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Announcing "Skyline Attractions"

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Geez, everyone's doing teasers these days.



I'm imagining something tower based... something like Zamperla's Aviator, but much taller and with some sort of extra gimmick to the seats that could let them tilt or even go upside down....


There's also a lot of stuff from Funtime that is kind of like what I expect from this company. (http://www.funtime.com.au/)

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I'm kind of imagining this as an experiment by GCI to test new concepts that might go wrong like X did and if it does GCI won't go out of business. So my guess is some type of experimental woodie concept.


You are incorrect. These gentlemen are no longer affiliated with GCI.

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There's also a lot of stuff from Funtime that is kind of like what I expect from this company. (http://www.funtime.com.au/)


Alright, I've never really looked into Funtime aside from loving their Star Flyers. That being said, WHY AREN'T THESE CONTRAPTIONS BEING BUILT?!


Chaos Pendle - http://www.funtime.com.au/data/index5.htm

Tornado - http://www.funtime.com.au/data/index7.htm

Rocket - http://www.funtime.com.au/data/index7.htm

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^Oktoberfest featured a Star Flyer with the Tornado cars. I was so drunk I can't remember if it was fun or not, but it sure looked terrifying!



I noticed that tends to happen when one attends Oktoberfest.


Count me in the camp that's hoping that they somehow tie in chili, cheese, hot dogs & cinnamon into their projects!

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Medium sized park? I would love to see one of these new coasters at Dorney.


Never happens with that ride's capacity unless it is built as an upcharge.


Not talking about the Tornado, I'm talking about a Wood Coaster or any coaster for that matter.

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Thanks for the continued support, everyone. Let me see if I can clarify anything without giving much away right now.


So to be clear: Skyline Attractions is a vendor/marketing company along the lines of Ride Entertainment Group, and their subsidiary Skyline Design will do R&D, but not necessarily manufacturing? Seems like a wide net to throw, hard to understand from an outside perspective where they are going with this.


The basic setup is that Skyline Design will own the intellectual property to and actually design the products that Skyline Attractions will manufacture and distribute. Any additional design work we do for industry customers - including Great Coasters at their request - will be done by Skyline Design.


I'm seeing a lot of speculations on what types of rides they might design, but I think the answer is right in their logo. Big rides. Tall rides. You know... A ride that would change a parks skyline.


Well, there are some answers in the press release, too, and "ride" isn't the only word we use. I hope we didn't give the impression that we're limiting ourselves.


Either that or made entirely of Skyline Chili.


If only. We played around with that a bit, but couldn't resist and ended up eating our designs.


I didn't see this post until today. That answers a lot of my questions, thanks for the clarification.


I'm really excited to see what you guys mean when you say you aren't limiting yourself to rides. I'd wager the biggest opportunities for innovation in modern American amusement parks lie outside of rides. As I've been saying a lot lately, It's all about the experience.

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They built one of the Rocket rides in Russia and it somewhat recently had one of the cables fail. I would suppose that's why there haven't been more of them built.



I don't want to sound biased or racist but tbh the most likely reason THAT one in specific suffered the accident was that it was in russia.

I mean have you seen russian amusement parks? (besides the sochi one at least)

I mean they look sometimes like they were built in someones backyard and it doesn't give a good impression on safety.

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They built one of the Rocket rides in Russia and it somewhat recently had one of the cables fail. I would suppose that's why there haven't been more of them built.



I don't want to sound biased or racist but tbh the most likely reason THAT one in specific suffered the accident was that it was in russia.

I mean have you seen russian amusement parks? (besides the sochi one at least)

I mean they look sometimes like they were built in someones backyard and it doesn't give a good impression on safety.


Not just amusement parks, it pretty much applies to anything in Russia

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Skyline Attractions has officially launched their new website!




And with the website launch, Skyline has revealed their first product line called Strike-U-Up.



It looks like this is mainly a teaser for now as more information will be released in the future. Anyways, here is a scrambled photo of what the new product line will look like:



Let the speculation begin!

Edited by ernierocker
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