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Awkward Situations


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I was in History class a few years ago. I fell asleep, I remember the teacher shouting out my name, and I tried to play it off by making it look like I was praying. My teacher fell for it. But it backfired because for the rest of the day everyone was calling me, 'Jesus Boy'.

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Larry and I were checking out a walk-through haunted house at Floraland in China during a TPR trip in 2012. Two terrified Chinese girls latched on to my shirt, and I had to lead them to the end in a sort of "conga line" while they kept their eyes shut and sometimes giggled or whimpered.

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Larry and I were checking out a walk-through haunted house at Floraland in China during a TPR trip in 2012. Two terrified Chinese girls latched on to my shirt, and I had to lead them to the end in a sort of "conga line" while they kept their eyes shut and sometimes giggled or whimpered.


Chuck - we had so many awesome encounters with the Chinese walk-throughs, I can't even remember them all. Between the old ladies begging us to pay for their attraction and then scaring the crap out of us (Sun Park), the random brushes (Chuanlord), and I don't know if you remember when it was so dark in one of them that I almost climbed into what I thought was the path but it was a hole in the wall was a Yeti inside (Happy Valley).


As far as awkward. on the TPR Mexico trip last year at one of the park's haunted houses I was with Jim Blietz and the other two people in our walk through group were a Mexican couple in their late teens/early 20's. The girl kept grabbing me instead of her terrified boyfriend. She spoke no English, except thank you, and keep pushing me ahead into the next room.

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Larry and I were checking out a walk-through haunted house at Floraland in China during a TPR trip in 2012. Two terrified Chinese girls latched on to my shirt, and I had to lead them to the end in a sort of "conga line" while they kept their eyes shut and sometimes giggled or whimpered.


Chuck - we had so many awesome encounters with the Chinese walk-throughs, I can't even remember them all. Between the old ladies begging us to pay for their attraction and then scaring the crap out of us (Sun Park), the random brushes (Chuanlord), and I don't know if you remember when it was so dark in one of them that I almost climbed into what I thought was the path but it was a hole in the wall was a Yeti inside (Happy Valley).


As far as awkward. on the TPR Mexico trip last year at one of the park's haunted houses I was with Jim Blietz and the other two people in our walk through group were a Mexican couple in their late teens/early 20's. The girl kept grabbing me instead of her terrified boyfriend. She spoke no English, except thank you, and keep pushing me ahead into the next room.


Outside of amusement parks, I remember my sophomore year in college my flag football team was playing to get into the quarterfinals of the playoffs and right before halftime a member of the other team missed my flag and got a hold of my pocket and proceeded to rip my shorts off and I'm standing there on the field in my tighty whities (I can not wear boxers when playing sports). I wasn't allowed to play the rest of the game (some stupid rule after needing to wear shorts) but at least I had my girlfriend's sweatshirt to wrap around my waist for the one mile walk back home after the game.

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