the park we went. And of course, one or two (on the right) had to prove they could go up the down escalator. A few succeeded. Others failed. Riding Speed Monster was just as awesome (to me) as it was back in 2009 AND 2006! Where the Haunt House sat - NIGHTMARE now sits. I got this pic that per2012 took of the side of the attraction. Thank you, and I loved the detail on it! Everybody doing their what? Tenth time on Speed Monster? Who knows. We kept going and going... Nope. Wasn't even considering riding Loopen any time soon. Twice (previously) was e-nough, thankyou. This just looked...interesting. Recycling is always a good thing. I think. Ran into this. Looked cute for the kids. Then I saw.... ...this. Takes credit cards? Really??? And that definitely proves to me ,how expensive Norway really is, among all the Scandi countries. Two photos from Hanno. This one you can't miss me (red shirt) on Splash Monster. I had assured everybody, "You'll hardly get wet on this".... Then I suddenly realized what an idiot I was, LOL! A tidal wave of water just poured over me! Took a while to dry everything (and me) off, lol. Thanks for the two great photos, Hanno. Entrance into Thor's Hammer attraction. Wasn't bad. Not great. But not bad. Then I decided to get myself on a Wanted Poster! Of sorts... Wait a second - ONLY 5000 Gold Coins??? Hmmmph. )o: Yep, they got one of these, too. Line ups for it were seriously, incredibly long. Too long for me. Lunch. I grabbed what I could, from what I could find, that wasn't all gone - and enjoyed... Where we ate our lunch together. Caeser hanging around SM's entrance, looking to discourage last-minute gp riders. Our hero! And thanks Tusenfryd for a real workout of a visit, ha ha. See you again, in a few years or so... Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Nrthwnd Posted August 19, 2014 Author Share Posted August 19, 2014 (edited) 06-22-14 ~ Liseberg Park, Gothenburg ~ ERT on Balder! So after we did Norway and Tusenfryd in the day before, it was finally time to get to Liseberg, and spend the day there riding great coasters, strolling through great landscaping, and just enjoying a really fine city park. Yeah yeah, then there's Balder which has always proved to be a winner among TPRers. The new kid in the park though, was HELIX a steel creation with two launches, turns and diving through the trees and all around Lisebergbanan, the great Schwarzkopp non-looping steelie, that also rides as good as it ever did. Helix was great, it met my expectations perfectly, and the night riding was just sensational, IMhO. It was definitely a fave among several of us on the tour. After a bit of a ceremony in the evening, in the centre of Balder, everybody headed over to the Hotel Gasten, for a bit of a haunt tour. With a "special ghost appearance" to make it extra freeky for some of us (great job Robb!). Then there was the night ERT, which pretty much covered the main coasters in the park (Balder, Kanonen, Helix)m and the day there ended perfectly. I definitely want to return - for everything there. And here's some photos to show what I mean... Our schedule for Liseberg that day. But first, we have to WAKE UP, GINNY! A full breakfast. I was hungry that morning! (o: Walking to the park, from our hotel. A very easy walk. It was 0800, but it looked like we were the only ones out in the streets of Gothenburg, lol. It totally eluded me, that this was Sunday we were there, and the locals "might" have their day off. Silly me. First tease of the morning, of what was to come. Second tease of the morning, at Liseberg's main gate. Then the electronic sign changed! Apparently a TV show was going to be filmed there, and we actually got to listen and watch some of the rehearsal for it, later in the day. Third and final morning tease - THERE IT IS! But first, we did some ERT on Balder. And that little blue sign below?.... Not for Balder, but for "Bilder". Dare I say, that means....lockers? In our morning visit to "the little house in the middle of Balder", we were welcomed, handed nails and hammers. And we went to work, hammering and writing our names on the coaster, which we did in the two previous visits! I lost my signature, as they replaced some boards in the framework. No matter - always easy to re-write and I had some 'extra stuff' to add to my signature, too.... Ta-daaah! Complete with a bobble head Mountie! Ain't he cute? I also had extra little flags, so I started discreetly placing them around the park. In places not immediately noticeable. I suspect the gardeners (and others) have picked them all up by now, heh. More of Balder as it's running. Hands up everybody! Going down that first big awesome hill! Another shot. Although it's a pretty dark shot, I like the blue sky and clouds behind it. Edited August 23, 2014 by Nrthwnd Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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