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I don't 'get' TTD or Kingda Ka

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For example, with Xcelerator, the launch & top hat are really the thrill with the curvy bits being some extra fun. I'd still ride it just as much if the same launch and same top hat ended with in the brake run and no curves. The curvy bits are fun, but it'd still be a really fun ride without them.


This is exactly how I feel. Sure, Xclerator's overbanks make it look like there's more going on there...but the ride is essentially over after the top hat. No one gets off that coaster and says, "That was so much fun! I loved the turns."


Now if the world's largest loop had followed...that may have been a different story.


I disagree and much prefer Xcelerator to Kingda Ka, Stealth, and other "wham-bam-thank-you-mam" launch coasters (of which TTD is the best of the bunch). I'll wait to ride Xcelerator; I will not wait for Kingda Ka.


But to each his or her own.

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I do enjoy the two accelerators that I've been on, Kingda Ka and Xcelerator, and I don't mind the short length anyways since they are both great rides. At least they are much longer and much more intense than drop towers.


I'd rather have short coasters that are great than longer coasters that are OK.

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Was that, at one point, actually being considered for TTD?

That was just fan art.


The first time I saw it was on Absolutely Reliable News and Rumors. Did they come up with it or did they just share someone else's photo on their website? Either way I laughed when I saw that that picture was still floating around.

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The funny thing is that when I did a Google search for that fan art of Top Thrill Dragster, the image that came up was one that was posted here. Go ahead and open the image in a new tab, it has a Theme Park Review URL.

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I disagree and much prefer Xcelerator to Kingda Ka, Stealth, and other "wham-bam-thank-you-mam" launch coasters (of which TTD is the best of the bunch). I'll wait to ride Xcelerator; I will not wait for Kingda Ka.


But to each his or her own.


Yeah having the extra track is nice, but I don't think it really adds too much to the ride and is very obviously an afterthought.


I'd prefer these rides to have epic courses to run after the top hat but I don't get too annoyed that they don't. It's not like the parks are hiding behind anything or pretending that the coasters do more than they do.


While we're talking about these I may as well put it out there - am I the only person that can't stand Kingda Ka past about row 2? I think it's make even wore by the fact that TTD is completely rideable (and re-ridable!) in all seats. I just have painful memories of getting shaken the crap out of on Kingda Ka!!

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While we're talking about these I may as well put it out there - am I the only person that can't stand Kingda Ka past about row 2? I think it's make even wore by the fact that TTD is completely rideable (and re-ridable!) in all seats. I just have painful memories of getting shaken the crap out of on Kingda Ka!!


I totally agree with you, I find TTD a much better ride, the lap bars are a bonus while I found the rattle on Kingda Ka to be a bit much.

I also prefer the launch of TTD to Kingda Ka, Kingda Ka has that weird stepping acceleration, while TTD is just a straight out launch.

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^^I remember the first time I rode kingda Ka (2 years ago) I took two rides on row 3 and I thought it was a bit rough. However, this year, even after having ridden the front 4 times I took my final two rides in the middle and it was ok, not great but fine.

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While we're talking about these I may as well put it out there - am I the only person that can't stand Kingda Ka past about row 2? I think it's make even wore by the fact that TTD is completely rideable (and re-ridable!) in all seats. I just have painful memories of getting shaken the crap out of on Kingda Ka!!


I really only ride either coaster in the front. For some reason I'm always underwhelmed by them in other seats but in the front they're outstanding rides.

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I also prefer TTD to Kingda Ka... I have been on KK a few times years apart and it was always rougher than TTD...The launch felt "awkward" and not as powerful as well... By awkward, I mean a gear-changing sensation... Like it would pulse faster and faster down the launch. Dragster is very fluid and smooth. Dragster also has lapbars, better view and higher capacity (in my experience).

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By awkward, I mean a gear-changing sensation... Like it would pulse faster and faster down the launch.

Yeah I do remember that feeling: I thought the launch was over but there was one more burst of power which, actually, was when we hit the speed that makes your face flap (I think it must be around 120 mph as on TTD it wasn't very clear). However, I also remember KK launch being more forceful than TTD and I rode then within a 4 day period.

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TTD is also better to me than Kingda Ka. It's a lot smoother in any seat that you sit in making it a fun ride experience. I was underwhelmed with Kingda Ka.


To answer the original topic, though, I understand these are strictly for the intense launch and initial adrenaline rush. They do deliver on that but have never made it in the top 10 of my coaster lists because personally I want more than just a big shot of adrenaline.

