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Family Guy: The Quest For Stuff


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I must be way behind. I am having a ton of trouble getting Dr Crusher. However, I almost have enough cubes to unlock the Holodeck. Should I wait and finish Dr Crusher and get Quagmire Spock first or go ahead and open the Holodeck and start those tasks. I feel like I am way behind on tasks as it is. So much to do and only 2 weeks left. I hope they extend the end date on this one. It is fun, but overwhelming.

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Wait until you go for Data. I have everything but the soap boxes, which do not drop, and you need a lot of them. I think I need something like 25 more of them.


One nice thing though, they dropped the requirements for Kirk. You only need 30 green cubes, not 50.

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^Cool. I am in the same boat, ran out of crystals and I just have Joe to go. Got the weird and creepy Herbert yesterday after numerous away missions. After today, I should have enough dark energy to finish off the game. The crystals are the only thing holding me back right now. Only character I will not get is Borg Consuala, because I am not spending 75 clams on a chance to get her.

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The dilithium is what's holding me back too. Should have Picard unlocked by tomorrow- it's looking extremely unlikely that I'll get Kirk (not enough dark matter, and not enough dilithium either). Data is possible if I can harness enough dilithium after I unlock Picard, but it doesn't look like I'll get Joe.

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Got Stewie just now. have 56 dilithium and less than 50 dark matter with a bit less than 2 days left to play. There is no way in hell I am getting Kirk. Damn it! I thought I played the shit outta this update. But I kept coming up short on things. Any chance they'll extend the run a week.

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They have indicated there will be an announcement about helping players out in the final days due to a bug that caused the game to crash a lot recently. No idea what form this will take yet.


I imagine it wasn't possible to unlock everything in this update if you didn't shell out some clams. I didn't mind because I love Star Trek and have played the game for free until now. I had no problem unlocking everything.


I've also earned a few clams from the Borg cube away mission, so keep doing that hourly if you can.

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Any chance they'll extend the run a week.


I haven't seen anything...I check Family Guy Addicts almost daily, and no word from them. I hope so, but I'm doubting it.



They have indicated there will be an announcement about helping players out in the final days due to a bug that caused the game to crash a lot recently. No idea what form this will take yet.


I imagine it wasn't possible to unlock everything in this update if you didn't shell out some clams. I didn't mind because I love Star Trek and have played the game for free until now. I had no problem unlocking everything.


I've also earned a few clams from the Borg cube away mission, so keep doing that hourly if you can.


That would be nice if something comes along to help us for the final day or so! I also agree about the clams- I think they did that intentionally to get people to buy them (which makes sense, since that is how they make money!). I personally won't be shelling out money on this one though. I have really enjoyed this update, and I have spent money on the game before to show support for the updates I've liked, but other than Kirk there's nothing I don't already have that I can't live without! I might get Kirk with clams should he be offered at a later time, like they did with some of the Comic-Con celebs (that's how I got George Takei since I didn't unlock him during the event). I did use some of my existing clams to get Spock though- it was nice hearing that they donated to the Leonard Nimoy Foundation with each Spock purchased.

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It may be a little late to mention this but I was able to get enough dilithium by sending everyone on the Borg cube mission. The drop rate for the special prizes seemed to be pretty good so I usually ended up with either the clams or the 500 dilithium.

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I should be able to. Have 8 HP left, but only one attack is possible timewise. I hope that 2 of the 4 characters hit their higher values, which has been happening most of the time.


I have 4 characters attacking him (Chris, Geordi, Picard, Stewie). I use the trick where you have characters start to attack him just before you are going to defeat him. Gives me a slight edge.

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