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Airtime or Forcefulness?

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When you're riding a coaster, what do you prefer? Airtime of forcefulness? If you could only pick one, what would it be? Personally, I like airtime, getting the feeling of flying in the air, or the feeling of being thrown out of your seat. But I know that some people prefer forces better. Being whipped around a corner on a coaster. So, which do you like better?

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Strong positive G's can become VERY uncomfortable. Grey/blackouts are fun? How this is "enjoyable"?

I wonder if those are the same people who choke themselves to sleep.


Airtime, on the other hand, is where it's at!

Edited by JonnyRCT3
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Definitely airtime. There certainly are rides like Maverick that pull off being awesome without much airtime, but I'd take airtime over positive gs any day.


While Maverick is more twisty than airtime by length, the airtime hills are huge highlights. It's main airtime hill is awesome in the back and even better up front (not much, they're both good seats for the hill) and the first drop in the back is amazingly crazy.

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Well I guess this depends if we're talking about floater air or ejector air. Anyway if a ride has plenty of airtime it's not very hard for it to be good while you can't rely only on positive Gs if you want a great, yet airtimeless ride. Positive Gs also require a combination of twists and changes of direction to be "complete" while airtime doesn't need a lot more to be great.

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Damn tough one for me.


Both is best! But I'll play the game and assume a coaster has one or the other.


I'm inclined to say forcefulness but I just love that feeling, AT makes a better ride.

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I'm probably the only one that's going to choose forcefulness over airtime. Don't get me wrong, I like good airtime, but for me, strong g-forces seem to put the biggest smile on my face.

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I'm probably the only one that's going to choose forcefulness over airtime. Don't get me wrong, I like good airtime, but for me, strong g-forces seem to put the biggest smile on my face.


Count me in on this. I love airtime but a forceful ride is always a plus for me.

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Airtim is force, I seriously do not understand the distinction here at all.


What he meant is do people prefer negative G's or positive G's. Most people figured it out.


I personally prefer positive G's, although I enjoy some nice floater negative G's, too.

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Airtim is force, I seriously do not understand the distinction here at all.


What he meant is do people prefer negative G's or positive G's. Most people figured it out.


I personally prefer positive G's, although I enjoy some nice floater negative G's, too.


Maverick does not boast particularly high positive Gs beyond possibly the first few turns. It's "forcefulness" mainly comes from the force of the twists. I don't think most people know what the $*%& other people are talking about, and in any case if they do then it would be nice if people used the correct terminology. Most people would call El Toro a "forceful" coaster, and in that case it is negative gs they're talking about.

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I don't think its one or the other. Consider KFC's secret blend of herbs AND spices. If it was just herbs or just spices, would it be as enjoyable? The best coasters in the world have a great blend of positive and negative g forces plenty of directional shifts and sensory overload. The key to anything great is diversification! Use it in your investment portfolio and your coaster designs!

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I don't think its one or the other. Consider KFC's secret blend of herbs AND spices. If it was just herbs or just spices, would it be as enjoyable? The best coasters in the world have a great blend of positive and negative g forces plenty of directional shifts and sensory overload. The key to anything great is diversification! Use it in your investment portfolio and your coaster designs!


I agree with that. I also include setting and theming into the equation as to all the pieces needed to make a great coaster for me.

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To me it's like asking a food connoisseur if he prefers salty flavors or sweet flavors. Both are essential ingredients to an excellent culinary experience, what's the point in trying to isolate them? Even a ride like the Phoenix isn't just about airtime. When your riding in the backseat, and you reach the far end of one of the turnarounds just as the train has begun accelerating again and you get that huge kick of lateral Gs, man that makes the ride for me just as much as the airtime does. One compliments the other.

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