Edited by arby
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I agree about cost being the main reason for the way TTD and KK stand today. In those cases, the parks got what they wanted within their budget so it’s got to be a balance between realistic goals and cost.


I love both Storm Runner and TTD exactly the same for different reasons. TTD is what, 10 years old now? After visiting again this past summer, the excitement, smiles, laughter and anxiety from everyone in line or getting off the ride was as infectious as it was in its second year, from what I remember. Add a fantastic ride crew and it’s still one of, if not the most popular rides at the park.


With TTD and KK, it’s all about the wait/ anticipation from the time you are watching trains launch and then waiting for your train to launch. To me, the ride starts when you’re next to go in the queue. Sure, this happens for Storm Runner and Xcelorator, but not to the same extent. That’s probably the main difference. The common element is for sure that these coasters make you want to re-ride them as opposed to being just re-ridable.

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They are the double espresso of coasters.


This is a great analogy! These two coasters have a big impact for their respective parks. Every time I've been on TTD and Kingda Ka, they've absolutely taken my breath away, and that's not something you can say about many coasters.


They also have a big impact visually - especially TTD placed in the middle of Cedar Point. It's amazing to me that they have a stage seating area for people just to watch the coaster - and those seats always seem to be occupied. Cedar Point made a great investment building the ride, and it's still paying off today.

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For example, with Xcelerator, the launch & top hat are really the thrill with the curvy bits being some extra fun. I'd still ride it just as much if the same launch and same top hat ended with in the brake run and no curves. The curvy bits are fun, but it'd still be a really fun ride without them.


This is exactly how I feel. Sure, Xclerator's overbanks make it look like there's more going on there...but the ride is essentially over after the top hat. No one gets off that coaster and says, "That was so much fun! I loved the turns."


Now if the world's largest loop had followed...that may have been a different story.


I agree, Daniel. The main thing I remember about Xcelerator was the crazy ejector air I got on the top hat...I didn't even really remember the curves until I started reading this topic. Same could be said for when I rode Hypersonic XLC.

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I will be the first to admit both are "one trick ponies". They also happen to be 2 of my favorite coasters! That launch is so insane I don't really mind there's nothing else after the top hat. Of course, if somehow both parks decided to add to the ride course I would have NO complaints!!


I agree that both are far better in the front row. I'm one of the few that prefers KK to TTD. TTD is MUCH closer for me to ride (4 hour drive vs 13), a way cooler theme since I'm a car guy, and the lap bars are WAY better than the OTSR's, but I think KK has a more powerful launch, you seem to stay at the top of the top hat longer, and the "bouns hill" is cooler than TTD's flat brake run.


I fully expected KK to have the launch in stages or bursts as some of you mentioned you felt. When I rode, it was the very first day it opened after the very significant downtime in 2009. They completely replaced the launch engine. From the rumors I heard (take them for what you will) the launch cable incident in 2005 actually caused pretty sever engine damage. When it opened back up, it did indeed have a burst launch where you would feel a few distinct power surges. In May 2009 it got struck by lightning and fried a whole bunch of electronics. During that extended downtime, they supposedly also replaced or refurbished the launch engine. When it re-opened in August 2009, it was launching just as hard as TTD (even harder, IMO), and it wasn't launching in a burst mode any more. The 2 days in 09 were the last time I rode, so it's entirely possible they launch it burst again, but when I rode, it was definitely 1 stage, and more powerful than TTD!

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What I don't understand is how Kingda Ka is so much more rough than Dragster. Of course Cedar Point has a top notch maintenance team (can't comment on Six Flags'), but if I'm not mistaken, Ka had a case of the shakes ever since it debuted. I also don't understand the (horrible) placement of the trim on the top hat...

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I'm in the camp that thinks KK/TTD are just fine how they are. They're short, but the experience is so intense and breath-taking, I don't really think anything else is necessary for me to feel totally satisfied by the experience. It's sort of like skydiving - if you think about it, you're paying $250 for a seven-minute experience, but that doesn't seem overpriced when you experience it and the experience is incredible and unlike anything else. That launch is INSANE, then the huge pop of airtime 450 feet in the air, followed by that crazy dive back to earth is plenty of excitement for me. Also, I haven't experienced the alleged rattle or roughness on KK.... I guess I haven't caught it on a bad day?

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For me, I really like TTD. Everything if full of exitement, I don't mind it being short. The point is to create the craziest 20 seconds in your life and draw GP to the park for the speed and height. I honestly didn't find any part of TTD is boring at all. It's way better than a huge over banked turn added after the giant tower to make you feel bored and decreasing the capacity.

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