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New Wanda Parks in China.

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So i just spilt my Tea in my lap when i found this.


A while back i found a document detailing Wandas planned coasters for their new parks. One of them for the Hefei park seen above seemed a little strange and the translation came out as this


Wanda is located in Hefei City, flip coaster theme park, we used two cars relative sliding, giving passengers the illusion of the two vehicles collided. The highest car segment by segment orbit flip flip flip body 90 °, vertical drop passengers are facing the ground. Features of the roller coaster is: two vehicles collided simulation, train tracks carrying flip 90 °, vertical drop.


I took this to mean dueling zac spins or similar. Anyway I waited to see what became of it.


Today i came across some new artwork for the new Wanda park in Hefei and it shows this...


Source: VHCoasters via Wanda


Correct me if I'm wrong but those are Tilt Coasters right?

Which looking back at that translation makes a lot more sense.


Make of it what you will but this could be massively interesting.

Edited by robbalvey
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I never hold my breath with concept art and/or China...but this would be AWESOME!!!


Now, I will fully retract that statement if this is a Chinese Knockoff Tilt Coaster!!! THAT IS A THOUGHT MADE OF NIGHTMARES!!!!

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I never hold my breath with concept art and/or China...but this would be AWESOME!!!


Now, I will fully retract that statement if this is a Chinese Knockoff Tilt Coaster!!! THAT IS A THOUGHT MADE OF NIGHTMARES!!!!


Agreed. Scary, Scary thought indeed.

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^Well, there are not many tilt coasters around so there's not much for them to copy

At least that's the theory...

Taiwan is too close to mainland


Nanchang's Wanda planned a CUSTOM SLC from Shibaolai with six inversions, I believe they are just looking for troubles. I'm thinking about track banking changes, loop removal, trim adding, layout modification, tunnel test fail, motor adding etc etc.

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I never hold my breath with concept art and/or China...but this would be AWESOME!!!


Now, I will fully retract that statement if this is a Chinese Knockoff Tilt Coaster!!! THAT IS A THOUGHT MADE OF NIGHTMARES!!!!


Agreed. Dueling Vekoma Tilt Coasters wound be cool. Chinese knock-off Tilt Coasters, well . . .

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I never hold my breath with concept art and/or China...but this would be AWESOME!!!


Now, I will fully retract that statement if this is a Chinese Knockoff Tilt Coaster!!! THAT IS A THOUGHT MADE OF NIGHTMARES!!!!

I normally don't refuse to ride any coaster, but I would absolutely refuse to ride a Chinese knockoff tilt coaster, that is absolutely terrifying! If these are indeed dueling Vekoma tilt coasters, then ZOMG!

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Is this tilting stuff gonna be the new rage? I'm not saying it's bad, I'm just wondering what's coming.



I hope so because there are not many around and I really look forward to this. Although the others are made by vekoma and they no longer offer it anymore.

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I never hold my breath with concept art and/or China...but this would be AWESOME!!!


Now, I will fully retract that statement if this is a Chinese Knockoff Tilt Coaster!!! THAT IS A THOUGHT MADE OF NIGHTMARES!!!!

I normally don't refuse to ride any coaster, but I would absolutely refuse to ride a Chinese knockoff tilt coaster, that is absolutely terrifying! If these are indeed dueling Vekoma tilt coasters, then ZOMG!


It's a rare time when enthusiasts REALLY hope it's a Vekoma!

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It's a rare time when enthusiasts REALLY hope it's a Vekoma!

That would have been true a few years ago but now it's become commonplace for Chinese parks to construct homegrown suspended looping coasters.

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Wandas latest updates include this image (and google translated snippit) If you look really closely at the image you can see the GCI logo on the video on that projector... no idea whats going on with the actual ride pictured though.


Read into it what you will as always with China.



May 5, a world-renowned manufacturer of wooden roller coaster GCI Company Culture Travel Planning Institute Wanda visit, the two sides Wanda theme park amusement equipment innovation a strategic cooperation agreement, GCI will conduct in-depth cooperation with Wanda group, in close connection with Wanda Theme Parks the location of the cultural elements of the preliminary design and play equipment pre-visualization design.


GCI company representatives introduced the preliminary program for the wooden roller coaster theme park in Guangzhou, the program is the world's first, with multiple innovations. Wanda amusement equipment and GCL participants to discuss the technical feasibility of the company, the development plan, budget, and core operating parameters of innovative solutions. GCI is the world's leading designer and manufacturer of roller coasters, headquartered in the United States, the company designed and built over a number of world-famous wooden roller coaster project. Innovation is a main wanda work in 2014, the wanda group has gradually reached a strategic cooperation agreement with a number of innovative world-famous amusement equipment design and manufacturing company, the two sides will carry out innovative work in-depth cooperation.

Source: http://www.wanda-cti.com/2014/latest_0513/733.html


Doesn't sound final and as of yet there's no announced park for Guangzhou so sounds like its one in the pipeline. Wanda do currently have 3 open shopping malls in the province with another 6 under construction (which is insane in itself) so they have plenty of work going on there.

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^Ok that lift structure looks incredibly weird. It looks like it has normal steel supports up to a certain point and from there to the actual track is a normal wodden structure. Hmmmm... interesting

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